What game are you playing now

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by Hertzian56, Mar 20, 2023.

  1. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    Loving Prey such a great game and I'm doing as much as I can this time around, it's been a few years since I last played it. It's no sim but just fantasy, so sad so many think any of that nonsense exists or could exist, satans fantasies sell very well. The graphics look great though and I like that it's a bit more cerebral and slow game but still has stories and the occasional combat to keep me interested. Being a Bethesda game it obviously has a lot of fallout in it and is also better than their later space based game Outer Worlds. That was fun for a main campaign play but didn't really grab me to want more and the colors are just so garish as to be off putting. So yeah Prey is a good one.

    Installed Spider Man Remastered and w only english it's 66gb so not too bad. Looks great too. I'm not a big spiderman fan more batman but it's pretty good once you get past the training parts. I think there are too many combos and such not my thing but it works fine. Have to keep going w it.

    Sekiro I need to start another playthrough so I can get more invested into it. My late game save not as organic. They still think such a relatively short and small game is worth 60$ today, uhhh nope. 2019 game, no dlc, about 30hrs for most people according to howlongtobeat. Game should be 20-30 if you subscribe to about $1/hr for videogame entertainment, rest is just greedsterism maybe first 3-6 months to get your costs back but after that it's like selling the same infinite supply item over and over. More example of the nonsense supply/demand scam of drug empire helper adam smith and all the rest of the rats.

    Got Mad Max for here and there, and of course ratchet clank rift is still fun and great to look at. Still play RDR2 when I want a normally slower quieter game at night etc
    Hertzian56, Aug 13, 2023
  2. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    Mostly Prey and now Mooncrash the rogue-lite or whatever where you are supposed to die a lot and continue with some of the items you got before, similar to dead cells. Prey main story is too short and I did as much of the side stuff as I could. Great game, needed a sequel at least.

    Some Judgement which is an RGG studio game, maker of the yakuza series which is def recommended I played 0-6 and part of 7 LAD which was not my favoirte w the turn based stuff. I hate the random battles all the time on the street w the 0-6 single fighting and the 7 party based stuff was just too much. RGG doesn't respect the players time too much, way too much filler stuff like that. Judgement looks like the same game but with the older fighting style. I've heard the chases and tailing are way overdone in this one, I've done one of each of those and they are fun but I can see after the 3-4th time they will get OLD. I'm using Flings trainer which is supposed to activate a charm which negates the random street battles, once I get it in game won't use the trainer for that. It definitely feels like a yakuza game just not from the criminal side of it. Same Kamurocho and likely the other maps used in the yakuza universe. It was finally cracked by empress after 9 months or so, so actually own it not rent it.
    Hertzian56, Aug 17, 2023
  3. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    Grabbed Red Dead Redemption 1 switch version and using ryujinx emu. Wow can't believe they think this is worth 50$, cash grab greedsters. I had the xenia and rpcs3 versions and they never worked all that well, stuttery, gfx glitches and such. This switch version works fine, I thought they would have made it a bit lighter for switch but thinking about it the switch is more powerful than the original consoles so I get pretty much the same fps as those, high in the 40s and low in the 20s but it's not stuttery mostly and ryujinx has better options and likely will only get better. The shader cache builds while you play but I've not noticed it much afa stutter.

    Game is exactly how I remember it gfx wise they didn't bother to do any improvement there at all which is a bit surprising. Even just doing some UI and other minor things like saving anywhere. Just lazy cash grab. Remember this console can handle LOZ TOTK at the same frame rates and that looks a LOT better all around. And all the other games switch can handle. No excuses for RS here.

    If they can get this with switch I'm not sure what the problem has been for these 4 years(or 13 years since first release for that matter) since an RDR2 PC port, this same thing just dumped into native PC would have made a lot more over the years on steam. Anyone who puts anything on nintendo has to know by now that it's going to be massively emulated far more than native switch owners are going to fork out so to leave all that money on the table is really dumb. Overall it's more convenient than the older emulators to deal with just updated ones like ryu and yuzu.

    But I can't imagine anyone forking out for this at 50, this needed to be 30$ at the most and really the gratis version is to be recommended more than anything. I can get a HUGE older game in the fallout 3 GOTY w 5 dlcs for 20$ right now on steam. And FNV w all DLC is 20$ on steam. Unbeatable amount of gameplay for much less. And the mods for those are legion and largely free, even new campaigns and areas.

    On ryu I use the pro controller and then customize the buttons works fine. I've got some cheats but they don't work with my version so I'll be checking for different ones. And I'm hoping this version gets a nexus mods page so we can really get some meaningful improvements, you know the ones that RS needed to do but didn't. TOTK has a few mods work fine for me but long past that game now.

    The color pallet of New Austin isn't too interesting it's just mostly a yellow-brown world with some shrubbery here and there and I didn't see any real weather system. It's a huge drop from 2. But if you like the western genre it's a must have since open world fleshed out games are pretty rare.

    It's north of 70% cpu usage and less than 50% gpu usage most of the time so not too demanding. I have it on an nvme but I doubt it makes much difference. It's about 12gb installed. Being an amu game it's high on ram like 10gb and fairly low on vram like 2gb, this is normal and the shader cache gets larger as you play but this world is so sparse I don't expect much more ram usage.

