What game are you playing now

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by Hertzian56, Mar 20, 2023.

  1. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    Still it is a fun game overall and features great art style and plenty of hands on gaming. The combat isn't anything special but the vigors/plasmids make it more interesting and the various tear weapons elizabeth can call in. I think I played this over about 7 days or so couple hours every night so about 15hrs my guess normal play. I didn't bother unlocking all doors, listening to every audio log and such. I didn't do any farming, used a trainer to cut that out.

    With the remasters I think it's safe to say this series is over and done. Although if you own such a valuable ip I don't think it will ever be totally out of the possibility for more games using it. Remakes might be more viable and cheaper from a business standpoint, similar to Dead Space 1 remake still made a good return. And the Resident Evil Remakes were big hits mostly. 2-3 should have just been one game as 3 was too short and cut out too much. 4 was ok I wasn't astounded by it.

    Probably my fav game this year that I hadn't played before was RDR1 switch emu. Only because I had not got past the first part in other emulators and it runs pretty good in ryu. Zelda TOTK was pretty good too in emulation. I can't say about Baldurs Gate 3 as it's not my type of game, turn based so didn't bother. RE4R does stand out too but it wasn't amazing to me since I've played the older pc version a lot before. Just a remake all it was. Not like RE2R which is one of my all time favs. Never played that before so it was fresh to me, noir aspect, puzzles weren't over the top, modern camera and such.

    Phantom Liberty was good but just more of that game is all. In fact it's just a shorter version of the base game in the main story, just from an outside viewpoint. Dogtown is detailed and cool but just killers and tweakers wandering around and it's not very large so it's not a place I go to much, it's just there. The gigs are better more detailed but there's only around 10 of them, making Hands total gigs to around 11-12 with about 3 major side missions from him so like 15. In contrast Regina gives you 23 gigs and 10 or so cyperpsycho gigs. Though the norm for most is around 10 gigs each with maybe 2-3 major side missions from each.
    Hertzian56, Nov 20, 2023
  2. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    I booted up control again just to see how it is. I played the main campaign when it came out and I think I played the first DLC through but am stuck in awe or the second one at the nail ritual sphere part. When I shoot it and get rid of the growths when I try to pull out the holes they just burst outwards immediately. I think they're supposed to stick for a while longer to give you time to pull the other two out and thus get past this part. There is no manual saving in control so I was stuck inside this area. So I just went ahead and top menu started at about 3rd misison in base game give it another go. It looks great of course and features more gameplay than aw2 which is not hard to do though.

    It's more atmospheric and fun, kind of why I've kept it installed for these past 3 years. The main campaign is only like 20hrs or less to do though. I can't remember the dlcs prob like 10hrs each or so my guess, so ultimate edition is 40hrs main story and more if you do the side stuff.

    The inverted pyramids and disguised magic circles of the control points are obvious hermetic-kabbalism of this studio. And looking at the actual person jesse is based on and the game character it's an obvious tranny. The shoulder to hip ratio is male, the finger digit ratio of the actual person is male, low small butt on the actual person it's based on if you watch the steam video is male. The trachea area is a weird mess as well indicative of trachea shaving operations, why they get the neck webbing as they age, two pieces of skin protruding out and the trachea central area is in between it's really gross tbh. The actual person has a tranny mask face look, caked in makeup of course. Not sure about hair dying though hard to tell in these tightly controlled videos they put out. This is why you get the fugly "women" all over. The bid trannywood ones are bred to be better looking, surgery, makeup, lighting tricks, video editing and such.

    From aw2 "wifey" in game movies we can see the trachea shave markings and such obvious tranny. The smooth "men" like the aw real person indicate tranny's, ftms. The principle is inversion so therefore the "men" are biologically women.

    Still the game is much more fun to play and is better looking for me. Runs well too. Not hard in enclosed spaces that it almost completely is though. Foresty foliage nature takes more hp to render, more cpu and gpu so I turned down aw2 and it on average didn't look as good as control for me.

    As a side note I went to the kabuki dev garage in 77 and watched a fair bit of pics of the real devs and it was obvious cpdur is just another tranny infested cult area. Gross looking "women" and "men", not hard to see that in the game which features hermetic-kabbalism as it's major engine. Just the tarot stuff indicates kabbalism, tarot of the 32 paths etc is based on kabbalism. The pyramids, obelisks, trannyism all over, transhumanism, etc all over.
    Hertzian56, Nov 21, 2023
  3. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    Finally finished all of Control meaning main and both dlcs. The Foundation DLC was way better then the AWE alan wake tie in one. Still neither take too long but the Foundation would take longer just to traverse the astral plane sections. I have the inf hover tweak so it wasn't that difficult and I figured out why I couldn't get the nail ritual where you have to fill in the sphere, it was the one hit kill option on the fling trainer! After pretty much replaying the whole game because I couldn't get that to work lol

    Control doesn't feature any save anytime you want which sucks since you can't save and come back it sucks. There's only autosaves and so if you want to go back you've got to copy your saves at the point you want to go back to and reapply them over top of the latest save. It's ridiculous. When I restarted from the missions menu it overwrites any save you had too. And it only goes back to like the 3rd or 4th mission to start. Otherwise you have to start all over again and then it also destroys your save. I mean at least old games have like 3 slots for different playthroughs but this remedoesnt lol

