Ubuntu Remix- Start page has slowed down

Discussion in 'Linux' started by pelaopino, Aug 25, 2009.

  1. pelaopino


    Aug 25, 2009
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    Installed Ubuntu remix couple of weeks ago (used on my last laptop Ubuntu 9.04, that's why my choise to change it to Ubuntu Remix on this one) and has some issues from some days after installation on my AAO. Just wanted to check if anyone else has them so can give me a hand so I do not re-install again :(

    First: My start page -that in this distro would be the desktop- has slowed down: At the same start if a navigate through icons, they're not taking response as they used to be,...it would be like it has lack of RAM memory or something (as example). Apps runs ok,..and if I go to the start page again, the start page takes long to process my clicks (navigate thourg app menus,..refresh of screen after going to other apps menu, etc.) This is happenning since I did 2 things (don't remember exactly wich opne first) 1. I try to change the Favorites icon (hart) to other Icon on the Main menu app on the administrator/preference screen...I did changed, but the original favorite menu stayed, and add a new favorite menu.....and 2. Connected a external monitor (samsung) to work in 2 screens.

    Second: Skype has never worked alright (trying changing the options on skype, but need to know wich sound device configuration is the appropiate one,...I have been testing,..and the one that only works is though speakers and mic (not the idea,..wanted to switch when I want from speakers/incorporate mic to headset after plugin in --> skype recognize when the headset is plug in to work with it,...plus,..integrated mic has never worked for me here.

    Third: Webcam has never worked too (cheese closes down when I opened,..I suppose there's a crash after oppening),..teste in other app that uses webcam,...and does not recognizes (used skype too).

    Please help me with that so I can take this netbook to normal use,...and I really like this SO by now -guess is just user/configuration stuff-,..I can post here any console information if need (please add the command if its no coommon command).

    pelaopino, Aug 25, 2009
  2. pelaopino


    Aug 6, 2009
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    I personally found all the netbook spins, including UNR, were slow on my acer. I am not sure why, reported the bug, the UNR team seemed disinterested.

    Try xubuntu 9.04 =)
    bodhi.zazen, Aug 26, 2009
  3. pelaopino


    Aug 25, 2009
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    Thanks for the update bodhi.zazen,...was thinking on installing new OS, will have xubuntu 9.04 in my options (is that gnome or KDE base?...will google it anyway :p )..

    In anycasy got the webcam working for skype (sound config still a mess tho')..but Cheese still crashes... :cry:

    pelaopino, Aug 26, 2009
  4. pelaopino


    Aug 6, 2009
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    Xubuntu is XFCE (neither Gnome or KDE, but uses a lot of Gnome applications).
    bodhi.zazen, Aug 26, 2009
  5. pelaopino


    Nov 13, 2008
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    Its the updates that slow the system down. I loaded UNR on my AAO 110 in May and it was really quite fast. A few days later after running updates it was reduced to a crawl. I re-installed the system and the same thing happened again. I installed a third time using the the same build I downloaded in May and have never installed any updates. The system is still flying.
    jacktar, Aug 27, 2009
  6. pelaopino


    Aug 25, 2009
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    Thanks for the advice jacktar,...was thinking the same thing, that the running slow issue could be due to updates (did 3 installs same day,..'cause after each update after install had issues on it),...but guess not doing the updates would not be the best idea...anyone else has reported to UNR team with difference of having feedback from them???..or anyone has identify the upodate(s) that cause this??

    pelaopino, Aug 27, 2009
  7. pelaopino


    Aug 6, 2009
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    I advise you file a bug report. I am guessing you are talking about a large number of updates starting from a fresh install of 9.04. You shoul dprobably *try* to see if you can isolate the problem a bit more, ie , take a look at your system (top) and try to determine what is running slow. Stop unnecessary services, etc.

    Knowing which package (s) would help as well.

    Otherwise, unless they have your exact hard ware to play with, probably not a lot they (the developers) can do about the problem.
    bodhi.zazen, Aug 28, 2009
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