    So get this free if you can or don't bother really unless you're stuck on switch play and really desperate. RS needed to follow through with the 2 updated version of RDR1, they already made half the freaking map in that game for little to no use most of that game! I mean even the Mex part is mostly there in 2 just not fleshed out like NA is. I'm guessing that was mostly just an add on RDR1 pack because the brief JM stuff which is mostly in the blackwater/tall trees region didn't really need NA included in it. So cut down on the game size and focus more on the major regions of the 2 game, but nope. Kinda idiotic by RS there looking back. I'm sure the online used NA a lot more so that may be why they put it in there but online is abandoned now and was light on content really. Just a hamster wheel or vacuum designed to empty wallets, douches.
    Hertzian56, Aug 20, 2023
  4. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    Was playing some judgement last night and it's same as yakuzas just with some new minigames appropriate to youre detective role and of course so far it does feature yakuza characters. I found the over the top criminals of the yakuza series what kept it interesting though. The japs love gaming too much and minigames are way too much in these games, lots of hit and miss stuff. Another aspect that's not my fav is that the main character is a trannyman no doubt. Odd femface and eyes, wears the very gross skin tight jeans and the subtely fem stuff like cat fixation and other things like decorating your apartment, very weird.

    Idk if it's engrossing enough to want to play it every day though, I really like hands on mechanics and gameplay. Why I've played Prey a second time through doing as much as I can. The game is really about the humans and helping them and finding as many of the dead as possible. If you do you'll get more side missions and info on the sim you are in. I do NOT like all the backtracking and endemic loading screens though but at least it goes fast on an nvme. This really needed a fast travel directly to your destination where exploring isn't wanted or needed. If I need to go to crew quarters from hardware labs I shouldn't have to go to lobby, take elevator to arboretum then go to crew quarters door to load into it. Just let me go directly there IF I've been there before sheesh. I think without this though the game would be pretty short once you've been to the three major elevator hubs of lobby, arboretum and life support. I played Mooncrash a bit, it's fun for a few run throughs but then gets boring. You need this item that hardly ever spawns to get to this escape option gets old. And the chores to do the gun shot escape is annoying too. Nah done with Mooncrash.

    Uh I have played RDR1 Ryujinx a lot today, once I got the working cheat mods for ryu going it's much better don't have to worry or be as careful and feel free to explore more. They could have at least included a save at any time option though, you have to go to a bed, setup a camp fire etc to save, totally immersion breaking. And it also advances time 6 hrs, what if I WANT to explore at night but don't want to risk losing some important progress near a save point? dumb. And how sad that a 13 year old largely fugly looking game only gets about 25-50fps for me, whereas RDR2 no dlss high settings gets 50-60 most of the time for me and looks amazing. I've watched the whole campaign on yt previously so no surprises but it's still pretty fun. Likely my goto game for a while.
    Hertzian56, Aug 22, 2023
  5. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    On the third and final act of rdr1 ryujinx switch emulated version. I have much less interest in exploring the world in this game because it's mostly empty, fugly and the random stuff just repeats after a few of them. The biggest thing is to see the changes from rdr2 like manzanita post, tumbleweed and of course the all new to me mexico region. It's not really all new either since they included it in rdr2 but you have to use rampage trainer or some other way to get over there. The geography is all there just not most of the structures and of course no npcs and such. The Presidio is there in rdr2 but just a mostly non solid mirage just for far away views. Such a dumb thing they have not so far just added in the full rdr1 game to that one.

    I like the to the point dialogue and story of rdr1 though, not as much marxism in a social context. We do get the jew abraham reyes and the jewmason other side of the sad sad mexico history. A near 3rd world narco state of today all thanks to the jewmasonic rats that came in and took it over from largely Church administration and the once noble Spanish monarchy. Any good left in Mexico is due to that the rest is the plague heritage of jewmasonry. In this game we get the jew gambit of a rock and a hard place fake game they play. So here the gov is the bad guy instead of the corrupt gangsters who inhabit all its posts, so therefore the answer is marxist revolution so the fake other side can then impose a total gov as god like in any marxist state. Incompetence of these jewmason devils is actually a form of saving grace.

    Anyways it's pretty fun but doesn't have the impulse to explore and just wander since it's so ugly in comparison to 2 and has much less fun and interesting side activities. I'm not much into finding 5 of this or 3 of that flower or finding 20 beaver pelts and 5 of this so this guy can do that or this. And of course none of that is available to just buy at a store lol Nor am I into riding around to find a rando white stallion for some chinese that agreed to indentured slavery. Of course white people of the lower classes were largely indentured slaves in America along side the much better treated full slaves, never mentioned by the jew history or minimized. The Irish are one of the largest groups there but represented in this game as drunken fools. It's no mistake that they were Catholics, which the jewmasons have a deadly hatred against. Easy to see if you're not blind or a member of the lite form of jewmasonry called protestantism. And only the wealthy jewmasons were involved in african slavery, regular people had nothing to do with it, also never mentioned or minimized by jew history we get.

    I use a cheat file to minimize the time to play it and allow more relaxed gameplay overall. No scrambling for ammo and such. It's amazing that this is only 12gb to rdr2 125gb 10x the size and it's like a puddle compared to a lake, vastly better but not 10x better story or gameplay. The story is more direct and tight than 2 has, the character controls are tighter but jankier, the dialogue is also more to the point and less PC much of the time, less injecting of modern jewmason spiel, it's still there though and this is just a theatrical version of the real West, there's a few grains of how it really was in the sack full.

