USB dongle

Discussion in 'Acer Aspire One' started by midwife, Oct 10, 2008.

  1. midwife


    Oct 10, 2008
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    Hi Peeps, I have a usb wireless modem from those nice people at 3 and the aspire 1 from those even nicer people at acer. What I lack is a way of getting the aspire to talk to the dongle. HELP please.
    midwife, Oct 10, 2008
  2. midwife


    Aug 28, 2008
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    Open terminal and using enter the following 'sudo wvdialconf' - this will create a wvdial.conf file for your modem.

    Open wvdial.conf in mousepad, again as sudo user and change the APN to

    Download and install Gnome-ppp from the package manager, start Gnome-ppp and go through the config process, the username and password are either 3uk or threeuk (try both)

    You should be able to connect, works with E220 and E160 as I have tried with both.
    westonpf, Oct 10, 2008
  3. midwife


    Oct 10, 2008
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    Hi Westonpf, hope you read this. Thank you VERY much for your help so far. :D

    I have downloaded Gnome ppp.

    In your first help you assumed that I knew what I was doing and when it comes to linux I'm a baby, completely new :oops: . Open terminal; how? Sudo? use what to enter commands?

    If you can help .......

    Would be ever so grateful.

    Thanks in advance!
    midwife, Oct 12, 2008
  4. midwife


    Aug 28, 2008
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    I suggest you enable advanced mode in Linpus (there are a lot of posts on the forum that explain how to do this)

    Once you have done that you can get the advanced menu by right clicking, on the new menu you will get terminal, click this to open terminal.

    in the terminal screen simply type sudo wvdialconf

    To edit as sudo type sudo mousepad then find and open wvdial.conf

    Sudo gives you superuser access rights so you can open/edit/save system files. Try to this without sudo and you will be told that a file is read only.

    If you do a quick search there are quite a few posts on this so if you have any problems there is plenty of help around.
    westonpf, Oct 12, 2008
  5. midwife


    Oct 10, 2008
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    Progress has been made and I feel a little lessscared of trying things.

    I found the terminal. As you said it was already there. I entered sudo etc however I got an error message, it wasn't detecting my usb dongle as a modem. I tried it in each of the 3 usb ports (I know, stoopid but I felt I had to try) and got the same message.

    The procedure works with the E160 but mine is the E169.

    Anybody got any thoughts?

    Thanks for all the help so far!
    midwife, Oct 12, 2008
  6. midwife


    Aug 28, 2008
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    The E160 mounts the built-in software as a CD, try ejecting this.

    In terminal type sudo lsusb to see if the modem has been found, you will see a list of USB devices and it should be easy to pick out the modem if it is being found.

    You could also try the vodafone app (do a search for download and install details) don't worry that it is listed as vodafone it will still work with 3 and use the 3 network (not voda).

    The voda app will only work if the modem is being detected by the system.
    westonpf, Oct 12, 2008
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