Ubuntu 9.10 performance tweaks

Discussion in 'Linux' started by Ceno, Jan 29, 2010.

  1. Ceno


    Aug 12, 2008
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    Recently I've been using my AOA110 quite a lot and, as it's always the case with linux, I've been trying to improve performance to the maximum possible. I'm gonna say the things I've done, and I'd hope that I'm missing something and that someone out there knows some more tweaks.

    To overcome the 8GB SSD, I installed Ubuntu on a 16GB SD card on the left hand slot (which is a bit complicated but doable, although I couldn't make suspend work). The card cost 70€ but made the netbook very usable. I also added an extra gig of ram for 15€. Also makes a big difference.

    I use ext4, but I wasn't able to disable journaling. From what I understand, it's quite the task. Anyone knows if it's worth it?

    On /etc/sysctl.conf I added at the end
    vm.dirty_ratio = 40
    vm.dirty_background_ratio = 1
    vm.dirty_writeback_centisecs = 30000
    These are not optimal values in anyway, but I found them do work nice. Are there any optimal values at all? I think that linpus manipulates these variables as well but honestly don't remember where I saw it.

    On the kernel variable side, I used in /etc/default/grub
    GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash pciehp.pciehp_force=1 elevator=deadline enable_mtrr_cleanup"
    I used elevator=noop, it's the standard recommendation, but I saw a guy recommending deadline. I've been trying it... the difference is very subtle, but I think it works better actualy.
    The enable_mtrr_cleanup I'm unsure.
    Prior to enabling, I had this
    prior cleanup
    ceno@ceno-netbook-ubuntu:~$ cat /proc/mtrr
    reg00: base=0x0fffe0000 ( 4095MB), size=  128KB, count=1: write-protect
    reg01: base=0x0fffc0000 ( 4095MB), size=  128KB, count=1: uncachable
    reg02: base=0x000000000 (    0MB), size= 1024MB, count=1: write-back
    reg03: base=0x040000000 ( 1024MB), size=  512MB, count=1: write-back
    reg04: base=0x05f800000 ( 1528MB), size=    8MB, count=1: uncachable
    reg05: base=0x05f600000 ( 1526MB), size=    2MB, count=1: uncachable
    reg06: base=0x05f500000 ( 1525MB), size=    1MB, count=1: uncachable
    reg07: base=0x000000000 (    0MB), size=  128KB, count=1: uncachable
    after cleanup
    ceno@ceno-netbook-ubuntu:~$ cat /proc/mtrr 
    reg00: base=0x000000000 (    0MB), size= 1024MB, count=1: write-back
    reg01: base=0x040000000 ( 1024MB), size=  512MB, count=1: write-back
    reg02: base=0x05f500000 ( 1525MB), size=    1MB, count=1: uncachable
    reg03: base=0x05f600000 ( 1526MB), size=    2MB, count=1: uncachable
    reg04: base=0x05f800000 ( 1528MB), size=    8MB, count=1: uncachable
    reg05: base=0x060000000 ( 1536MB), size=  256MB, count=1: write-combining
    So there is a difference, but I've been finding it difficult to notice.

    Last thing I did was mount /tmp as a tmpfs on ram and pointed the firefox cache to /tmp, and I also mounted the chromium cache directory as a tmpfs. These are not the top of the top of performance gain, but it's very noticable and very easy to do. So my /etc/fstab looks like this at the end
    tmpfolder /tmp tmpfs defaults,noatime,mode=1777 0 0
    chromiumcache /home/ceno/.cache/chromium tmpfs defaults,noatime,mode=1777 0 0
    With compiz activated, I can see 480p youtube videos fullscreen (720p no way), south park episodes on southparkstudios.com and shows on adulswim.co.uk also fullscreen.
    I didn't test actual performance video with say a .mkv.

    Am I missing something? I read a guy somewhere on the internet claiming his karmic performance issues were solved with disabling hyperthreading. I tried adding noht to the kernel parameters in grub, but the kernel still recognized 2 cpus. I'd like to give it a shot, even if it's really counter intuitive. Anyone know how to do this?
    Ceno, Jan 29, 2010
  2. Ceno


    Aug 21, 2008
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    Minnesota, USA
    To disable journaling (WARNING! I have not tried this and make no guarantees that it will not totally trash your system):
    tune2fs -O ^has_journal /dev/sda1
    RockDoctor, Feb 11, 2010
  3. Ceno


    Aug 14, 2008
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    hello I just turned journalling off on my a110L runing 9.10 w/ Ext4

    WHAT AN IMPROVEMENT in terms of responsiveness... seriously night / day

    the command I used is

    sudo tune2fs -o journal_data_writeback /dev/sda1
    atarione, Feb 21, 2010
  4. Ceno


    Aug 12, 2008
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    Since I had no replies in a while I kinda forgot about this. I had no idea it was so simple to disable journaling, I'll give it a try asap, I really wanna see if the "seriously night/day effect" is really true.
    Ceno, Feb 23, 2010
  5. Ceno


    Aug 12, 2008
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    well, I must say, I tried, barely noticed any difference really. Also added extra mount options on my ext4 partition on fstab: noload,barrier=0. Also, not much happening. But performance is generally pretty decent, overall.
    Ceno, Feb 27, 2010
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