    The minigames don't strike me as too great to my preferences. Bronco busting is too fast to react to the horse bucking direction and is just a button spamming exercise. Not too interested in arm wrestling either. The card games are the same but I'm used to the format used in 2. I have not played the dice minigame yet. Uh clothes are much less interesting here compared to 2. Herding is featured in a few missions not my fav either, you seem to get no help from all the others w you which is too artificial and one man on a horse is really only good for small numbers or sheep etc in reality. It's not too fun.

    One thing that's nice is none of the time wasting sim aspects in 2 which I try to negate w rampage and other mods as much as possible. Should have had the option to turn those off in 2. The major NPC companions like Irish, Seth and the other one are more memorable. Bonny is also. Ross in late game as well. And the overall feel has more comedy to it, like Reyes and his sing songy disarming dialogue and voice cracks me up, you just know he's another jewmason fraud in the wings and he tells you that in a way. I care little for Levitius Cornwall, Angelo Bronte and the Pinkerton guy in RDR2. Even the Braithewaites and Greys just don't do much for me, neither does O'driscoll. The memorable npc's in 2 are in your gang like kiernan, grimshaw and the rest.

    All in all it's a fun game to play and I've played it for about 25 hrs I'd guess, with most major side quests and random events but not repeating same random events. I'd guess overall 40hrs total and I'd be done with it. Kind of thing you come back to in down times a few years later, similar to my Sekiro thing lately. RDR2 is just so overwhelmingly better in most ways and is a visual feast, has meaningful mods available and a larger map with better minigames like legendary fishing and all the other stuff I mentioned in that game thread. This is definitely a mobile game for the switch, mobile games don't interest me much at all. But the small screen is good for the low graphical level of this game at 30fps. I think justar knows it would need to invest a lot more for PC to be worthwhile except as a straight one to one like with switch at a discount price. Switch is a captured market so it was worth it to them, they could have easily just done this with PC years ago but not profitable enough to them my guess. For 50$ on pc you have so much choice of comparable and better content as to be even more unrealistic of a price there. I could get 5 or more games on PC for the same price with sales that would be better overall to play. As I've said Fallout 3/NV GOTY all dlcs versions can be had for $40 total for a long time and offer staggeringly more content that's better. You might be able to squeek FO4 in there with the right sale situation! And you can find examples of so many other games on steam for a long long time. Hollow Knight is 15$ right now NOT on sale, STALKER trilogy for $40, etc etc etc The only thing is the justar expert open world and hollywood western genre in 3d TPP form and RDR story.
    Hertzian56, Aug 24, 2023
  6. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    To be fair this does include Undead Nightmare which I've not played so far and does get high marks. According to howlongtobeat it's likely to be 7-10hrs of content for most people. Going by that site rdr1 will be about 26-30hrs for most people so for 40hrs of gameplay it's a decent value about $1.25/hr if you think 1/hr is a good value. But FO3/NV main+extras you're getting 120hrs of content for $40 which is 0.33/hr of gameplay! FO4 is 81hrs more if you could add that in for the same 50$ on a sale somewhere, unbeatable. Many other examples of this as well like original dead space trilogy, stalker trilogy etc all with the same era or even after it of graphics and UI and similar level of story quality and combat-direct play etc
    Hertzian56, Aug 24, 2023
  7. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    Have been binging on Undead Nightmare last couple days, it is pretty fun and a great twist of western-zombie genres. I am still playing the main game and am now in the Post-Dutch missions where JM gets his family back. Since I've watched a whole playthrough of this game before I know what happens, it's not exactly inspiring me to go through with it as it ends so terribly. Frankly it also ends nonsensically, but that's normal in fantasy based jewmasontranny satanic cult world we live in. Also from the way the main game ends it seems like it ENDS, no more open world exploring and side quests which I do want to do more of.

    This switch-ryujinx version only has 3 save slots and the other two are at the end/beginning of each act besides the one I'm on now. I have backed them up so I can overwrite but it's SO LAZY once again of justar to not use unlimited saves in the modern gaming genre. I think even switch console could handle the 110kb standard save file size so fine give me 100 saves sheesh.

    I did try Yuzu and it did seem to work OK BUT it has huge FPS swings at times, like going from 40s to 15fps which is not good. I also noticed some flickering here and there of terrain and npcs. It did get to consistent higher average framerate but the swings and flickering rule it out for me. I think I'm using 1531 or whatever the FG version had in it so these might be fixed. It's been a while since I've used YUZU but I must say it's the better Swtich emulator just from the available options alone. It has way more settings to be tweaked then does Ryujinx, the controller is almost already setup so no fidgeting with deadzones and such like ryujinx, all sorts of settings that you don't have the option to mess with in Ryujinx. Once they fix the fps swings and flickering I'd definitely play this on Yuzu instead of Ryu. Since I have a weaker 4c/8t mobile CPU I need to be able to push as much onto the GPU as possible which I think the expanded settings of YUZU can do for me. I'm too deep into both games to want to switch to yuzu right now though.

    Undead Nightmare is really fun and actually isn't just mindless killing sim like most zombie type games. It brings back main story characters and has treasure hunts of various kinds, random events, base/town defense and clearing and such. It's hard to believe that howlongtobeat gets it right. I can't see this being 7-10hours to complete with some side stories. I'm now to starting Mexico and I'm into it about 7hrs with Nigel West plant hunt still to do in NA. Don't think I plan on it though, plant hunting sucks. But I have finished the film studio guys side mission and the others. All towns in NA are saved zombie horde defeated. I'm also the treasure map 3. The 10 hours is probably more accurate but for me likely into the 15-20hrs range depending on how much more there is. I assume Mexico is going to be just a bit shorter than New Austin segment but might not be.

