What game are you playing now

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by Hertzian56, Mar 20, 2023.

  1. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    Robocop Rogue City. This game requires at least win10 21H1 to run, not shown in the steam store page btw. And they come up with a warning about DX12! No mention of win10 version. I've got an rtx 2060m so no it's not dx12, same thing with Starfield, comes up with a list of why it won't run, to be fair to SF the list includes OS version I think but it's major point is the same lying about DX12. SF does mention 21h1 I believe or 19043. I've seen older reqs that state 20H1 which I'm still on so it's all just more scamology by these scam monopolysoft OS and game dev whores.

    Agility was made to enforce newer windows versions, they didn't need to do it the way they did otherwise. The surface level about agility is to be able to rev some files independently of graphics drivers but the real reason is to enforce newer OS versions, always a subterfuge scam w these criminals.

    So anyways I just used the windows version bypass files I've attached in a couple places here, game started right up LOL.

    I have to say it's a lot more fun than the POS Alan Wake 2 in the hour or so I played it. It's like early 2000's type of games swat 4 comes to mind but Nacon has more sense of humor there. The combat is a step down from FEAR tbh which I think is like 2007 game, very old school arcadey gameplay really.

    The requirements of this game DO NOT come close to matching how it looks though. I'm on all high 1080p limit to 60fps and it's smooth. However it turns my laptop fans into jet engines so therefore it's a total system hog for graphics that look like they're from 2009! The only HQ model you ever see is robocop himself when you see him in cutscenes, everything else is 2009 leve of graphics.

    This is a UE game which is a huge red flag for a system hog, unoptimized garbage engine imo The game took a while to load up but once I was in there it ran fine, no stutter so far but like I said my laptop fans are jet engines for this thing locked to 60, should be largely silent for the level of graphics in this game.

    Waste of resources and UE is a power hog total wasteful engine, like pc gaming in general all these companies spout about efficiency and such but the latest cards take hundreds of watts per hour and if UE is going to be used more and more it's even worse. Hypocrites all of them really.

    I even turn off turbo boost because I get a 20c+ temp drop for very little difference in performance and that's tested and true in RDR2 and CP77. Same thing for Starfield too. So Robocop is just a typical indy UE game that has terrible optimization.
    Hertzian56, Nov 8, 2023
  2. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    I also see they're charging 7$ for a 20mb 110page art book that showed up in my install, wow pretty greedster devs who had the money to pay royalty or licensing fees for this game so idk seems pretty steep for a digital item imo

    This game isn't worth 50$ base and 60$ with some cosmetics extras. UE5 is terribly optimized in this game as well. And like others have said it's more of an rpg than a shooter, at first I was thinking it was an arcade shooter but that was just the tutorial level. You only get that at specific scenes otherwise. It involves a beat cop type of play.

    I'm actually going to try it without DLSS since it's really not a great looking game for the reqs, see how that goes. And I like to limit the wear on my system so I might just lock it to 45fps via ncp. The game only has unlocked, 60 and 30 fps locks. With the win10 hack I use I can't see MSIAB overlay unfortunately so have to just go with feel and fan sound.

    It's fun but idk I think it's dated game all around that you could go get FEAR, original bioshocks, etc and get better game at less than 10$ or less in a bundle sale. Run ultra max on anything.
    Hertzian56, Nov 8, 2023
  3. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    Getting back to robocop rogue city it's fun no doubt and I like the corny dialogue and such but man it's so simplistic and formulaic we played this sort of thing back in the mid to early 2000s really. Go here scan see this look at that case solved type of side missions. Combat is stilted and uninteresting since you're just a moving turret really, there's no cover system or too much tactics going on. And yeah some graphics are good but most of the time it's just generic level type sets from 2015 or so, I mean if I loaded up Half Life 2 that's on par as far as I can remember. I don't even think the graphics are at FO4 from 2015 level and certainly not MGSV from 2015, Dying Light 1 from 2015, etc

    I'll def finish it but I'm likely just to focus on the main campaign and not bother with the tedious side stuff much. I just don't get how devs think this is stuff that's worth 50$ both AW2 and this and Jusant. These are 20-25hrs at most games for most people for that price and more in AW2 case I think. Nah after games like RDR2, GTAV, Dying Light 1/2 and many more games of the past that are the same or much cheaper price by now and feature at least 50hrs of entertainment there's no excuse for these devs. I thought even Nacons own Terminator game is better than this and that's from like 5 years ago or so!!! Even the terribly flawed CP77 is WAY better than any of the major releases the last month or so.

    I have no intention of going back to aw2 again, deleted nor this game once I'm done and Jusant is maybe give it another hour or two but it's no blockbuster or etc but at least it's not priced too bad at I think 25-30$ if you're into it. I think Sable a small indy is a much better game tbh, better art style to me.

    I whole heartedly recommend the 2013 game Call Of Juarez Gunslinger, it looks better and plays better than both AW2 and Robocop, truly a great short corridor shooter game with a hilarious story. Unfortunately it's dev Techland also released Dying Light 1 which is an all time favorite and left the COJ series in the dust after that to go into DL2 development. DL2 is a fun and good game but not that much better than DL1 in essentials nor in writing. Both of those games are recommended too for sure.

