TV Shows Thread

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by Hertzian56, Dec 24, 2023.

  1. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    I got into Bojack Horseman which starts off a little too Family Guy whiplash references in the first half of season 1 but it really gets better after that. It's very entertainment industry focused. The thing that is weird about this show is the animal-human hybrids who date and etc with normal humans. I'm thinking the meaning of this was to give the writers more options but also the occult idea of kindred spirits. Like how they take on the traits of certain animals, also in certain occult rituals everyone wears masks that resemble animal heads. It's very pagan pantheistic stuff. The show is a bit disturbing with scenes of implied sex between these walking on two feet animals and normal humans, which would be a weird form of bestiality. Even if this is just a cartoon it's still creepy.

    Of course everyone "big" in entertainment and more is a jewmasontranny, here the tranny part is the most relevant. It's possible and likely that these satanic cultists who are grown in artificial wombs, are crossed with animal dna in certain "batches". Like I've read Navy Seal killer zombies are crossed with fish or some other marine animal, totally possible.

    You can bet the underground labs they have all over the world have been crossing dna with animals and even multiple crosses to see what they get. The whole "aliens" invasion will unite humanity into a United World Order government is likely based on these dna hybrids being the "aliens" along with either real human made flying saucers or just huge holograms that look like "mother" ships over cities and such. This would be like the AC Clarke book "childhoods end" as a script. It's possible District 9 the movie is also sharing a few details of this plan the JMT mafia has. They pick and choose between prospects to see which would be the most plausible and have been seeding the "alien" thing for a long long time into society via their various media.
    Hertzian56, Mar 4, 2025
  2. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    I've been watching a few of the X-Files episodes as well. I don't plan on watching the whole series just a few of the top episodes from each season. Apparently there is a dichotomy to this series. There is the over arching "myth arc" having to do with a government coverup of it's contact and experimentation with aliens. It's the longer tied together story of this series. Then there is the "monster of the week" mostly standalone episodes.

    Most of this series is the MOTW and most of the best rated episodes are MOTW also which is nice if you don't want to care too much about the mytharc stuff. From what I've read the mytharc just peters out over the series and goes nowhere, easy to skip. I will say there are top rated episodes in the mytharc though like the end of season 2 Anasazi episode which was pretty good.

    So I grabbed s1, s2, s3 in total and the high rated s6 and the rest of the series just grabbed the top rated episodes by reddit and various websites. It's about 5 episodes per season so around 40-50 episodes which is manageable.
    Hertzian56, Mar 4, 2025
  3. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    The basis of the X files is to lampoon and make a clownery of the various unexplained things to then get them debunked as a laughinstock. This is the same strategy used IRL for a lot of things.

    The mytharc is a misdirection of the "aliens" from space thing. The jewmasontranny cult has had this story for a long time, some alien invasion threat would necessitate a One World Government to fight these aliens. The Heinlein book Starship Troopers has this premise, unspoken of course but they've explicitly said similar things. Ronald Reagan had a speech about this very thing, it's archived on the net. What these "aliens" would likely be if they choose this story to go with would be dna-hybrids made in their underground labs, not aliens from the non existent space. Space is one of satans great fantasies to draw people in. Space operas all they are.

    Then there's the aspect that the whole entertainment industry at the top end are jewmasontrannys. So therefore these actors and writers are trannies easily seen if you have the knowlegde of seeing it. The cult spews these stories for their own purposes, they've sold many of them like planes on 911, lusitania, pearl harbor, jfk and a lot more. These fantasies are "real" to most people because they saw some bad staged films and cgi stuff that "looks" real then the cult uses it's media and the rest to hypnotize the people.
    Hertzian56, Mar 4, 2025
  4. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    The X Files is like a modern version of the Twilight Zone just with a set of consistent actors that carry over into other episodes. The only one that did that in Twilight Zone was the narrator. The "mytharc" is just one big interrelated episode over several seasons, it could have been the whole series really, there's enough episodes there but then the moniker of "x fileS" wouldn't have made too much sense. Whereas the TZ is all monster of the week episodes that involve a lot more variable and fantastic stories.

    TXFs is just a modern version that fits into the jewmasontranny originated "conspiracies". Alternate explanations to events that may or may not be true or a mix of truth and inserted subterfuge. I liken this to where the Book of Apocalypse mentions "wars and rumors of wars" , likely the "wars" in that translation could be interpreted as conspiracies and around the time that the Jewmasontranny satanic cult took over totally in the USA, formally with the Federal Reserve in 1913 which was the impetus for funding the war profiteering and mongering of WWjew1.

