WEP security key

Discussion in 'Networking' started by greenhedge, Dec 17, 2008.

  1. greenhedge


    Dec 3, 2008
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    I'm a Linus/Linpus newbie; a few days ago I used the software Package Updater selectively but accepted an update to Network Manager.

    Since then I have had to type in the WEP security code to connect to my Home WiFi Network. There's no problem with the quality or speed of the connection but it's a pain that the connection is no longer automatic.

    I have looked for an "option" to remember the key but can't find one - so can some kind Linus Expert point me in the right direction to correct this or tell me the line in the config file [and the location of said file] which needs correction.

    Thanks Guys
    greenhedge, Dec 17, 2008
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