Ubuntu-10.04-netbook Installation Successful but i cant boot

Discussion in 'Linux' started by rodney_rooney, May 18, 2010.

  1. rodney_rooney


    May 18, 2010
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    Hi there i need help, i installed ubuntu 10.04 but i still have problems because most of the times my Aspire one Mini wont load. I have Xp installed which has no issues. What could be the problem?
    rodney_rooney, May 18, 2010
  2. rodney_rooney


    Apr 9, 2010
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    Re: Ubuntu-10.04-netbook Installation Successful but i cant

    Would you be able to give some more details?
    It would help to know any of the following:
    1. Model of Aspire One (eg AOA 150 (zg5), AOD 250, 532h, 7xx...)
    The Aspire Ones have quite a range of hardware.
    If it's the 11 inch, I'd expect graphics issues, from the GMA 500.
    2. Graphics card that Xp reports.
    3. Any error mesages you see.

    I suspect you're seeing the "black screen" issue which occurs when the graphics driver doesn't work right.
    If so, it might be possible to work around it in the boot parameters (try editing boot options when you start up, select the line starting "linux /boot/vmlinuz....", edit, go to the end, and add the options " nomodeset xforcevesa", if I'm remembering right, press enter, and boot)
    (You might be better off in the "Ubuntu" subforum... or on ubuntuforums)
    Ibidem, Jun 2, 2010
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