Vista won't boot - Broadcom message

Discussion in 'Laptop Hardware' started by robsta76, Dec 19, 2009.

  1. robsta76


    Dec 19, 2009
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    Hi there,

    I'm trying to fix my cousins Acer Aspire notebook. She had virus's galore, so I reinstalled the operating system from the 2 dvd recovery discs.

    Now, the system won't load at all. I get a 'Broadcom' message advising it cannot connect to a network. I disabled the network boot option in BIOS, and now all I get when I power the system on is 'Please insert boot disk and press any key'.

    I was told to remove the HDD, clean it and place it back in, to no avail.
    I was then told to complete the recovery process again, which I've completed three times, to no avail.

    What I don't get is that the HDD is fine. I completed the recovery process by booting up with the recovery discs in the dvd drive. The recovery process completes fully without any issues. When it finishes, it advises that the system has been restored and will restart in 10 seconds... But when it does reboot, it asks to insert boot disk and press any key. There's no problem with that, otherwise it wouldn't complete the recovery process at all, especially fully without incident.

    So why isn't it booting the OS from the HDD? Why is it going to network boot, or asking me to insert a boot disk? How do I get the system to boot from the HDD, and get the system to load Vista?

    I've changed to boot order in BIOS, I've disabled the network boot option (changing this to last) and listing the HDD as 1st... Cleaned the HDD and reinserted it, and completed the recovery process from the recovery dvd's 3 times...

    Please HELP!!!

    Many thanks in advance... Rob.
    robsta76, Dec 19, 2009
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