[UK] 6600mAh - UM08A73 battery for AA1 - In Stock@superet...

Discussion in 'Accessories' started by melhiore, Oct 3, 2008.

  1. melhiore

    Jules Tohpipi

    Feb 22, 2009
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    Hi linker3000,

    I'm trying to decide whether to go with your suggestion or to get a dedicated battery.

    The big question is though, what runtime do you get from the U2O battery ?

    I read an unconfirmed rumour on the internet that although the U2O claims 13200mAh, this is when measured at only 3.7V output. Meaning that when operating at the AA1's voltage of 11.1V, its actual capacity is 4400mAH. So only double the capacity of the standard battery.

    As I say, the above claim regarding the 13200mAh rating being measured at 3.7V is unconfirmed. So I'd like to hear how long you're getting from the battery - as overall I like the sound of the U2O, assuming it runs for a decent length of time.
    Jules Tohpipi, Feb 22, 2009
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