    I also recommend archiving older games that are proven good, because unless you spend a fortune on new equipment new games seem like they're going to just get worse if this is high holiday season fare, really mediocre to bad stuff.
    Hertzian56, Nov 9, 2023
  4. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    Just coming back to this Robocop Rogue city looks good in certain places like the semi open level beat cop area does look good environmentally but the rubble and assets look like they're from half life 2 era, terrible.

    The game is terribly optimized and my laptop is on fire during play, this taxes my system more than RDR2 and Cyberpunk, disgraceful game using the awful UE5 garbage. Generally boringAF as well, don't buy these games if you are a games addict like myself just go sailing the high seas so you don't support these incompetent and malicious devs and hw scumbags. Gaming at the AAA and AA in robocops case is awful all around.

    ON TOP of all this I got the bug where an agent who is sunk into the ground a few hours in blocks your way to the objective, game breaking bug. I even applied the patch released on Nov 7 and STILL have this problem. I've reloaded the checkpoint and even before that and still same thing. I'll likely try it again a few times but if it persists this game is a DELETE. I even essentially stopped doing the inane side stuff even before this bug it's so cringe from 2008 type of stuff. TERRIBLE GAME.

    So summing up the latest big games released SUCK, all of them. Starfield is the best one and that was 150hrs for me of FO4 in space done worse due to the excessive loading screens but I enjoyed it generally. It's not as good as FO4 though but much larger in general, better graphics, prettier, etc But that's it for the latest holiday season games. I'm not a baldurs gate turn based DnD guy so can't comment there. Super Mario Wonder emulation is just more of the same 2d mario game really but fun. Phantom Liberty is pretty short and shallow but at least is just more of cp77 really, a huge step above most of what's newly released though.

    Starfield: pretty good, too much loading, too much bad npc graphics, boringaf procedural gen, overall a lot of game that can last 50hrs+ easily. 7 game.

    Alan Wake 2: ONLY for those who like interactive movies/novels watching a ton of cutscenes and such with a little bit of open world, can take the very self indulgent cringey Remedont crap worse than the inane Control game, huge drop off after AW1 really, like they took the most pretentious annoying stuff from that game and decided to magnify it and make it remedont's reason for being. Trash game, runs like trash unless you brute force it, not a game really, 20-25hrs w 5hrs of videos-cutscenes-ponderous dialogue. Don't bother. 60$.

    Jusant: requires newer windows 10, looks good graphically, gameplay is not too fun really, no fail gameplay. Eh does nothing that a good indy can't do.

    Robocop: see above. Don't pay for it, or any of these really. SF is by far the best of those mentioned for the price. 40gb size, bloated trash. 50$ for 15hrs or so.

    Metal Gear Master Collection: don't bother unless you don't have the emulations of these already. Only MGS2 and MGS3 might be worth it. Konami just using an emulator disguised to run their games for pc, minimal to no upgrades done, cash grab. PS2 MGS2 Substane emulator is 4gb, this MC version is 15gb, same freaking game.
    Hertzian56, Nov 9, 2023
  5. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    I was able to get past the robocop rc guard blocking the way bug by reloading an earlier save, the downtown save at the top of it just as you get out of your car. This time he was standing normally and I was able to get by fine.

    I was able to finish the game which I'm guessing is about 16hrs for me, there isn't a time attached to your saves but I played it for about 8hrs before with maybe 4 in between before the glitch and I played it probably about 4hrs tonight to finish. I started skipping most of the inane side missions but did do a few of them tonight, murder investigations, etc so maybe a couple more hours could be had there and I totally skipped the serve and protect beat cop stuff as filler it was in the first session I had.

    I had fun with it as a corridor shooter in a semi open world and in various sets like construction zones and such. The story is definitely 80s movie type stuff. I think they needed to have more corridor shooting stuff though and less of the very thin rpg stuff, it's like very lite version of the FO series. I think just a briefing and then missions would have been better instead of the fetch wandering around a small beat. And I think combat could have been deeper like a kind of cover system cp77 has, more advanced weapons only robo has, better targeting vision, some hand combat which would need to have some other borgs which I thought the story was leading to but never did. There are full robots all over in this game so it's not too out of the genre and such. I think a 3rd person option would have been nice especially in combat situations.

    UE5 can look amazing and looked good in places but also had some pretty dated graphics as far as what was in the sets like cars and npcs looked dated as well as general things spread around. For instance puddles and the ground looked really good and some other environmental stuff but buildings were nothing special nor were interiors most of the time. All npcs were nothing that beats 2015 major pc games and even older ones.

    Too many cutscenes that were just generic stuff really, too many repeating cutscenes of going to and from the precinct to your beat and to other places like the hospital, thankfully all skipped. I skipped as much conversations as I could and cutscenes. The story isn't great and I skipped most of those cutscenes as well, just filler imo.

    So the big positive is just the nostalgia of being robocop and the combat. The negative are the inane filler stuff all over to pad the play time. They also made robocop move very slowly to add playtime but I used a trainer to go 3x faster. I frankly don't know how anyone could finish this game in under 25hrs otherwise it's so slow and if you watched all the cutscenes and did all the side missions.

