Unable to restore XP on 16GB SSD Help Please

Discussion in 'Windows' started by pepeillo, Jan 28, 2011.

  1. pepeillo


    Jan 28, 2011
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    Aspire One ZG5, ( second hand).

    16GB SSD Win XP SP3 version,

    Someone apparently tried to restore the system, and something went wrong and now there is no OS on the machine.

    -I have deterrmined that the keyboard is faulty,some keys are shorted, all else inside seems fine, I have cleaned the guts, fan etc.

    -Due to that, I'm using an external USB Keyboard at the moment (with good results), along with it's own touch pad.

    I've tried restoring using the recovery disk that came with it, using my trusty external DVD RW drive connected via USB.

    This starts off OK, unpacks the kernel, but then it gets stuck when it reaches the welcome screen with the option of clicking on next or exit.

    I have read elsewhere that others have had the same problem but managed to run even Linux versions but could not perform the Original System Restore, as me.

    I might be wrong but suspect something might be wrong with the SSD drive's format now? corrupted?

    I really would like to get this netbook installed with the original XP OS

    Could anyone help?

    Thanks in advance.
    pepeillo, Jan 28, 2011
  2. pepeillo


    Jan 28, 2011
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    After disabling LAN boot (pain in the..) in BIOS I managed to use Gparted live CD, it showed me the SSD as file sytem damaged..so I formated to NTFS (chose this as the OS on it will be be Win XP)

    Still the recovery System Recovery disk one just shows at the end..two options, one is greyed out and this is the one to continue and insert the second disk with WinXP on it etc.

    the other option is ..EXIT

    I'm stuck still, I can see my 16SSD drive there but why does this Acer Recovery system won't work?

    pepeillo, Jan 28, 2011
  3. pepeillo

    Swarvey Moderator

    Dec 3, 2009
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    At a guess, I'd say it's something to do with the 16Gb SSD drive. As far as I'm aware they only came with an 8Gb SSD drive. The recovery program might only go ahead if the partitions are the correct size. But that could go down to the byte-level. Maybe someone else with a still-factory 8Gb SSD could dig out the numbers so you can repartition the SSD and see if the recovery program goes ahead.

    Otherwise you might find it quicker, easier and less painful to just grab a Windows XP disk and install XP manually. The drivers and apps are available on the Acer website.
    Swarvey, Jan 28, 2011
  4. pepeillo


    Jan 28, 2011
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    Thanks for that :)

    It seems nothing is wrong with the SSD, Gparted was quite happy to deal with it, and I'm glad it did..I really like Gparted live CD.

    The AOA 110-Bp or ZG5 does come with a 16GB SSD. And 1GB DDR2 RAM (double than the prev version with Linux)

    Well, things are getting better, I'm stalling XP from a CD as I type ...and so far so good, taking ages though..never mind as long as it works..
    Got the drivers ready too, I plan to burn an image as a means of a quicker system recovery means.

    My daughter is gonna be happy, this One is pink :)

    just needs a new keyboard and if XP works now..happy days
    pepeillo, Jan 29, 2011
  5. pepeillo


    Jan 28, 2011
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    You might be right there... on that.. the recovery disk won't work... if the SSD drive's size (or partitions) are no longer as per factory, as I believe these come with a "ghost" recovery partition that no longer existed on my SSD...just a thought.
    pepeillo, Jan 29, 2011
  6. pepeillo


    Jan 28, 2011
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    Ok, Win XP pro went in fine, seems quite happy, loaded VGA and Chipset drivers, tweaked XP a bit etc..bed time,..more tomorrow.
    pepeillo, Jan 29, 2011
  7. pepeillo

    Swarvey Moderator

    Dec 3, 2009
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    Make sure you install FlashFire to enhance your SSD's speed, it might also pay to disable the Windows page file.
    Swarvey, Jan 29, 2011
  8. pepeillo


    Jan 28, 2011
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    I did! thank you, boy what a speed increase, now we're talking!! :D
    Flashed the BIOS too, disabled file page, put SP3, is ready for making an image now, don't wanna loose all this work, or having to do it all again.
    For a netbook this thing is soo fast adding FlashFire!

    pepeillo, Jan 31, 2011
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