    Coming back to it I kinda really wish there was a DEMAKE of RDR2 into RDR1 like graphics and sparser areas. That would be kinda hard with the much more populated RDR2 main map than New Austin and Mexicos empty deserts though. RDR1/UN switch is about 12gb installed and RDR2 for me is about 125gb installed. So I'd estimate you can get RDR2 down to 30-50gb if you simplified the graphics and cut side content. That'd be a job that wouldn't be worth it though. RDR2 is an astoundingly detailed game world, similar to GTA4's attention to detail but on a much larger scale than fictional NYC. The simplified action movie of GTA5 was a choice and it worked with the addition of the 3 main characters mechanic which would have been really cool in RDR2.
    Hertzian56, Aug 26, 2023
  8. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    Finished Undead Nightmare and it was pretty fun, I like how they have post story free roam but as a zombie version of JM lol I did miss Irish, the only major figure who lived that's not there in UN. For me a run through of the whole DLC was around 15-20hrs and I'm still tooling around the main game before returning to Abigail at probably about the same so yeah this whole thing depending on how much completion you want is like 40-50hrs. NOTE I do use cheats to cut down the time and hassle of farming ammo etc so that cuts at least 10hrs or so out I'd guess.

    So if you say they upped the top level price to 60-70$ then 50$ to them is discount price, but still it feels too much for a digital item or any item that doesn't appreciate(houses, land, gold, collectors item) over time. Digital only items should be minimal cost in accordance with THEIR fantasy supply/demand Dope Inc world empire. Unlimited supply=Price goes down or not worth anything. This is the case with digital items. And this is a 13 year old game with little to no improvements whatsoever added. Nah this a scam by justar just go grab this free somewhere.

    UN is pretty intense combat at times and wow anyone who plays that game without ammo cheats at least is hardcore imo. To me this would just be frustration I don't need from a game that is supposed to be just fun. I also use god mode cheats. The graveyard clearing alone is intense and sounds really hard without cheats. It was a pain with them tbh especially before getting bait and holy water. And town clearing was also pretty hard when they all rush you and the janky player movement really didn't help. The iffy jumping and grabbing mechanics to get onto roofs and just running away from all of them rushing you, wow.

    So now back to the main game before returning to Abigail to just do side quests and treasure hunting. I don't plan on trying to farm for legendary status or anything. I used some cheats to unlock the gang uniforms and legend of the west clothes. I don't like the bronco busting mechanic in this game it's too fast for me to react effectively so it's just spamming my way through to get that horse unlocked. And one side quest needs me to win at the very boring Liars Dice game, ugh. Glad they dropped that in 2 and also the bronco busting. I actually would have liked having QTE button system for bronco busting better than spamming the analog stick.
    Hertzian56, Aug 27, 2023
  9. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    I also have a couple of games on tap. Blasphemous 2 just came out and I'm just waiting on a trainer so I can enjoy playing it. The BDSM nature of these types of games really limits them imo. I know that's a characteristic of them but that appeals to a niche type of gamer, ok i get that it's a cost of admission to some club so why not have built in cheats and maybe have an in game indicator, non intrusive, that someone was using cheats so if they make videos claiming genius level speedrunning and mastery anyone can see they used cheats to do so. Maybe change the clothing colors of the character or some indicator.

    I don't care whatsoever what others think about my gaming habits, ti's not a social thing for me it's a relax and enjoy by myself thing mostly. I don't make videos or make silly claims to being some master gamer. OK competitive for REAL money is different but at those levels the independent checks are real, you're not going to fool too easy there.

    And the other is perhaps Icarus now that it's been out a while and has a few dlc's and such. I'm not into survival type of farming gaming much either but the exploration aspect may be enough to want to install 70gb. And once again this latest version needs some cheats to minimize the annoying farming aspect, survival etc which I have a hard enough time with IRL, I don't want a game for it. There is an older fling trainer but doesn't look like all the options work.

    Kinda done w Prey, great game 2 main campaign playthroughs, a few runs of mooncrash. Same for Ratchet Clank Rifts Apart, great game looks amazing runs pretty well. Judgement I have a hard time getting into, I've played all the yakuzas so I know it's more of that but the fugly trannyman you play is a big turnoff. They really needed to lift the detective character from the Yakuza games for this main protag imo.

    The colorful criminals of yakuza also smoothed over the series idiosyncrasies as well. Not so sure the characters I've encountered so far in Judgement do that. As anyone knows Yakuza 0 is a masterpiece of a game and the main trilogy is 0-1-2 with 2 being a nice fully updated game. 3 is a certain taste and was never remastered. 4 with the 4 main characters deserved to be fully remastered and is a really great game with memorable new characters and stories. 5 is great but over the top even for Yakuza, 5 main characters is too much. 6 is nonsensical but was fully remastered so is good looking and smooth UI etc. 7 turn based and goofiness not to my taste never finished it. RGG's greatest days are behind it for sure, it's just maintaining the franchise really now.

