/usr/share/applications doesn't exist

Discussion in 'Acer Aspire One' started by Valktita, Sep 23, 2008.

  1. Valktita


    Sep 23, 2008
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    I got my AA1 today and it is the first time I have actually seen linux, so I have no experience what so ever, I've been reading this forum all day trying to find an answer to this question so I wouldn't bother anyone, but there was nothing.

    So somehow I managed to install Skype and activate the right click menu on the desktop, but now I have been trying for the past 2 hours to get the Skype icon to appear in the connect or connection group menu (my system is in Spanish so I'm not sure if that is the name of the group)

    I know that I have to edit using the Terminal, but first I have to find the icon in the /usr/pixmaps directory. In order to get there I click on My Documents, in the address bar I have "My Disc:///Documents" and in the left I have (vertically organized) "Documents (shaded)", "Music", "Images", "videos" and "downloads"... there is no "share", "applications" "pixmaps" or anything I have read should be there.

    I even tried changing to root in the terminal and launching it from there (as root) but I just get the same options.

    Finally I tried searching the word "pixmaps" (from the desktop search bar) it finds it, but when I click on it a window pops up with this message "The folder <pixmaps> cannot be opened... the file manager Nautilus is not being executed"...

    I couldn't find what this Nautilus thing is nor where to download it from...

    please help!! thanks
    Valktita, Sep 23, 2008
  2. Valktita


    Aug 25, 2008
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    daldred, Sep 23, 2008
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