    But the point is that about then we got a steady ramping up of specifically conspiracy type of media Vs. before when the major media had a good helping of skepticism about what the govs and "authorities" TOLD us what 'really happened'. This was wiped out over the course of the 20th century and the press was under FULL monopoly bankster control by mid century so we got the most egregious lies and coverups starting in the later half of the 20th century.

    To head this off and control the narrative the jewmasontranny cult produced an army of narrative control agents to use half truths and subterfuge mixed with some real truths FOR THEIR OWN PURPOSES of further muddying the waters and MISDIRECTION and neutralization of any REAL investigation and investigators. This is why these agents, usually well known and widely spread, should not be trusted for facts and also should be fully thought through who they were, are and where they came from. Usually a murky back story with ties to this or that jewmasontranny agency, family dynasty, or comes out of nowhere in remote places etc Sometimes they give them "bona fides" like fake persecution that looks real to gain the trust of those who follow them.
    Hertzian56, Mar 6, 2025 at 9:36 PM
  5. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    So TXFs is a form of this, it's a narrative control of a lot of things that are odd or who have those who question them and this is a proactive way to control the narrative and use it to further push certain priorities of the jewmasontranny cult. For example Eric Dubay came out of nowhere, has a murky background and basically usuruped the FE movement which actually was revived by Obama when he gave some code words about it in a speech. Dubay spreads satanism like Hinduism and such openly and FE is the apple that this devil extends to build trust and slip this paganism in.

    This was pre planned and the agents like Jeranism and others were already in place to build the movement. There IS real evidence of FE from over 100 year ago and this modern movement is the pseudo one by the JMT mafia to use for other reasons. Undermining the gov and their space programs(which are fake and a cover for mind control and more) and to unsettle certain parts of the populace. The JMT mafia wants a decentralized JWO technodystopian future where non members are heavily controlled overtly like the goycattle these satanists regard us as. Think EU type of body that's worldwide, unelected satanist perverts who decide what whole "regions" called countries can and can't do and how their energy-taxes are to be used.

    Another brief example in TV was a one season show spinoff of the XFs called "The Lone Gunman" whose pilot episode had planes going into the WTC, this was in March of 2001. Notice that it was used to reinforce the idea that real planes actually were used, which is false. CGI planes were used and explosions were timed and planted to make it LOOK like there were planes. There were no planes at the WTC site nor in any of the places, this was cgi and demolition work by the JMT mafia. It was a production. NARRATIVE CONTROL.
    Hertzian56, Mar 6, 2025 at 10:04 PM
  6. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    X=24, 42=6, from below, man was made on the sixth day, the antichrist's number is 666. The three crowns but the dark reflected version of them. Prophet, Priest, King. Antichrist is a spirit of many, the jewmasontrannys and their ignorant dupes and thralls who work for their satanic goals. Sure they'll put up some "leader" that will play the role of a single person as antichrist but really it's a group, cult thing as a whole. Criminals in both spirit and deed. The longest running ones are the Talmudicks-Kabbalist scum. They are the purest form of satan on earth, directing others and controlling them in various ways to aid their cause of pride, arrogance, perversion and more.

    So TXFs is just one more on the large pile of these strategies for control.
    Hertzian56, Mar 6, 2025 at 10:12 PM
  7. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    The new animated show Common Side Effects is another example of narrative control. This show is about big pharma going after some hippy who happened onto a mushroom that heals the worst thing ailing you at the time of taking it. It gets this from growing in areas where medical waste is dumped in the soil, ironically.

    This show coops the idea that big pharma has the pull to get gov agencies to do its bidding, which is true really. There is a long revolving door in govs with megacorps, it's standard procedure for a looong time. So here the DEA is tasked by surveilling and apprehending Marshal. A lot of the scenes are big pharma contractors out there to kill marshall and get the mushrooms. It's all matter of fact and with no hesitation that this just goes on, murder, surveillance, and more for the sake of big pharmas drug empire.

    The problem is that it lampoons this and makes clownery of it to then discredit it with many people as something from hollywood that's pure fantasy. This is false of course. But then they add in the idea that there's a panacea from a natural plant, an old trope. There is none just the sick circle of industrial for big profits food making us sick then the same people selling us the solution. Using some pure fantasy of this then proceeds to discredit the real conspiracy going on of questionable drugs pushed onto people for billions, doctors being little more then middlemen for drugs, and the farming of humans as mentioned above.

    So this is a subterfuge to discredit all nefarious things by showing over the top fake nefarious things. The jewmasontranny cult are masters at manipulating humans, they also get a lot of help from the devil and his associates by doing rituals and the sick things that entails etc
    Hertzian56, Mar 7, 2025 at 12:46 AM
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