    I can't really get too excited about a rerun of Sekiro after a few years. Idk maybe need to start a new run instead of years old save point. Uh Spider Man Remastered same thing SM just not my fav superhero, too smarmy and cheesy abilities. I mean it's just sitting on one of my external hdds so no rush. Uh Tunguska was supposed to be so great but idk maybe just need to keep going. Dave the Diver way overrated busy work and I feel a LOT of fake user reviews, paid for of course, AI or real people who knows. I just can't see it, already uninstalled.
    Hertzian56, Aug 27, 2023
  10. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    I really wish there was more content to rdr1 and undead nightmare, really loving both of them but UN I'm post campaign zombie JM and so are nothing new but still have missing persons stuff, town defense as needed, random helping events, just wandering. I like the look of UN better it's darker which helps the graphics, more rainy type of weather, moody. The combat in the game is great, not as laggy as 2 more direct. I do wish there were PC native versions of both for modders to work with. 1 really needs some form of camera zoom like 2 has, I usually never have the farther away cam mode when on horseback or walking only when in a wagon situation and 1 only has the farther away full body view. It does zoom in a bit with long rifle aiming. And optional FPP would be great especially UN, more immersive. Also just walking in confined spaces and such would really benefit from FPP which I usually switch to in 2.

    Ryujinx does have smaa option which I do enable on low and has FSR v1 w a sharpening slider which does help. Otherwise I'm fine w the graphics, very retro San Andreas look which is totally fine. It's the content and fun that's more important than fancy graphics. No denying a major reason I love playing 2 and just wandering is the amazing graphics. For a native PC release of 1 with the same graphics anyone with halfway modern pc would get hundreds of FPS, emu I get 25-45 usually, in a confined room I can get 60. So those desktops with 3/4 etc high cards get little improvement than my humble mobile 2060, but fps is more dependent on CPU. I get about 70% cpu and like 40% GPU. I could up the ante to 2k/4k for more GPU use but I'm more interested in FPS than resolution for this game since there is no way to improve the graphics. NOTE that I DO limit CPU to 99% thus disabling turbo boost and that results in 54c CPU temps instead of 95c temps in this game, tried it a bit. It did get near 60 though but not worth the wear and fan noise and usage to me for 10-15 fps.

    In UN when you're under attack the controls issues come out pretty big. The buggy ledge hold and jump when you're trying to get onto a roof are frustrating and you have to plan where you're going to try it carefully. The tapping X button to run is also annoying, they need a HOLD x option. I have a mod for this on horse in 2. They didn't bother with a replace tied up prisoner on your horse option either, you have to get another horse, ridiculous. And the bounties can get ridiculous as well. The reinforcements are instantaneious so just getting your prisoner up and on the horse can be challenging. At least the prisoner is immune to all the fire once he's on the horse tied up.

    So I'm just wandering and doing occasional missing persons in UN. As far as the main story I did one Jack mission to buy cattle from Bonney. I think the Abigail and Uncle ones left are it until the slaughter ending. Don't have plans to do it too quickly since there's only 3 save slots and I'm not sure there is post campaign wandering have to look it up. I sitll have the Mysterious Stranger side missions, the flyer in mexico, the liars dice flim studio, the chinese guy in mexico side missions. I wouldn't mind getting the buffalo rifle too. Uh all the rando stuff doesn't interest me too much it gets old constantly having that all over. If there was a native PC release you'd likely get more rando stuff and who knows what. I don't know if it's possible for mission adding, maybe like LCPDR mod in 5 where it's a whole missions thing etc Gang member companions etc Just more. Great game, I don't know that I'd care to do it mobile on switch though, a little too involved imo for that.
    Hertzian56, Aug 28, 2023
  11. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    I started a new game using Yuzu 1531 and noticed HUGE fps crashes here and there, unlike ryujinx. However after I searched it and found this thread:
    I changed back to Vulcan, disabled vulcan pipeline cache, switched to unsafe CPU accuracy it does seem to be much more stable fps so far early game. The most stressful places are usually high npc areas like just outside of most save places, armadillo saloon, mcfarlane ranch and of course the other cities and high npc and action sequences. Ryu is 25-45 mostly, yuzu seems about the same but ramps up in lonely places and of course the lower CPU usage for the same thing appeals to me greatly. As I said I limit my cpu to 99% thus disabling turbo boost for huge temp difference, thus better for the system. I can live with 10-15fps lower for this and other games, mostly not noticed for native PC games which I limit to 60fps anyways. RDR2 it's not noticeable most of the time other than it seems to take longer to load into from SSD but I don't get full speed fans and 85c either.

    Yuzu uses about 20% LESS cpu 80 w ryu down to like 60% with yuzu which is good for my relatively weak mobile i5-10300h cpu and relatively more powerful mgpu 2060m(1660 super/980ti desktop cards eqv.) However it does use about 11gb of sysram vs about 9-10gb ryujinx. Press Ctl-U to unlock the framerate in yuzu, but I could likely get a locked 30 in yuzu if I wanted. Out in the desert etc it's noticeably smoother. I also use a collection of yuzu cheats I found in either dodis or FGs pages for this repack. So I'll replay using Yuzu for now. I still am to the beechers hope part in my ryujinx run but the ranching type missions are pretty tedious to me, herding cattle is not fun, Jack stuff is passable, Abigails stuff so far is pretty mundane, yuk. Undead Nighmare I'm epilogue just wandering around doing defense etc However seems like Yuzu also underutilizes my GPU as well down to like 20%, I don't think higher than native resolutions is possible using unsafe CPU settings which would utilize my GPU more, eh.