    I think they just needed more quality focused on the combat gameplay as an arcade fps shooter and dropped a bunch of the lite rpg stuff. If robocop isn't in combat it's failry boring and should have not been there and that's a lot of the game. Enemy AI was dumb as rocks of course but as an arcade shooter it works. A much shorter more focused game would have been a lot better. Terminator was also the same way but the rpg aspects were more natural to the story, not so much here.

    The cringey psychiatrist sessions I just spammed skip button. The weapon upgrades didn't seem to do much imo, would have been better with more advanced guns and upgrading robocop himself. He never had a baton which could have been upgraded and such like the batons in CP77. Tech swords could have been awesome. I think ways to do non lethal like sleep darts or nets could have worked to change it up and not always full blast enemies with only guns. What about bats too? I mean there's a whole world out there. Maybe upgrading robocop with some stealth capabilites for infiltration and recon missions, a cloaking system. Gas cannister ammo to disable enemies non lethally. Would have been nice to just have a jump capability, in game you have no jumping at all kinda strange. A sprint capability, you do have a lunge capability once you upgrade but I mean just a sustained sprint, not out of the question for a cyborg.

    So for $50 you get about 20hrs to be generous, and little replay value means a bad value imo. This should have been 30-35$ at the most. There is no NG+ and there are so few upgrades that it kinda seems pointless tbh But I do think the side stuff could have been a post ending thing in the main level and they could have also included the side stuff in the hospital, prison and other sets that you could have gone back to via the car in a post game sandbox. I mean we can just forget the ending stuff and return back to before for all that no one's going to care. The precinct could have been included as there were small side things there too, also had shooting range challenges with other weapons etc

    So for me this is a 6-7 game leaning towards the low due to how short it is and how limited the levels are. So I'll go 6.5. Lower the price it would have been more but it's not above a 7 either way, even if they had allowed post game open sandbox play. In contrast cp77 is a 80-90hr game with the DLC for 90$, Starfield is an 80-100hr+ game for 70$. Only nostalgia can negate some of that but I was never a huge robocop fanboy, the movie is just ok typical 80s action gimmicky stuff nothing that is amazing. I couldn't see the source IP as any reason to give it any higher score though.

    And the marketing machine including paid for comments and AI chatgpt stuff is all over in the "real" reviews and steam reviews are no different there. Companies who release it there well know the power the very first 100 or so reviews have, so why not buy 100 copies themselves, they're only losing the percent that steam takes the rest just comes back to them. Small investment for the good "real" reviews and their reputations give a game there. You can give those keys to employees and relatives who have a vested interest in how well the game goes, in other words employees who get bonuses if sales targets and ratings targets are made and you see a lot of very short recommended comments there. You can't trust devs in general they've done lying scummy things too many times. Think about No Mans Sky and all the fakery of Cyberpunk devs not to mention all the Starfield promises and many more game devs who have outright lied. And I shouldn't have to mention the whores at videogame review sites in general, all paid for in some way ad buys maybe, access to devs and early access footage and they have a vested interest in games selling well of course. Those sites are just marketing extensions of game devs who are just extensions of hardware sellers. It's like a full court press at a car dealership sort of thing.
    Hertzian56, Nov 10, 2023
  6. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    I decided to replay Terminator Resistance and forgot I had saves on this machine I don't remember last time I played that game. This is the same dev as Robocop but uses the older UE4 engine. I see the same things that I saw in Robocop, in some places it looks amazing but in others/most places it looks fugly. I seriously couldn't believe a game from 2019 looks that bad in interiors especially. The hideout is pretty bad, espically downstairs and I've got a bug where it's like lights way up down there, oof ugly. And the npcs you interact with the most look very weird in some instances like bug eyes of some of them and just looking possessed. UE is just not a good engine overall it's too generic and it's not too optimized and it's really buggy. It largely doesn't support mods either, pointing to how bad gaming is going to be going forward with many major studios switching over to it like Cpdur, likely after tw3 and cp77 going to go away at some point, similar to the Bioshock studio or the original Dead Space makers, all sold, dismantled etc Crytek makers of the Crysis games is largely gone as well. Just the nature of the monopoly buy out system, big awful pubs like EA, TT, Jubisoft, Epic, M$ etc just buy everyone else up and usually destroy them. Quality just goes down and the emphasis on monetization over anything else, treating customers like drug addicts except to games. So throw some shallow graphics and such out there and they'll bite.

    Most of the game is ugly and the dialogue and just genericness of it so so apparent. It's such a engine and game just feels so off the shelf idk. It is fairly fun and imo is BETTER than Robocop overall since it has larger world, more sneaking, more enemy types and a better story really. So from a T fan it's def a must play, but objectively giving it no credit for the ip it's pretty bad tbh. Most of the critic reviews are terrible also, opencritic had an average of 60 or so and most were around 50%.

