Unable to access recover - AO751h

Discussion in 'Acer Aspire One' started by Ozma, Dec 7, 2010.

  1. Ozma


    Dec 7, 2010
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    Hi all,
    I've seen a few topics on this issue around, but none of them seem to be useful :S Here's the problem: I installed Ubuntu, erasing the Win XP partition. The recovery partition is still there, I can see it if I start my pc with a live cd. After seeing Ubuntu is just too slow for my pc, I want to go back to XP. For that, I need to bring it to its factory settings.
    I know that to access the recovery menu I gotta press Alt + F10 on the logo screen, after enabling this D2D partition in the BIOS. I did that and nothing happens when I press Alt + F10. I tried with F11 alone too. Again, nothing happens.

    I've been trying a million things to make it work, and I'm quite desperate at this point. I really need help :( Any advice?

    Thanks in advance.
    Ozma, Dec 7, 2010
  2. Ozma


    Dec 7, 2010
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    No body? C'mon, im sure a lot of people had this problem too :(
    Ozma, Dec 8, 2010
  3. Ozma


    Sep 20, 2010
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    When you installed Ubuntu you also installed Grub... which overwrote the MBR. Acer puts 'special' nonstandard code there to enable the Alt-F10 D2D stuff.

    Discussion of a 'fix' here - viewtopic.php?f=87&t=21323 The ezine article linked to should help you... third case. My own used 751 had the recovery partition deleted when I bought it, I've spent $20US to get the recovery DVDs from Acer, though I doubt I'll ever use them.
    doodaa, Dec 13, 2010
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