The ugliest netbook award probably - no definitely - goes to the 8.9" NEC LaVie Light [url=""] ... -hands-on/[/url] NEC soldiered on though, upgraded the screen to 10.1 inches and added pink, white and baby blue models. [URL][/URL] check out the extended photos here: [url=""] ... index.html[/url] a full review comparing the new model with the Eee PC 1000H-X here: [URL][/URL] a short review with some photos [url=""] ... ws048.html[/url] this one actually shows the guts of it, looks pretty easy to pop the bottom off and access the hard drive and memory for upgrades: [url=""] ... jyo011.htm[/url] I post this because although I own a AAO myself, I decided to buy the LaVie Light for work. Wanted a 10 inch screen, didn't care much for the new Aspire One, and - I admit it - kinda dig the crazy DS Lite / retro brick styling of this netbook.