    The steam reviews are shining, pointing to a couple things. Teyon is very good at manipulating reviews there and elsewhere, likely using paid for AI and shills as well as buying licenses and handing them out to interested parties like employees who get a bonus. As I've said the only loss there is the steam cut, the money just comes back to them. Proxies can be used for this purpose to hide who is doing the buying. And Fanboys who think it's their mission to help the dev with selling and making more of these licensed ip's in the future. Robocop is one such thing, and it's just OK nothing great about it other than some of the graphics and average combat at best and the ip source if you like it. And you know steam only wants to sell so their algos and policies are going to be for that only really.

    It is fun to play on a quick run through again and I use a trainer to cut out a lot of tedious filler stuff. I like the combat generally and the Terminator vibe is there. I think the main and side misisons are like 10hrs I'm going to run through it as fast as I can since I've already played it years ago. I also have the lone DLC and will do that as well. It's a lot lighter than Robocop due to RC being UE5 which I think has some advanced tech included in it like nanite etc And it runs a lot better. Robo I had no problem it was smooth overall but did get stutters here and there, Term is the same but mostly locked 60 more than RC had.

    It's similar to robocop in being largely shallow game that's just a fan service nostalgia power trip sort of thing. Robocop wasn't that great of a movie just typical dystopian 80s fare with the cult filmmaker director Verhoven. And like robocop it's priced outrageously for the content length. This one is 40$ and the DLC is 15$ so for 55$ you're likely getting about 15-20hrs of content, TERRIBLE. If it was amazing groundbreaking content it might be different or at least better but this is generic content at best with a popular ip, that's it.
    Hertzian56, Nov 12, 2023
  7. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    Oh and it and the dlc combined are about 26gb installed, seems high for the graphics and such but there it is. Robocop is 40gb, which seems too big for what was there also. Contrast this with TW3 with all dlcs comes in at about 35gb, that's the original not the remaster. And that's a hundred hours of content that's high quality in almost every way. Fallout 4 from the same year, 2015, with all dlc is I think about the same 35gb size and it is way deeper than this and much better quality. MGSV from 2015 also is about 25gb i think and still looks great today. Dying Light 1 from 2015 is even smaller with the dlc of around 20gb.

    In fact I'm thinking of a replay of TW3 since it's been a couple of years I think, the CP77 and RDR2 play kinda largely done. I'll likely go back to both but played the hell out of those two. I'm also thinking of Hollow Knight such a wonderful game and the art style means it won't ever look dated by graphics. Fallout 4 I do love as I played hundreds of hours but idk every time I look to go back it just gets stale for me at some point and I give up. MGSV is great but idk all those cringey non-skippable cut scenes and such are a turnoff especially the hospital part, I likely have a save after that though and I can replay missions. GTA4 always needs a replay it's such a detailed and handcrafted game, tied with San Andreas for the best GTA ever. I could ring off a few more games here and those are all NO UNINSTALL always on some drive ready to go for me.
    Hertzian56, Nov 12, 2023
  8. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    Idk kinda done with terminator resistance, it's so janky and buggy to this day. I got to where you need to put some thing on the tank and it crashed. Unfortunately I don't have a trainer that speeds up just the player, it also speeds up the whole game and Taycon has a history of doing this, making the player speed crawl to pad game time. They do this in Robocop but thankfully flings trainer has a slider for speeding up the player as much as you want I usually do 3x to cut out traversal time.

    So I've got the space on one of my external hdds to park terminator so if I want to it'll be easy to go back to but honestly it was so jank and looked so bad for a 2019 game as to be kinda insulting. 2015 games look better overall then that game, terrible. UE4 and UE in general sucks, too generic and tends to stutter and crash. I've only got the one crash so far but I've had to fight it to get 1080p full screen, since I have DSR enabled up to 4k it automatically picks 4k which is a huge waste of resources for this rig.

    I'll likely disable the 4k dsr, but this game just WILL NOT let me set it to 1080p native AND have full screen from the menus. When I boot up it's just a window that's very small and I have to go into it every time to get FS. I can sometimes get it to do 1k in game and full screen. If I try to trick it and do 4k but have resolution render down to 20% it's blurryAF. I hate fighting games and this one is not worth it. It's about 26gb with the DLC which is pitiful. It looks better in certain circumstances than just a simple reshade of the 5gb Fallout New Vegas but not enough and the gameplay is of course a few tiers below that game. If I need the space I'll just delete it but for now I'll park it like I did with Alan Wake 2 if I want to quickly drag it over to my nvme and boot it up again but honestly that's not likely, a huge waste of 80gb space for mostly movies and cutscenes, terrible game.

    In contrast I stuck AW1 original I had on my nvme for a replay and it's 9gb total. I also dragged over AW American Nightmare which is a short AW run and gun experience at about 3gb. I also grabbed Far Cry 2 as a really good retro game at 2gb size. I'll likely play Robocop a bit more but it's a hog at 40gb as well for what you get, just compare the size to the classic games TW3 and Dying Light 1. TW3 original with all DLC is 35gb. DL1 is about 20gb with the DLC. Tons of high quality content 100hrs at least to Robocops 20hrs or so.
    Hertzian56, Nov 13, 2023
  9. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    Jusant I played for a few minutes and right off the bat the controls suck, and I only use a controller to save my laptop keyboard, I can't imagine kb is any better controls. But at least it's only about 9gb so it's not a space hog. Likely keep it for a while then delete it. In contrast there RDR1 ryujinx is 12gb with a lot more replayability and fun.