    I did get dodis Xenia rdr1 old repack and it runs VERY bad for me, why I never played this game much before is that the ps3 and xbox emulators were terrible stuttery, low fps etc I got the canary version and patches for Xenia so have to give it another try with that, but just with the latest master xenia it was like a slideshow terrible. However can confirm Xenia version looks much better than switch version, not enough more for the hassle though. Xenia is a real pain to change settings as well involving notepad editing, patches etc I can't believe no GUI for all that is there besides minimal post process stuff. The switch version emus just work for the most part, have modern easy to use GUIs and give decent framerates, nuf said really. Oh and it also includes UN unlike the various GOTY versions of ISOs.

    Otherwise a bit of Blasphemous 2 which is pretty much the same as the first one but with manga type cutscenes which is pretty odd imo. It's not too interesting of a game really and there are better pixel art games out there, I like Deaths Gambit, Unsighted a lot more than Bl. I think those new style cutscenes also make the game larger. I'm pretty sure BL1 was around 2gb or less installed whereas 2 is 3.3gb installed, not a big deal but I'm a bit on a GB budget so every bit helps.I think I have about 3TB of space for games and lots of it is locked up w no uninstall games GTA4/5, RDR2, Arkham Series, ACod/ACor, TW3, Yakuzas, both Dying Lights, CP77 and such. So maybe about 1-2TB I could free up if needed. Games like Control, Generation Zero are the largest I could delete.


    Attached Files:

    Hertzian56, Aug 29, 2023
  12. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    Scratch Yuzu for rdr1 at least 1531 version, I saved the sheriff in Tumbleweed and got huge drops down to like 15fps there, I didn't get that w Ryujinx so I recommend that for this game. I used ryu for TOTK and once the shaders were at a certain point was getting close to 60 mostly, so ryu seems to be the default way to go between switch emus imo.
    Hertzian56, Aug 29, 2023
  13. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    Just thought I'd give an overall impression about red dead redemption 1 vs 2. 1 is more like a spaghetti western movie like Good Bad and Ugly and the other two in that Manco Trilogy. 2 is like Open Range, Searchers, Unforgiven type of thing, larger more detailed story with a longer run time. The runtime of the campaigns is pretty good indicator, 1 can be done in a few days of concentrated play or just jump in jump out gameplay and 2 is sit down and dedicate a couple hours to for a while commitment. The sheer amount of mystery and details to 2 is astounding and there's always the unfinished content like IKZ and the ranchers daughter and more there.

    1 is much more classic videogamey than 2 is. 2 is more a videogame and interactive movie type of thing. RS alternated between the two with gta4 and gta5, 4 is a gritty crime drama that's more detailed and 5 is an action movie cartoony type of game. Both work loved all those games so there's no regression involved just design choices made and overall writing. I like the combat in 1 better than 2, 2 is a little too realistic with that and other things like minding your simulation chores such as bathing, eating, etc but it has way more gameplay to it. I enjoyed the fishing and the clothing as well as the more detailed horses in 2 and the gun details are amazing too. I actually learned from 2 like I've mentioned in that thread. 1 is just a game to have fun with and a lot more comedic but not the silly style of 2 had. Of course both ended in tragedy.

    The story of 2 was more poetic but also maddening w the same choices being made over and over repeating the same formula at each camp just tweaked. Guarma was a little bit of a flourish but half baked, not really necessary imo, they could have cut one or two chapters out and added more for JM in New Austin in the epilogue. I think more charles, sadie and maybe even trelawney-swanson-karen stuff in NA would have been more appreciated than Guarma or the Swamp hideout part. Even an Ambarino Grizzlies hideout would have been better. And Ch.1 Colter was such a waste, almost all training and most don't replay that whole part because of it.

    Ideas for RDR3 are just take some characters from the first two and expand on them. Bonney would be a good female protag, with the new RS focus on overt marxism that would fit. Perhaps the story of Mcfarlane Ranch would be interesting. Maybe Charles or Sadie could also be main characters in that vein of PC-ism. We never got Charles story too much, Sadie was more into the future with bounty hunting but for obvious reasons this story needs to be about the past more than the future. Bounty hunting as a profession on a horse and such days were likely gone by even RDR1 times. So maybe 3 playable characters like 5 could work but concurrent with the immediate end of 2. Sadie into bounty hunting, Charles, Bonney. And the missing old gang members mentioned above. Even Dutch and his travels post 2 showing how he got to Cochinay and such. Uncle and how he got to be an old outlaw would do well for earlier times as would Hosea which would involve JM, AM and Dutch.
    Last edited: Aug 30, 2023
    Hertzian56, Aug 30, 2023
  14. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    Replay of both main campaign of rdr1 and rdr1 undead nightmare. UN is funner because it's combat based which is much funner in rdr1 than 2. The main campaign of rdr1 has a lot of missions that are not fun. Escort, herding cattle, horse breaking and such are not all that fun to me, chore work. Driving heavy wagons in combat is not fun either and add on escort to it is less fun. The training missions aren't too interesting either but at least it's not a whole chapter like 2 is.
    Hertzian56, Aug 31, 2023
  15. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    As mentioned in the starfield thread just have a repack on tap probably take 24hrs of constant downloading to get even the smaller version which I don't recommend since FGs stuff is WAY slow to unpack and install compared to the other major repacker's. So you can either wait another hour to dl the extra sized repack or you can wait an extra hour or more to unpack the smaller sized repack. I find dodi much more reliable than the weirdo using fake pictures and such.

