WebDAV mounting help - nearly there....

Discussion in 'Networking' started by the_angry_monkey, Dec 30, 2008.

  1. the_angry_monkey


    Dec 26, 2008
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    Hey - quick plea for help before I tear my hair out! I have just got myself a storegate account with WebDAV. I have been trying to mount the storegate account on my AAO as a new drive. So far it works reasonably until I try to access it. Anyway I have followed these directions http://www.linux.com/feature/146306 to use the wdfs program. Thus far I have installed both the required programs.
    I decided after failing to create a working folder in /mnt/ to mount my WedDav to, instead to simply use on one the spares (I assume I can do this) Therefore I ran the follwing command

    sudo wdfs https://webdav.storegate.se/<myusername> /mnt/cdrom2 -o username=<myusername> -o password=<mypassword>

    Essentially this resulted in no error message and when I am in word the cdrom2 drive appears as an option (although not in the Linpus file explorer) however when I try to access the webdav drive (cdrom2) I get the following message

    error accessing 'file:///mnt/cdrom2': Access denied

    Is this down to persmissions - are normal users automatically disallowed from using root mounts? Any help would be great. Cheers



    if I go into xterm I can use the cd command to gain access to the folder as root - this is driving me nuts!

    #cd /mnt/cdrom2
    Backup Documents Music Pictures
    the_angry_monkey, Dec 30, 2008
  2. the_angry_monkey


    Dec 26, 2008
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    OK I seem to have come up with a rather inelegant solution.

    First I changed the file permissions on /mnt/cdrom2 to rwxrwxrwx by doing the following

    chmod 777 /mnt/cdrom2

    then I ran the wdfs command to create the network share and mount it

    wdfs https://webdav.storegate.se/<myuser> /mnt/cdrom2 -o username=<myuser> -o password=<mypass>

    Now because I changed the file permissions on cdrom2 I did not have to run the wdfs under the sudo command so it was accessible to all.

    Now I can access cdrom2 in any program and save/load files from it. However it still does not appear as a drive in the native file manager and I am sure I have not done this in the best way. I can navigate to it in the file system however by manually entering /mnt/cdrom2

    I have also written (tried) a short script to automate the process however it often just creates a text called typescript file or alternatively if I rename it to something more useful than "script" refuses to work at all. Script contents:

    chmod 777 /mnt/cdrom2
    wdfs https://webdav.storegate.se/apf102 /mnt/cdrom2 -o username=apf102 -o password=102apf
    chmod 755 /mnt/cdrom2

    Anyone who knows how to make this run smoothly, your help would be apprecated
    the_angry_monkey, Dec 31, 2008
  3. the_angry_monkey


    Oct 24, 2008
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    I think I can help...

    First, create your mount directory in /mnt/home

    For example:

    mkdir /mnt/home/webfs

    Now, make sure that ownership of the directory is correct:

    chown user:user /mnt/home/webfs

    And, chmod if you want (I would recommend 777 anyway; this is your PERSONAL machine, after all). Note that directories created by root will be owned by root - the chown is "change owner" and takes care of it.

    Files under /mnt/home are merged with any left-side SD chip, and /home/user. /mnt/home is what shows up in the file manager. If you put the mount point under /home/user, it will appear EMPTY in the file manager.

    Linux has something called "automounter" which will do the mount on the first access.

    Look for "automount" in the packages, and install it. There will be a file "/etc/auto.master" which can run scripts to mount file systems on first access. Also, after a period of inactivity, the file systems are automatically unmounted as well. Look on the web for tutorials -- if you need more info, just reply here.
    fweigel, Mar 31, 2009
  4. the_angry_monkey


    Jun 10, 2009
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    A late response to this. I wonder if anyone has any information on installing wdfs on aa1 running linpus (the crucial first step in mounting any network drive I believe)


    sjgknight, Jun 22, 2009
  5. the_angry_monkey


    Oct 24, 2008
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    Have you tried

    sudo yum install wdfs

    Worked for me.
    fweigel, Aug 8, 2009
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