    So yeah install size is important to me as I have about 3tb of external space to work with and about 300gb of nvme to work with. I have a lot of no uninstall games like Arkham Series, GTA, RDR2, most yakuzas, Dying Light series, TW3 etc I grabbed my Bioshock 1 backup to install as well, it's the original. It's about 5gb install, 2 is 9gb and infinite is about 40gb and is the best one imo Really too bad they didn't do more of the infinite sky city stuff and of course the studio is gone.
    Hertzian56, Nov 13, 2023
  10. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    TheHunter Call of the Wild is 80gb and has 11 or so huge maps all the size of the gtav map, it's using avalanche engine and looks great. I played the hell out of it first 6-7 maps which were the best ones, tons of side missions, lengthy main missions and of course just hiking hunting free play. It's one of those DLC abuse devs so I only recommend the free version or just getting the first 5-6 maps which can be had pretty cheaply now like 50$ or less. After that the maps get no side missions and simple main stories with not much added to them new animals and such. Not worth the cost. If you like nature based games it's a definite recommend.
    Hertzian56, Nov 13, 2023
  11. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    I was playing Alan Wake 1, non-remaster, last night and it looks great even today, of course it's no cyberpunk but it's such a dark game that it suits itself to lower graphics of times past. I'm using dxvk vulkan just in general and works fine, I doubt it gives much performance gain but usually vulkan just gives more steady framerates, likely not noticed since it's an old game but still kinda cool.

    I'm enjoying it again and it's much better than AW2 since it's more of a game you play and less of an interactive movie-cutscene thing. It still has a lot of cutscenes understandably but I really like the atmosphere and look of the game. The dark misty forest and the sets are really cool. The ghost town type of stuff and decent combat too. It's much more twilight zone stuff then the overdone indulgent type of writing that is in AW2 with minimal gameplay really. I think the story could have brought AW back to the dark forest and bright falls more instead of the "dark" place watery stuttery city area.

    They want to do an interactive movie game walking sim fine, just don't call it AW with such a big change from the first game and standalone DLC game and also Control had a lot more hands on gameplay to it. The story didn't intrude on that as much and tbh if the story was so good it wouldn't need the in your face type of forced intrusions. This just assumes everyone is that interested in their story and not interested in atmosphere and gameplay, fine it's their game but it should have been called something else with AW as a major protag instead of AW. I see AW2 as just mislabeled and probably better as a cgi movie, they needed to have that stated instead of just releasing it as that.
    Hertzian56, Nov 13, 2023
  12. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    I'm also going to install Bioshock 1 original and give it a try. It's been years since I've played the first one and I'm curious as to what it looks like in 2023 and how the gameplay has held up. The story of course is still the same no matter what the time. I might try dxvk on this game as well, it's just a case of dragndrop the dxvk dlls over.
    Hertzian56, Nov 13, 2023
  13. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    Bioshock 1 original is a buggy mess on pc. It will run on win10 in xp comp mode but then it doesn't scale the resolution right so it defaults to 1024x648 or somthing, it doesn't auto detect a widescreen correctly nor the 1080p native res of my screen so after a lot of attempts you have to go into the bioshock ini and set it manually and then you have to set it to read only. It works but then I have to either redo the audio and controller sensitivity every time or I've got to find those settings in the file and change them. Ok so I think I had it.

    But then the game is very buggy in general. In Fort Frolic you go to the frozen tunnel and take out the guy there and I've done it twice now. You have to take a picture of the corpse but both times it's in a place where the camera won't detect it so I'm stuck there too. I'm going to try it ONE more time and after that this is a delete game for me. From what I've read the remaster isn't any better so I'm not going to bother. And I didn't plan on bothering with 2. Infinite is my personal favorite of the series and I never had any problems w it so I'll likely just do that one if this is a delete. Too much aggravation for a game, even if it is a 2007 game. Too bad I was having fun w it's basic gameplay and mystery story as I can't remember how it turns out. It doesn't look too good though but that's fine I'm not a graphiwhore or anything.
    Hertzian56, Nov 14, 2023
  14. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    Ok looks like I am going to be able to finish bioshock 1 original. The third time was the charm on fort frolic level taking picture in the ice tunnel. And after that getting into ryans office worked fine and now in the part where you pursue fontaine. I should get the good ending since I saw no reason to "harvest" little girls, sounds awful.

    And I was reading that the main boss at the studio for this game is a Levine, big surprise a tribester making a game about Mkultra monarch "golems" raised from birth and before to have multiple personalities for the handlers convenience. The jewmasontranny cult most likely has mkultra monarch as a standard training for cult members. It's even more convenient when you just grow children in artificial wombs where you can control every aspect of them from the IVF or whatever they do. For instance in the EctoLife version for the public we see that the babies are all facing a central light or hub, so if this light is made to strobe or flash certain colors that can be an anchor for a triggering command later on. Sounds can be piped in, even torture/pavlovian training can start in the womb. There is no bottom to how sick and depraved this satanic cult is, nothing too filthy.