    Anyways Control is a great game if you have the patience for the backtracking and eventual rando combat that's the same over and over to get where you need to go. And the map is atrocious. There is no waypoints at all nor are there even a final waypoint to your destination. So a lot of time is spent just trying to find how to get places. I get that remedont wants you to explore as I've found a couple of missions that I wouldn't have found, like the mirror one, but after a while it gets old if you're just trying to get back to a place you've been but doesn't have a control point to fast travel to. Like Underhills office, Field training and other places. I'm sure a lot of people just put this game away for good just from this frustration. Terrible design decision that remedont obviously doesn't care to change with aw2 it was such a small world that wasn't too much of an issue. I can't imagine Control 2 which is in the mix now is going to be any different. Likely at least 2 years off though, remedon't took 13 years for aw2 and control 1 was in 2019 4 years ago. They're remaking Max Payne 1/2 for next year I think.

    The basically no ending to control 1 means it was written with at least 2 in mind. Similar to AW1. I think they shoot themselves in the foot with these long in between times though, people lose interest and other better games come out. Even AW2 had really no ending so if anyone's interested in another 8 years who knows if we ever get any closure to aw story. I don't want to be gaming much in 8 years that's for sure, better more productive hobbies like painting or something else instead. EFF alan wake 3 and Control 2. Probably should just make a cgi movie for both and be done with it, they're getting stale. At least AW story is staleAF for me, not interested in it anymore. At least as a potential paying customer or giving it anymore time than a quick synopsis read on some site.

    Still I thought Control was a great game overall. Very atmospheric and Ahti is great. Great looking, interesting weirdness, funny at times. I didn't care about any of the characters at all other than Ahti is hilarious accent and form of english. We also needed a much better looking tranny than jesse, this ladyboy has a constructed face with chinplant, FFS, wrong hip to shoulder ratio, cartoon voice modulation etc Emily Pope was just a nasty ladyboy as well, male bulbous head, even has the haircut just nasty. The others were also uniformly weird looking. Had enough of the Alan Wake guy too, not sure if the egotistical Sam Lake of remedont was in there, probably as a voice somewhere. Douche wrote himself into his companies game in aw2, great job douche. And we got the cliche "wise" "strong" negress in Marshall, likely just another ladyboy as well. The brother was uninteresting and barely in there anyways. Don't giveAF what happens to him at all. Ahti looks like a grandma tbh. They're like ants or bedbugs, where you see one or two there are 1000.

    Still Control is recommended over aw2 and has more gameplay than aw1 with amazing graphics even without RT like I played it. When I just enabled rt reflections my cpu use or gpu can't remember almost doubled. This 2060m and i5 laptop just not built for RT in the RT era so far unless they're very old games that are otherwise low needs. I saw it on sale for 10$ on steam w both dlcs well worth it, it's not worth the usual 39 imo because it's hard to tell if you'll like it beforehand. No wonder they don't do demos at Remedont. As in my aw2 thread I DO NOT recommend it at all unless you like interactive movies. There's not that much actual gameplay and what there is is made as obnoxious as possible with the muddy graphics, jump scares, walking sim and such.
    Hertzian56, Nov 23, 2023
  4. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    Found a great little early access indy racing game. New Star GP is super fun and addicting arcade with some realism play, some very lite rpg aspects and features pretty much real F1 tracks under other names. Just the right amount of difficulty for casual play and also some challenging play as well. So far they only have 60s body and 80s body styles but eventually will do late 80s/90s/2000s/2020s. I have a blast playing this game. Kinda sick of the ultra realistic graphics boringaf stuff that's taken over, convoluted filler littered monsters like Horizon series, F1 series, Dirt series, WRC stuff, just play the older versions have just as much fun. I still have Rfactor 1 install with like 40gb of f1/indycar mods but New Star just easily is more direct fun, is only like 1.5gb install, simple.

    Started a new game of Control, enjoying it again after finishing the DLCs and a good part of the main campaign. It flows a LOT better with the assists of one hit kill, and the FLING trainer for 1 hit shield breaking and the tweakables mod for inf levitate when you get it in the game. The enemy respawns aren't such a nuisance as they go pretty quickly.

    Grabbed a couple of the new add on cars for Cyberpunk, both lambos. The Countach is phenomenal and is miles above any of the vanilla cars in game, not hard to do though. The Aventador is nice, not as good as the Countach but pretty nice. I have the Mclaren F1, Pagani Zonda, Mclaren P1, Lambo Terzo Millenio, the electric Regera, the BMW bike, and prob more I can't remember atm. I'm hoping for some custom add on bikes as that's the only way to see your character in game. Not much else to do in cp77 after I redid the hidden packages and fixers hidden gems and also to both ending missions. Other than loading up an earlier save or just starting a new game there's not much else there. Probably time to put it down for a while.