    Might fire up RDR2 just to have some fun comparing the massive upgrade in every way from 1. I'm still replaying undead and the main campaign of 1 but it's just way less of everything but I am enjoying a low spec light game when compared to any modern game and definitely with 2. Remember RDR1 switch is 12.5gb install, RDR2 pc is 125gb+ install so it SHOULD be a HUGE upgrade and length. I've played about 40-50hrs of RDR1 including Undead Nightmare in the last week. RDR2 I've likely played over 1000hrs in total since I first got it back in 2020 with breaks in between and such and I've modded it extensively as well.

    RDR1 emulated is MUCH less likely to get too many mods other than 60fps and it sucks. With just the untouched version ported to native PC it would be modded like crazy, see the original GTA 3d trilogy. The mods for those are BETTER than TTs terrible remasters.
    Hertzian56, Sep 2, 2023
  16. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    Just got done with some RDR2 and wow it's amazing the jump from 1 in almost every way. I explored New Austin and even Mexico in 2, incredible difference and I get 45-60 most of the time in 2 compared to 25-45fps in the ryujinx emulated 1. I went around the mexico part in 2 which is pretty well fleshed out just some terrain details missing and of course all the buildings aren't there other than a mirage Presidio you can walk through. Really sucks they never bothered to just use 2 assets as much as possible and have a DLC of 1 in there. Even just use the original audio and such of 1 would cut down on dev time.

    All they needed was a separate or master launcher to load in the later assets that 1 has but NA is pretty much the same in 2 besides tumbleweed, plainview etc They nixxed Rattlesnake Hollow in the 2 map as well. The railroad camp isn't there of course, thieves landing needs to be expanded, blackwater changes with the railroad and port etc Just too bad 5 years later nothing done but just a poor straight port to ps4-5 and switch for 1.
    Hertzian56, Sep 3, 2023
  17. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    Since I'm largely done with SF I grabbed cuphead and the teenage mutant turtles releases played a bit of both. TMNT reminds me of the arcade back in the day so it's just one of those games while you watch something type of thing. A small game to keep on your main drive for some easy quick jump in jump out gaming, no NSFW stuff at all in there so is safe in all contexts.

    Uh I played cuphead when it first came out and since I'm not a bdsm punishment loving player I used a trainer so it was pretty quick playthrough. The art style is of course the strength. So years later picked up a final version with the one dlc and played a couple of rounds and it's pretty much the same, lite platforming and boss battles with great art style but not too deep unless you're a dark souls etc achievement high out of doing it with no cheats. Frustration in gaming is just not a thing for me, sure environmental puzzles are fun, exploration, tactical combat, side stuff are fun for me not trial and error gameplay. I still love just humping around in RDR2 for the still amazing graphics, some rando stuff, occasional mission in there, some card games, fishing, etc
    Hertzian56, Sep 18, 2023
  18. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    After a ton of cyberpunk 2.0 and PL with it I took a break since it's just done, only thing keeping me coming back is the mods. The aurore AI voice replacer is pretty good, robotic at times but overall it works and I like it better then the Scarlett Johansson one which also works really good. There's nothing better than the original vo though, the public level of AI voice stuff we know about can't get the same tonal and context stuff. Not as much emotional impact and stresses where called for in the script.

    So yeah I grabbed Super Mario Wonder for Ryujinx and once I switched from OpenGL to Vulkan it really runs super smooth. I lock all games to 60 and it's rock solid there. OGL was stuttery likely shader caching going on but idk early on I switched to vulkan and it was over from there. I'm just thinking of disabling turbo boost again so I can save 20c on my cpu temps for the same perf. I did that for RDR1 switch ryujinx and it worked, it was not as smooth but worth it for the temp savings on my old laptop.

    Always strange going from a dystopian dark adult game to a game that is very much children focused and designed for jumping in and out on a mobile console. I also think SMB and other games are really training for gambling addiction, nintendont and the rest ain't your friends nor your childrens. And the pachinko and other stuff big in japan, lol, is one indication of that, gambling is likely way bigger in asia in general than anywhere else even europe. Still it's just more mario with a lot more clown type stuff going on, more elaborate more pop no doubt. I played a bit and was like ok seen it. It's just a here and there thing that's only like 4gb installed but looks great of course. I sitll have galaxy 2 in there as well it's only like 2gb and is an amazing game to this day. I think I've got 3d world on yuzu or one of the other emus in there as well, only about the same install size.

    I don't know that it's worth what they're likely to ask for it when it officially releases but for less than 20 it's pretty good, doubt it's too long and of course typical mario story defeat bowser save something, not princess in this one I don't think. I use my xbone controller mapped to the pro controller preset and map my buttons so all good. I also grabbed some cheat codes off of gbatemp which aren't really necessary but they speed it up if you just want to get a quick run in move on.

    Likely go back to 77 because I installed a new mod which changes some npcs to hyst bodies and other things to spice it up a bit more. I already have biosculpted exotics for rando npcs and the animals gangs and it's amazing. Turns them into human-animal hybrids. In this case mostly cheetahs, foxes, leopards aka "furries" in that community. Apparently it's lore as well makes sense really. But it's just there to spice up the game a bit more, I have tons of mods in there so it's a much better experience with them. Vanilla wouldn't hold me as much, graphics are the major thing there.

