USB flash drive Linpus

Discussion in 'Linux' started by leebo, Nov 13, 2008.

  1. leebo


    Oct 6, 2008
    Likes Received:
    Now I realise I'm in the domain of being thoroughly flamed here but I feel I wanted to address something that I havent been able to get a clear answer to.

    Im running OS X on my modded AAO (1.5gb ram,30 gb toshiba HD & Dell 1390 wireless card) and with that choice there came a few drawbacks. Those of your who have stuck with Linpus know that the OS is a perfect fit for the machine and if someone (me) decides to put another OS on then Ive just got to accept any issues that arise from that. I do accept this and installed OSX knowing full well what Id be missing.

    Ill get to my question though. What Im hoping is possible is to be able to put the Linpus AAO on a USB stick and then when I want to use the SD ports etc I can just attach the USB Flash Drive and boot the machine up in Linpus and work from there.

    Now. Is this possible? If so are there any guides?

    Some of you may be sighing and raising your eyebrows at my annoying question and I honestly apologise for being that annoyance.

    Just so you dont think I havent looked into it I have spent the past few days searching differing areas of this site and of other comparative sites to try and get a feel for it. I obviously havent been succesful and that may be down to my inadequacy but the truth of it is that I am now stuck and am prevailing on you good people to bail me out.

    Just to add I have tried to use Parallels et al to do this but it was Kernel Panic city with each and everyone. Not surprising I suppose but I had to try.

    So thanks for reading and I hope you can help.
    leebo, Nov 13, 2008
  2. leebo


    Aug 21, 2008
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    Minnesota, USA
    I think Linpus on a bootable USB flash drive is an excellent idea (if you really want Linpus). I've got the 120GB HDD AA1, and I keep a copy of Linpus on it just in case I encounter severe hardware issues with one of my Fedora or Ubuntu installs (all of which let me use the SD card slots). I have a separate Boot partition on the 120GB HDD that I edit manually so that the various Linux installs keep their grubby (pun intended) paws off of it. Here's what I'd do if I were to try to create a bootable Linpus USB stick (I don't have a large USB stick, so I' not going to even try it):
    1. Boot from a live USB stick (I'd use Puppy Linux because I have it handy)
    2. Partition my big USB stick into a small (100MB) Boot partition and a larger Linpus partition.
    3. Format both partitions ext2
    3. Use Gparted to shrink the Linpus partition on my hard drive appropriately
    4. dd the Linpus install from the hard drive to the USB stick.
    5. Copy my Boot partition from my HDD to the USB stick's boot partition
    6. run grub-install to install grub onto the mbr of the USB stick
    Repeat the following until it works or total frustration sets in:
    7. Fix up grub.conf on the USB stick to point to the usb stick.
    8. Shutdown. Pull the Puppy USB stick out if it's still in. Power on.
    RockDoctor, Nov 14, 2008
  3. leebo


    Oct 6, 2008
    Likes Received:
    Thanks so much for that guide on getting a USB flash stick to run another OS.
    Ive ordered a stick and will report back once Ive got it up and running (or otherwise).

    may thanks again
    leebo, Nov 16, 2008
  4. leebo


    Aug 21, 2008
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    Minnesota, USA
    Now I just hope it works!
    RockDoctor, Nov 16, 2008
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