    Likely all these labs are underground, appropriately, in places that are remote all over the world. So in the USA Nevada is the lowest populated state, and everything above las vegas and not near Reno is remote. There are certainly USN underground bases all over here, little earthquake activity, dry, mountains you can hollow out for cooling purposes etc And it's not just the USN but those are the most odd ones since the Navy should be at sea or near it, which nevada is at closest hundreds of miles away, no reason for it other than to hide things with covers like weapons training. Wouldn't it be better to train in your area of combat expertise like the ocean? Even dropping bombs is a faulty argument, most ship and aircraft bombs are missiles that use homing and computers, we're not in the gravity bomb era over the ocean. Only a b52 mass death type of plane would need space to train, which the navy doesn't have afaik.

    No one remembers that the navy was restructured by a big jew hyman rickover and this was setup just before, during and after their orchestrated meat grinders in ww1-ww2 era. And you got just another jewmasontranny in EISENhower, the roosevelts were crypto jews, truman was a crypto jew etc etc Just surface level in modern times they tell us this. John Kerry, kohn, descended from rabbis, notice the fake name there too. And it was publicly known that Bush the "opponent" in that election was a distant cousin of this crypto jew and likely tranny, a 9611, sooo the obvious conclusion is that the Bush crime family are also crypto jews. We saw a mention of Bush in the NOI book on jews and black slavery where there is a Bush or Buchs as a jewish slave holder. The rats do a couple of things here, they scapegoat their evil onto others, they setup the "others" or controlled opp agents for dialectics, they project their sickness onto others, they use negative energy for their own purposes, all kabbalistic satanism and of course centuries of talmudickism and don't think they're not given a lighter version of mkultra, they're all trannies above a certain level in the satanic hierarchy bar none. These models would be 911s, from above jewtranny elite. 611s from below jewtrannys, likely the "bad" guy jmt's think stalin, castro, bela kuhn, etc That's not saying war criminals like eisenhower, roosevelts, etc aren't scum but their PUBLIC image is portryated by jew media as "good" guys. Light and dark janus, kabbalism, etc
    Hertzian56, Nov 14, 2023
  15. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    So getting back to bioshock 1, yeah the whole gaming genre is about pavlovian control, pleasure and pain stimulus. IF you want to continue you will do what the game makers want to do so, only modding and trainers can somewhat negate this. In Bioshock Infinite DLC you HAVE to take part in torture to see what's next it's gross. Same for GTAV you have to torture someone to continue the story. Countless other games require certain things to continue the game. So the meta of Jack Ryan here killing his father andrew ryan similarly takes control away from you and at least it's a cutscene, it doesn't make you actually push the buttons. Whole game is a communist screed, which games have been seeding into the unconcious of gamers for at least 30 years. I could go into the whole thing but just say this, there are crucifixes and bibles all over and the splicers who are insane talk about sin and the Lord so as to make the association with crazy people. Typical talmudick-kabbalist garbage, all over for a long time. It's the REAL hate speech and crime, these sick satanic gangsters are hellbound no doubt. Abraham would spit on them nevermind offering a cold glass of water.
    Hertzian56, Nov 14, 2023
  16. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    Frank Fontaine, ff, 66. Andrew Ryan, 118, Jack Ryan, JR, 1018. Programmed labgrown son kills father at the behest of a pre setup opposition agent of the same tribe no doubt. The christian based imagery is all over the game as well. Subversion from within and without, Luthifer, Vatican 2.0 etc

    The bioshock series overall seems to be about people trying to setup a new atlantis and how they usually conceal dark secrets that get them crumbled eventually. I don't know if this is an unconscious slip by the jewmasontranny cult or not, doubt it. It's likely a con or play going on, so the answer is just less humans and a rigid control system using tech, THEN you'll have what the tribesters said w the 1000 year shtettl. These are mental invalids though, how you think you can build anything that lasts longer than around 500 years as a dominant system on their principles and practices is just bonkers. God gives people what they want, the jewmasontranny satanists are just digging their own hole or constructing their own prison. To think that an obvious cult based on evil, deception and such whose leaders are well aware of that and in communion with satan with their rituals etc is going to come out ahead is crazy. Satan doesn't have any love for them, he wants payment and once theyre not useful in his goal to corrupt as much of humanity to hell as possible he'll just enslave them more and they won't like it.

    How anyone can like being in this evil cult is beyond me. Sure you'll get a much easier life depending on who your dna donors are and your level in the hierarchy as well as services rendered but that only lasts 75 or so years and then hell awaits, eternal punishment and torment. Satans con. The conclusion is just long term cult training to either forget this fact or believe themselves as gods who just go to nothing after death. Now as we've said this essence of the old world satanism was transmitted through the ghetto with the evil talmud and kabbalah. To then conquer through various means the native royalty of Europe once totally united with a separation of church and state but a mutual working together. The current system is the jewmasonic state claims it's impartial but of course that's a lie right there. And this beast system which includes all top positions occupied by this cult, took over education in good marxist fashion to train children in its principles and in it's false history and nasty priorities.

