Webcam lost after touch-screen mod

Discussion in 'Modding and Customization' started by loganfan, Apr 26, 2009.

  1. loganfan


    Apr 26, 2009
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    Hello all. I did the touch-screen mod using the Solderless Easy and Fun TouchKit from FidoHub on two Acer One’s. The touch-screens work fine on both computers, but I also lost the webcam on both. Trying the other USB output did not work either. Did anyone else experience this and find a solution. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.
    loganfan, Apr 26, 2009
  2. loganfan


    Apr 26, 2009
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    I bypassed the controller board and hooked the webcam to one of the external USB ports on the computer and the webcam was recognized and worked as normal. So either it’s the wiring or the controller board, but having the same problem on two computers is a stretch. I’m guessing/hoping it’s the USB driver for the controller board, but the CD only had software for the touch-screen. I e-mailed both FidoHub & EETI. Hopefully they can be of some help.

    Sorry for the rambling, but I’m posting seeking help from someone who experienced the same problem or to share my pain with those who did not find a solution yet.
    loganfan, Apr 26, 2009
  3. loganfan


    Apr 13, 2009
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    Hi, i don't have a touch screen yet, but i have read up a lot about this issue in other threads... its something to do with the voltage of the different usb's (5V versus 3.3V?)....i think to get the webcam working as well as the touch screen, there is some soldering involved?? Just search the forum with "touchscreen webcam" and you should find results
    neal22, Apr 29, 2009
  4. loganfan


    Apr 26, 2009
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    Update 2:

    Well we got one webcam working. It was a faulty cable. FidoHub sent out a replacement and everything works on the White Acer One.

    However, our Brown Acer One is still having issues. The camera will mount fine for a little while, then un-mount for no reason at all. If I unplug the camera for a while and replug, the camera will mount and again un-mount. Sometimes it’ll mount and Windows will tell me that it is an unknown device. The installation and cables are exactly the same as the white Acer.

    One thing I did notice while the webcam was mounted was that the white Acer has a Suyin webcam and the Brown one has a Sonix. I also noticed that the Sonix webcam has a screen that is half the size of the Suyin.

    neal22, thanks for the info. I read through the threads and none seem to be what I’m experiencing.

    Does anyone have any ideas?
    loganfan, May 10, 2009
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