UNR / XP dual-boot, GRUB update wipes XP

Discussion in 'Linux' started by CmdrMercutio, Mar 1, 2010.

  1. CmdrMercutio


    Feb 13, 2010
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    Has anyone else had this issue? After a dual-boot install of XP first in the first partition and 9.10 UNR in the remainder of the drive, the Update manager offers updates for Grub and grub-pc. accepting the update and installing it brings up a request to confirm that you want the update to change GRUB configuration..

    saying yes leaves the system only able to boot into Ubuntu
    I've done this twice now, both times accepting the GRUB update left the system hanging on a black screen with a blinking cursor when XP was selected to boot.

    Needless to say on my third reinstall I've deselected that particular update

    hardware is a stock ZG5 9-inch Aspire one with 1gb RAM and 160gb HDD, manufactured Sep 2008
    CmdrMercutio, Mar 1, 2010
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