Updating Bios

Discussion in 'Acer Aspire One' started by funkyshaker, Oct 10, 2008.

  1. funkyshaker


    Sep 17, 2008
    Likes Received:
    Hi all,

    Before asking my question I have searched high and low for an answer but can't find one anywhere. I am normally pretty good at working things out for myself but am stuck and need your help!

    I have a Acer One XP version and I would love to update its Bios. Can someone please help me out on where I might be able to find detailed instructions on how to do this? It's driving me mad as it can't be that hard to do - surely.

    Thanks in advance and "Hi" from a new user. Love my Acer to bits!

    funkyshaker, Oct 10, 2008
  2. funkyshaker

    Guest Guest

    Flashing on the AAO is not as easy as most computers these days. It's not that hard, but not a simple click, done.

    Instructions:here and here

    Oh, be sure and read the entire first link (especially the line "In Windows..." before posting back saying that those instructions are only for Linux... (I've posted that link before and had people just glance at it, see all the Linux command line stuff and stop reading...)
    Guest, Oct 10, 2008
  3. funkyshaker


    Sep 17, 2008
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    Thank you so much.

    funkyshaker, Oct 10, 2008
  4. funkyshaker


    Sep 29, 2008
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    Just wondering whats the advantage to updating BIOS anyhow? I have just started a thread(differences in connectivity between aspire ones),and someone suggested this may help to improve wireless signals.
    steveK, Oct 10, 2008
  5. funkyshaker


    Sep 3, 2008
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    Bolton, Lancashire, UK
    New BIOS is always improving performance of whole system. That's the reason of issuing new BIOS versions. In case of AA1 there was a lot of problems and newest BIOS can solve lot of small things...
    melhiore, Oct 10, 2008
  6. funkyshaker


    Sep 29, 2008
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    Thanks melhiore I will try it later today when I have my usb stick,and I will post about any positive changes in my situation.
    steveK, Oct 10, 2008
  7. funkyshaker


    Oct 3, 2008
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    There is a release note text file with the bios zip file listing all the updates, you can check your current bios version at bootup with f2 (it might even flash on screen as normal booting, I'm not sure) my ONE bought last week (3rd October) came with 3104 - I used the Macles instructions to update to 3304 this evening, and it went perfectly and took about 5 minutes - I saved the old bios first using flashit ORIG.FD /g so I have the old bios image ready in case I wanted to swap back for any reason - I'd suggest everyone does this also just for a fallback.

    Most of the changes seem to relate to faster bootup/shutdown, fan handling and fixing faults, but there are a couple of mentions of WLAN/LAN settings changes summary below.

    However from other replies to your other thread it seems more likely to me that the 6 cell battery either blocks WLAN less, or possibly actually conducts 2.4Ghz signals so acts like an aerial booster (wavelength of 2.4Ghz is approx 31mm I know from RC aircraft receivers, so if cells or some metal part of the 6 cell battery happen to be the right size this is very possible). So I think its pretty unlikely that updating BIOS will actually improve your WLAN reception - so if your nervous about running the bios update I wouldn't worry that you are missing much - unless you have other problems which are mentioned in BIOS update release notes.

    Date : 2008/06/28
    BIOS Version : v0.3109h
    2. Disable LAN ASPM

    Date : 2008/06/21
    BIOS Version : v0.3109
    2. Improve Lan transmission issue.

    Date : 2008/06/20
    BIOS Version : v0.3108
    1. Disable Internal LAN ASPM and set LPC c4 timing to 0x06.
    3. Set WLAN device ASPM L1 enable.
    2. Modify wirelress module default enable.

    Date : 2008/06/20
    BIOS Version : v0.3107x
    1. Disable break event of internal LAN.
    1. Set WLAN default to enable.
    jamesb72, Oct 10, 2008
  8. funkyshaker


    Sep 29, 2008
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    thanks for the detailed response James,this should help a lot. I cant wait to try my One with a 6 cell now at my storage locker where I have to be every day,and can only connect with an Ovation usb card,and even then the signal is just so so. I am not nervous about installing the new BIOS ,unless someone gives me a good reason why I should be. I definitely plan on uprgrading it later today. I wouldnt mind having faster boot ups since they arent so quick right now. Does BIOS affect the trackpad at all though? This is the other main issue I am having now .
    steveK, Oct 10, 2008
  9. funkyshaker


    Oct 3, 2008
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    I upgraded BIOS and it was very easy, and I saved the old BIOS image first, so I can revert easily if any probs.

    I have no problems with trackpad with 3304, but I didn't have any with 3104 either so doesn't mean much, I can't notice any significant speedup in boot either, it only takes about 15 seconds anyway, so not sure I would notice a second or two difference.

    Have you thought about buying a wifi repeater to boost signal in your locker (either mounted outside or in?), probably would cost about the same as the 6 cell pack, so not economic, but something to think about without modifying your One - also I've read people changing the wifi module in one to improve reception - again probably not cheap and probably fiddly but might be worth thinking about.

    Another thing to try which I haven't is if you run the One of AC power, can you remove the battery completely - does this affect wifi reception ?? If the battery shields the wifi receiver running without it might help - easy to try.
    jamesb72, Oct 11, 2008
  10. funkyshaker


    Sep 29, 2008
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    Thnaks James,I tried my One at my locker today,and reported some progress on my original thread about this. I will look into the wifi repeater,since this sounds like it may be the best solution for me.Is changing the wifi module something I could do easily? I tried it without the battery by the way but that didnt seem to help at all. I also tried upgrading BIOS yesterday with the link provided above,but didnt get it to load. Anyhow as you have pointed out I dont think it would have helped much with my issues anyhow. I think there would be much more activity on this thread if it made a great difference in software applications,which also has reduced my interest in it,not to mention the unknown risks of doing this.
    steveK, Oct 11, 2008
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