Webcam Weirdest thing...

Discussion in 'Laptop Hardware' started by charlesterror, Nov 19, 2008.

  1. charlesterror


    Sep 7, 2008
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    Ok, i admit it, i think i've messed up my webcam. I installed amsn in order to avoid downloading windows live messenger. While in amsn, there was an option to create an avatar from my webcam, and there were some options for changing the webcam, so i adjust it to my preferences. But it all failed and now my webcam is detected when it wants to. THE WEIRD THING is that, while in windows explorer, it shows sometimes, when i access it, it shows, but if i move the screen just a little, it stops working and it quits! :evil: Any help would be great...
    charlesterror, Nov 19, 2008
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