weird display problems

Discussion in 'Windows' started by dman, Feb 15, 2010.

  1. dman


    Feb 15, 2010
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    Hi, I have aspire one aoa-150 - 1570 with a problem that it seems no one else has. :? It acts like the display is only 7" instead of 9".theres a black space on the right side of the screen and on the bottom theres a space that is a repeat of the top of the screen (see picture). Before this happened, the computer had froze up, so i googled it and found i needed to reflash the bios. I went to acers website and downloaded the latest bios and reflashed with a flash drive. After that, when it logged into windows it was the way it is now. The first time i shut it down after fixing it, it wouldn't start up again. A blue screen of death would always show up. I found out it had a problem with the ntfs format on the hard drive, so i completely cleared the hard drive and reinstalled windows. Now windows works fine except that the display isn't right. I ran ubuntu on it and that was the same way as windows. I wonder if it is a bois problem as the display is the same with the bios as with windows. I have reflashed the bios twice with no results. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    dman, Feb 15, 2010
  2. dman

    Swarvey Moderator

    Dec 3, 2009
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    Have you tried these?

    * Load BIOS defaults after flashing
    * Driver update for the graphics chip ( you said you formatted and reinstalled XP)
    * Different display resolutions thru the Windows Display Control Panel
    * Flash back to another working version of the BIOS (does it make a difference)

    Looks to me like the display's not being told to stretch the image to fill the screen. I've had the same problem when hooking computers up to TV's for display, the resolution has to be set exactly right or you encountered similar bugs to what you're showing here.
    Swarvey, Feb 18, 2010
  3. dman


    Feb 15, 2010
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    I tried resetting bios defaults, but that didn't help. So i took the thing apart pulled the little battery to reset cmos. I also pulled the cable going to the display and plugged it back in making sure it was set firm. I put it all back together and started it up and bios and windows came up full screen like they are supposed to. :D I guess i should have tried that earlier before i posted the problem. Thanks anyway.
    dman, Feb 19, 2010
  4. dman

    Swarvey Moderator

    Dec 3, 2009
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    Glad you got it sorted. IMO i'd say it was resetting the BIOS that fixed it for you. But great job either way.
    Swarvey, Feb 19, 2010
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