    I saw sonic on switch is also avail but not too interested there so pass on that. Poor nintendont shouldn't be so anticonsumer in general, that's why their games always get leaked early really. Someone who works for a game store had it avail early and dumped it then had it uploaded to torrents that's how it works. Nintendont should just sell these games for pc players directly, make a lot more scratch. Switch is really for on the go types and for nintendont acolytes more than anything there's nothing there that children can't play free on their phones nowadays. eh their loss I guess.
    Hertzian56, Oct 20, 2023
  19. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    Grabbed Metal Gear Solid 3 Master Collection edition and I have to say it's pretty underwhelming. As some have suspected it just looks like an emulation. I've got a PS2 version of it and it's like 4gb total. This one is 13 gb installed and doesn't look any better imo. There is no way to set resolution, no way to disable controller vibration, not even sound level can be adjusted and I couldn't see a way in game to even exit out of it, had to use ALT F4. They want 20$ for this one game, the other ones are also 20$ each a total of 4 of them but I think the whole bundle is 60$. Pretty disgraceful and shows how bad Konami is, just a terrible publisher. Sucks that they have a couple of the greatest game franchises of all time, Silent Hill and Metal Gear.

    Coming from my modding run of cp77 going to an emulation of an old game like MGS3 is an eye opener. It looks pretty bad and they didn't offer proper modern fully 3d camera either which was a huge motivation to grab it. I played it on 3ds last and it was fun. But they did almost nothing to update it, textures still look like the original version. And I'm not sure I'm even going to play it again or keep it, space is getting kinda tight on my external hdd for storage. I already got one mod for it that allows resolutions above 720p but tbh with the textures being what they are I'm not sure it would do much, prob look worse until more mods come out. The only thing I can guess is that it allows rendering above 720p but what's the point of going above that if the textures are the same ones? I think it does scale to your display natively I don't think you HAVE to play it in a 720p window size.

    The weird thing is that the MGS2 SOL version is actually larger file size by a couple gigs, only thing I can think is that it includes more extras and maybe the 2d OG game, not interested of course. Ironically the only reason I'd keep either one is mods. I don't think I'd do any texture mod packs because those are usually gb's in size it's just not worth it. QOL would be the only reason to mod for me and cheats of course. I can only maybe do a quick runthrough of both games and then delete them later on I think.

    I still have MGS2 Subsistence somewhere and played that just fine years ago. The classic tanker level is still great but I was hoping for a proper 3d 6 axis camera, doesn't look like it if MGS3 didn't get updated camera system for this release. It does have some form of 3d camera but it's very limited and conditional. Just like the various versions out there before.

    The repackers have not released stripped down versions yet so when they do may just grab those for storage, likely without all the languages and other stuff and compression should be able to halve the size so like 6-7gb or less which is much better. Usually once you unpack-install it it's much smaller as well. For instance for CP77 2.0 with all languages it's 145gb BUT with just the default english it's about 77gb. My modded up 1.60 is 68gb so for PL DLC and other changes it was only about 10gb on top which is pretty impressive for the new audio and the new graphics assets of dogtown.

    But if you really are into mg series maybe it might be worth it if you're a pc player and that's just because of the potential mods for it. With any modern mid range laptop emulating any version would be cake. This one uses about 40% cpu and 30% gpu and locked to 60 is rock solid. It should be. For the 2d and old 3d version I wouldn't bother, likely already in place mods and packs for those.
    Hertzian56, Oct 26, 2023
  20. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    Alan Wake 2 right now and I have a thread about that. I had to lookup how to get to the caldera st station and I guess you have to have light charges to proceed similar to if you have a fuse box that needs more than 1 fuse in most games you have to go find them to then activate it. This is not conveyed too well in the game tbh and is bad game design by remedy, pretty typical since they're focused on live action and writing which is fine but gameplay needs to be designed a lot better.

    Uh I also grabbed Jusant since it seems like the latest chill type game and it is, not a fan of the controls though, you have to alternate between rt and lt to climb which is tedious imo, much better just hitting a or some button to do it since this is a chill and pretty setting game mostly, not a mechanics based game or shouldn't be. Huge turnoff there, played a good 5 mins and exited out. It's about 9gb and to contrast the content per GB installed Red Dead 1 on ryujinx is 12gb and has 50hrs or more of gameplay including the zombie DLC, much better use of installed size imo. Jusant looks to be about 5 hrs of gameplay. The graphics are amazing but not more so then games years older in the same genre, RDR1 has old graphics but good enough and also is a lot more quality content and fun to play.

    Also Jusant requires at least win10 21H1 to even run. I have 20H1 so it WILL NOT play at all on my system, totally ridiculous windows shill stuff by this studio. Similar to Bethesda and SF garbage. So I used the SF bypass dll's I found on the net, and it booted up and played fine. So it's just more whore dev garbage going on, glad I didn't give them any money for this short game. The hard win10 version IS NOT MENTIONED in the steam page for this game AT ALL. All it says is Win10. It might be the agility scam they have going on which is masked as some qol thing for THEIR benefit and thus the real reason for Agility sdk is to enforce windows versions on games and likely more going forward. It's just another form of criminal activity masked as something else. For Gods sake I am playing AW2 JUST FINE on my win10 version but this little piddly game whores itself out to M$ scammers.

    I'm uploading these fix files just in case anyone else has need for them. They are also already attached to a SF thread. Just put them where the exe is, done.
    Hertzian56, Nov 5, 2023
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