    So if you're a high level hierarchy satanist, part of the top tier, you have anyhting you want, etc So the number one priority is living forever to enjoy that. If space was real even the public top billionaires would build their own kingdoms or at least huge habitats up there, but they don't because they can't it' s impossible. Nah these satanists have probably put trillions and more of stolen wealth into immortality tech. No death, no judgement, no hell. Probably every feasible avenue has been extensively explored, no morals involved and you have unlimited bodies to do all sorts of cruel experimentation on.

    They seem to push the digitizing your consciousness to then be downloaded into a body or holder. Not sure if that's real or not. Likely better is just keeping alive your body as long as possible, extending the lifetime. Replacing failing organs with tech enhanced versions or even newly grown ones or both. The work on vets with missing limbs has probably been used, like how they feel the limb even though it's gone, so a prosthetic or robot arm could work. What a human needs is nourishment, blood, blood pumped to the brain and head etc from a just plain survival pov. A torso or less. Like a robocop thing, keep the brain, head, the rest is machines. The big problem with this is the brain itself ages, and degrades in most cases as you get older. And it's not as simple as all that, too much overwhelming complexity there even for the cult to know. So even if you could keep the brain alive indefinitely it likely too has a limit to it and thus the digitizing a consciousness but at a frozen state that doesn't degrade might make sense, however I don't believe it's possible. Just recording eeg data or more advanced IS NOT YOU, it's more than that. You'd end up as not human anymore and the perceived benefits of this would likely be nulled out.
    Hertzian56, Nov 14, 2023
  17. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    Bioshock infinite replay pretty fun, it's definitely a 10 yr old game but holds up pretty well in all depts. More hands on gameplay, great art style, mystery story somewhat. As we know this is just similar to the first one in that you have a founder of a city of ideals and it usually is just a con to be the hero in some form. This would be the mormon masonic form of it just tweaked with the worship of three very deceptive masons in franklin, a crypto jew member of a satanic coven, jefferson an admirer of the illuminati and rousseauist, washington a mason and likely freak of the marfans type. The universal jewish-masonic republic on one side and marx the crypto jew and his systems on the other side, not hard to see the scam there, dialectical kabbalism with the deicide self appointed god people who have their sick talmud to reinforce that as a training manual from almost day one.

    The bioshock in the depths is the "below" side and the one in the sky is the "above" part. Columbia statue has one arm pointing up and one with the finger pointing down, AS ABOVE SO BELOW, hexagram visually speaking. A retelling of the dialectic between jewish monopoly capitalism, nothing to do with independent free enterprise btw, and jewish communism/socialism. The synthesis is a front man state "god" controlled by these jewmasontranny elite satanists and their tools, that brings in a false utopia enforced by mind control and technology. They add in biotech and tech aspects in this series of the biological kind and in the first one it was mkultra multiple personality pavlovian training kind. I can't remember the hook in infinite but one major one is the "birds in cages" mind controlled cult members, and trannies of course, that elizabeth represents. I have not replayed 2 yet so can't comment too much there.

    It's interesting that the mechanical patriots you fight sometimes in this game, when you fight them a little caption always comes up that "if you shoot patriots in the back you get more damage", very telling. I'm about half way through when you take into account the two dlc, likely not too far off the end of the main game. I deleted Robocop as just a single playthrogh thing and some replaying a bit but was done with it. Basic shooter fanboy power trip game with some light rpg tacked on, just like terminator resistance was. Eh boring games tbh, good for a quick replay once in a while.

    Bioshock infinite I think my last replay was 3 or so years ago or more. I stopped with the dlc that forces you to take part in torture, self defense is one thing but torture is another and I'm glad this series ended. Hopefully never comes back. They did those remasters a few years ago, not interested. On first playthrough you got surprised by the torture didn't know it was coming but of course replays it's no secret so can skip it. By that time you've already played 95% of the game that doesn't have torture. Filthy thing by Jukay/irrational.

    I'd be more interested in the Silent Hill 2 remake and the max payne 1/2 remakes next year.
    Hertzian56, Nov 16, 2023
  18. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    I'm still on main campaign of bioshock infinite BI. It does get a little old just the constant enemy swarms at some point so I have to put it down a bit, I guess I'm used to more modern games that have more to look at and explore mostly. Big pretty worlds that can be played at your own pace without being a wave shooter. BI has a bit of that at first and in places like the docks but of course it's a much smaller world to explore. It's amazing the difference between the 38gb install size of BI w both DLCs and the world size and graphics(which do look good but def are cartoony) released 2013 and just 2 years later TW3, FO4, DL1 etc come out and 38gb gets you a much more updated and larger map size. In TW3 w both DLCs it's about 36gb, FO4 with both DLCs is about the same. DL1 with it's dlc is like 20gb or so.

