Update hanging on the install stage

Discussion in 'Linux' started by hoki_goujons, Jan 9, 2010.

  1. hoki_goujons


    Aug 15, 2009
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    I've just reinstalled Linpus on my AAO after a few months on Ubuntu. I tried to run the update and it failed a few times. I managed to get it going by using the instructions from Macles (http://macles.blogspot.com/2009/01/live ... blems.html).

    Now it'll download all the updates (into a clean /var/cache/online_updater folder), but when it comes to install, the updater app just hangs on the first update (Keyboard layout settings 180045). When I run the updater from the terminal, I can see that it's hanging on :

    runing sh /var/cache/online-updater/xkb_setting080816.sh
    Verifying archive integrity... All good.
    Uncompressing update xkb_settings.........
    Preparing... ############## ( 33%)

    I've left it for hours and it never gets any further.

    If I try running the files by hand with 'sudo sh foo.sh' it does the same - hangs on the 'Preparing' line, but without the progress counter.

    Any ideas?
    hoki_goujons, Jan 9, 2010
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