Unique / Semi Unique Wifi Problem (I think ?)

Discussion in 'Networking' started by alexMobile, Nov 16, 2008.

  1. alexMobile


    Nov 15, 2008
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    Still new to the forums here, but ive done some searches and not found anything quite like this.

    I have the 160gb XP model, recently updated the wireless driver to the newest one available 260 i think, but i have some issues with connecting.. at public hotspots i rarely have issues, very reliable. however when i have my acer on my desk near my desktop, it refuses to connect despite good or even excellent strength signal. im sitting a few feet away on my bed and its been working great. I am about to download the atheros client utility, but should I? as it stands the only issue is when im at my desk (which is annoying but redundant of me). Im assuming its some kind of interference issue. only thing is, the desktop is a wired net connection (it had connection problems when i used to try it wireless too). maybe that region of my room is cursed.. ?
    alexMobile, Nov 16, 2008
  2. alexMobile


    Nov 7, 2008
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    What does the Atheros buy us? I downloaded and it works, but can I get other info from this utility? How do I use it?
    robandjeanne, Nov 19, 2008
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