Using yum

Discussion in 'Linux' started by bolero, Feb 19, 2009.

  1. bolero


    Feb 19, 2009
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    Hi, I'm new to the Aspire (I just bought a 150L for "playing" as they are so cheap now) and would like to know about your update experience with the pre-installed Linpus Linux. I ran the Live Update and it worked just fine, but that pulled only some Acer-specific stuff. I then did a "yum update" and that fails because of some conflicts with the installed acer packages. scim-1.4.7-7.fc8 and scim-pinyin conflict with scim-aspire, gnome-menus conflicts with xfdesktop-acer. Is it advisable to ignore that and just force the installation or should I leave these three packages out? Or is it advisable to not yum update at all?
    I don't want to go to another distribution at the moment as I'm slightly familiar with Fedora (we use CentOS heavily in Business), so going to FC10 or Ubuntu is not an option at least for the time being.
    Thanks for any insight.
    bolero, Feb 19, 2009
  2. bolero


    Feb 16, 2009
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    Stop! I think that it's not advisable at all to do a yum update: it will erase all the linpus special tricks and gives you a fedora desktop at best (without the speedy boot, maybe without the webcam and the wifi). At worst you won't boot next time.
    It's quite safe to use live update, and to use yum to install desired packages. Till now I've been able to install all that I wanted without any problems. But don't update/upgrade with yum.

    TheTilde, Feb 20, 2009
  3. bolero


    Aug 21, 2008
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    Minnesota, USA
    For me, the flexibility of a real Fedora installation more than outweighs the few advantages offered by Linpus Lite. However, YMMV - use what works for you. Forcing yum to update your custom Linpus apps will wreak havoc with your OS; definitely not advised.
    I'm curious - given that you use CentOS, why not opt for Fedora? For that matter, why not just replace Linpus with CentOS? At least with CentOS, you'd have an OS that's going to continue to receive support.
    RockDoctor, Feb 20, 2009
  4. bolero


    Feb 19, 2009
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    Thank you both for the comment about refraining from updating. That was my fear and you confirmed it, so I will use yum for installing some software, but will not update.
    CentOS: I'm sure that CentOS doesn't support the Aspire One. Even if it boots and runs I sure will have problems with the wifi or other drivers.
    Fedora: well, what I eventually want to do is reduce the original Linpus to a small parittion and then add two other partitions, one for Fedora, one for Windows 7. At the moment I just want to play a bit with what is there, but it seems I'm forced to using Fedora, anyway. I changed inittab to not log me in automatically and since then I'm locked out because Linpus hangs when the X server starts. I guess this happens because the Linpus folks commented out the init 5 line (I was already wondering why they did that). So, to fix that I need to boot with something else anyway.
    Unfortunately, I'm having massive problems with getting a USB stick to boot. The first "self-made" with grml didn't work, probably because my CentOS I made it on has a syslinux that is too old. So I downloaded the Fedora usb-live-creator and the Fedora 10 xfce spin which according to the postings here works very nicely on the Aspire One and created a bootable USB stick on Windows.
    It doesn't boot from the left USB slot (I get a SYSLINUX Load Error Boot Error), is this normal? It boots from a USB slot on the right, but not very far. After a while it tells me "Cannot find root file system" and "Create symlink to /dev/root" which is quite mysterious. Googling tells me that might be a driver problem, but well, according to the posts here, there shouldn't be one. I'll look thru the various Fedora 10 threads here, if I find something, if not I'll make a new posting about this.
    bolero, Feb 21, 2009
  5. bolero


    Feb 19, 2009
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    Ok, I changed to another stick and that one works, somehow. I make a new posting.
    bolero, Feb 21, 2009
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