UNR Problem Writing to SD card

Discussion in 'Linux' started by evilsquirel117, Jul 20, 2009.

  1. evilsquirel117


    Jul 20, 2009
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    I recently decided to switch to Ubuntu for my AA1 and didnt have a USB flash drive that was over a gig, so i used an SD card that is compatable with the ports on the sides. I followed the instructions on the website for ubuntu, and when i wrote the .img to the SD card it said it worked. When i restarted my aspire one, it showed up as "Install Ubuntu Netbook Remix" in drive D, but it doesnt start an install or anything. I opened it up and it showed all the files, but when i clicked on the "wubi" file which is supposed to start the installation, it didnt do anything. it also doesnt start anything when restarted, and the sd card doesnt show up as a drive to be booted when the computer restarts. Any help would be great, and I'm fairly new to ubuntu, so im not to good with this. Thanks in advance!
    evilsquirel117, Jul 20, 2009
  2. evilsquirel117


    Jun 2, 2009
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    Since you are talking about an Ubuntu img file, I'm guessing you are talking about the Ubuntu Netbook Remix version, since that is the only current deriative of Ubuntu, that is available as an img file, and not as iso files.

    Wubi is an windows executable that can be used to install Ubuntu so it can run from Windows. It does that by making a filesystem file and install Ubuntu in that filesystem file, then use something similar to syslinux, to boot up Ubuntu from a Windows environment. I don't think thats what you intended.

    Ubuntu doesn't need a USB flash drive that is larger than 1 GB. The Acer Aspire One Linpus recovery DVD does.

    Since the AAO A series (8.9" screen size) can't boot from an inserted SD card, only from USB devices and the internal harddisk/SSD, you should write the Ubuntu UNR image to a 1 GB or larger USB flashdrive, then boot from that in order to install Ubuntu.

    If you have an AAO D series (10.1" screen size), you can boot from an inserted SD card. In that case you should insert the SD card which you wrote the Ubuntu img file to, and then use F12 during boot of the AAO, to select the SD card as the startup device.
    DutchDK, Jul 20, 2009
  3. evilsquirel117


    Jul 20, 2009
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    Thankyou for your help! I have the 8.9" Aspire One, so I'll just have to go out and buy a larger USB Flashdrive, and it should work when it is first on the boot menu. Thanks again!
    evilsquirel117, Jul 20, 2009
  4. evilsquirel117


    Jun 2, 2009
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    If you have a 1 GB flashdrive, you can use that. No need for anything larger, when you are talking Ubuntu. It is only necessary with a 2 GB or larger drive, if you want to make a Linpus USB install device, from the AAO Recovery DVD.

    You do not need to change the boot order in the bios. Just press F12 as soon as you see the normal Bios boot screen, then select the USB device from the boot menu.
    DutchDK, Jul 20, 2009
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