    I think I'm pretty close to being done w main game of BI and then onto the dlc's at some point. Not a ton of new stuff so going through older stuff like AW1 and CP77 still adding a mod here and there to. Maybe do another run through of COJ Gunslinger, fire up RDR2, etc etc
    Hertzian56, Nov 17, 2023
  19. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    Finished main story of bioshock infinite then proceeded to the first dlc. All good and I don't think the dlcs do much but tie up the bishock story really. As I've said this series is as above so below kabbalistico-hermeticism like so much of gaming is. The below is rapture the above is columbia and the "synthesis" is the land between them. A reflection of the tranny ethos, the androgyne "god" of the perfect Adamina. So you've got both destroyed city's by Man, one falls due to infighting and the tools of communism and such and well the other is the same thing. We got the insanity of the residents aspects in rapture with the mkultra monarch mind control of the little girls and big daddy enforcer and the other side of the straight communist manipulation of columbia. There wasn't the genetic aspect so much to infinite but the vigors are a form of that vs the plasmids of rapture but the "white" power aspects were pushed much more in infinite then rapture where it was more a feud between elite.

    I would think if there's a fourth bioshock it would be set in the dialectical synthesis of LAND. Air, water, land in between. I didn't see the trannyism so much in either game but they usually hide that, the mind control mkultra monarch pillar is much more publicized in their media at least in these games.

    Uh so yeah then I played cp77 for a few hours just doing the Hidden Packages mod really, kinda fun to explore the world with a reason to go to even more remote places and nooks and crannies that Hidden Packages puts its treasure hunt item. I also have the mostly rainy working now so I recommend it, the game feels so much more evocative of blade runner 1 and also night time is really the best time to do that and also the Fixers Hidden Gems mod. Japantowns neons look really cool, the deserted alleys of the north district are very atmospheric too but it all looks so much cooler when rainy and night time. I have pretty much all things modded and done for this game and it's in it's final form for me. Only any new real content could move me to update past 2.0 and thus deal with modding frameworks updating and the mods that need to be updated there.

    And the mods don't really add much size to the install either. It was 77-78gb clean first install, it's now like 82gb with hundreds of mods of all types. Excellent.

    I am also loosely replaying Alan Wake 1 but didn't have time last night for it. Great game much more fun than 2, almost silent fans at max 1080p looks great, 9gb installed w all dlcs, no launcher, it's the gog version btw
    Hertzian56, Nov 18, 2023
  20. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    Finished the Burial at Sea DLC's that finish the Bioshock series as a whole. So the gist of it is that it's a loop repeating over and over until you choose the good ending to 1 which is nothing but not harvesting Adam from the little sisters and saving them from the Big Daddys'. This is all mkultra monarch mind control. The big daddy's would be the gatekeepers to the trauma memories locked away inside various personality fragments. The horrific nature of this trauma which can be physical pain and mental pain or both is awful. Satanic rituals, cannibalism, unimaginable tortures and such witnessed taken part in and also applied to the slave. The little sisters being the child like alters. Adam is some form of energy used or carrier for it. In one of the keys of solomon black magic tomes it mentions different areas of the brain localized into alters, so this has been done for a long time by satanists.

    Of course hypnosis, drugs and just general cult environment herding is used and now tech is used like eeg and visualization via vr goggles and such. Even in 2d screen based games when your character falls from a great height you get the same feelings of fear of height and rollercoasters. In an FPP game like 77 if you get run over by a car you can't see it's jarring etc so the brain can react to this even though it's outside of yourself and not real just visually based. A reason why I won't do VR goggles ever and hopefully be gone before AR is a major thing. The phones we have now would be encoded onto an implant and then either permanent or temporary contact lenses could do this, making an AR world connected to the AI controlled internet and private systems. All of them have backdoors built in when different levels want access no doubt. And for what the jewmasontranny cultists think of the mass of humanity just look at modern mass livestock farming.

    I at least made the decision in BI of the free bird vs. the bird in a cage, even if they make the wrong decisions at least they have more autonomy to make them. I believe this resulted in NOT doing the torture of Elizabeth in the prison I can't remember really. In BS2 you have to sit through a terrible lobotomy sequence but that's not in your control and ends pretty quickly.

    The ending is typical fantasy based scientism stuff like quantum theory, relativity, the things evolution implies about the origin of man etc That's not science it's occultism and its tenets put into a scientific garb of half truths, bullying, bribery, mental violence and such. It's purpose is to control and degrade mankind into an animal to be easily herded by these satanist scum. It's babel confusion stuff framed as real, the fantasyland of Alice, Dorothy and others. The snake and charmer working together for a show while the thieves behind quietly empty your pockets etc

    It's no surprise a jew was the main person in charge of these games, well versed in this stuff. Micro one person, macro spread it out far and wide via games in this instance. Macroprosopus, Microprosopus. Above Below. We saw the masonic checkered floor and such imagery in there. I've heard this jews new game is called Judas, one of their own. I would imagine Judas plays the hero or we are made to empathize with him, the snakes are subtle sometimes, sometimes not. And don't think the inversion isn't complete there in game. The Little Sisters are boys in dresses, if you see bookers decoy body this is a trannyman, Elizabeth has the wrong finger ratio if you notice etc The two pillars of trannyism and monarch mind control, one two combo that locks the cult together.
    Hertzian56, Nov 20, 2023
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