    Somewhere near the end of Alan Wake 1 original replay, so much better than 2. More atmospheric, looks great to this day, decent combat etc The graphics still look great like AA game to this day and the fact that this is a mostly dark misty environments game helps a lot. I have the complete edition so do the two dlc as well.
    Hertzian56, Nov 25, 2023
  5. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    Thinking of loading up an early save of TW3(original 1.31 version) since I've played a lot of Control but doing a rerun there too. It sucks you don't get levitate until you basically find your brother though, with the tweakable to make it infinite it really makes the game much more interesting with combat and exploring hard to reach places. Takes a lot of the grind out of it too if you are doing a replay. First playthrough sure I get it but replays? Come on Remedont think of player QOL even players who love the game enough to want replays remedont get the consideration, but remedont.

    They could have had a NG+ with the understanding that you will start where you can do mission replay so like 4th mission in after you cleanse the magic circle at the central executive and Mr Pope and company come out of hiding. They put the abilities into the story though but still what's the harm in having them already and just redoing the astral plane training with them already? I mean would it make the early game too easy with NG+? SURE but WHO CARES, the game is already a pain if you don't have assists or a trainer and not worth the hassle, not fun really.

    If you select the mission select replay option you only get your guns carrying over, outfits unlocked and some other stuff. You DON'T get levitate and other supernatural skills carryover, pretty dumb. And there is only ONE slot for ONE game, so you'll need to find your savegame and back it up if you want it later. I like the flow better with levitate and one hit kill with all the spamming enemies and I'm fine with it during boss fights too but you can disable it there if you like that.

    I also think the Ashtray Maze level needed to be a standalone arcade option after beating the game, fantastic level that could have had difficulty modes, timed modes, reverse etc In Foundation DLC there's a similar mission that should have had an arcade mode too imo. Even in Ashtray allow user supplied music options too. Remedy has so much awesome ideas and stuff but they have no clue how to make it more available and not locked behind things and such. Just a standalone dlc small add on for those two levels would have been soo great. Of course AW2 nor any of their other games had anything near as fun as those two levels.

    So getting back to it, yeah kinda all Cyberpunked out, only thing to do is either start new game or load up early save from my 200+ saves. Control is fun but getting to the point of staleness. I'm almost just back at the Ashtray Maze level though and then redo the DLC start with Foundation since it's a lot better than AWE is. New Star GP is a great little arcade racing game but I've now been through one season and it just repeats after that, just a new body style of late 80s/early 90s and the classic 60s body style is available, but same tracks. The full version after early access will be a MUST get who knows how long that will take to come out though.

    Soo TW3, maybe AC origins replay, idk
    Hertzian56, Nov 26, 2023
  6. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    Reinstalled Far Cry Primal and played a couple hours. Eh idk it's alright not the fresh experience I was expecting after so many years. And it has the typical jubisoft jankiness to it for instance when exiting it locked up my computer for a bit and was only able to get it quit after using task manager. It just stuck on my screen which I was able to tab out of but still took up the desktop til it was gone. Graphics are fine but dated no doubt. It's not the best xbone controller layout either but adequate. Idk just one of those games I played too much back in the day and feels more like a chore to play. It looks a lot better at night of course.

    It has 15 mods total on nexus with vast majority being reshades not interested. Was hoping for some non reshade recolors to give it more of a vibrant color pallette less brownish/yellowish and more flat accurate colors. Like all jubisoft games it's a collectathon with tons of filler not too interested there either. Of course it makes the typical jubisoft marxist fake history stuff. Everyones black of course making the fake scientism of today "come alive". You of course take orders from some woman whom you saved from a beast attack while she hangs around the camp I guess. The Udum(likely Adam reference) are cannibals and bad guys I guess, the fire tribe are bad too. And I'm sure the deeper you get there is more obvious marxism in there, it's jubisoft of course.

    It also tries to phone home for a while before starting up. Thankfully I have a years old 1.33, lol of course, version that I think was before various launchers and logins were required to even play the game. I couldn't imagine pay less than 10$ current price and having to have an account and login everytime to just play this game, nor any game and that's one major reason why sailing the high seas is way better. Even Bioshock I think was slapped with a login or some other recent older game I was researching, ridiculous. Old games like these should be released on GOG with no login or account to just install and play, or they should just sell them directly to the public no third party store.

    As I've said before a physical version on a simple USB3 is possible but then they wouldn't have the amount of control over it. You can get 100gb+ usb3's for not much today, if all languages are included just compress the release and install uncompress what is needed. It's rare to get repacks of games more than 80gb today and most are about 60gb or under. Additional language packs could be left to online download to cut the size even more. But of course these large companies are megalomaniacal collectively. In the box or even by email or an account they could give a key if they're so paranoid about someone getting a copy of an infinite supply digital item. Their faf supply and demand nonsense only applies when it benefits them of course. As I've said costs to produce and some profit is fine but they make that with sales in a year or two maybe after that there's no reason to not drop price drastically. Most do to be fair it's less than 10$ today and even less than 5 at times but the point is really that supply of non physical digital items is infinite and demand is finite therefore in theory these should have NO VALUE WHATSOEVER. And they don't really, not necessary have no resale value as digital only items, we live in a physical world and that faf law was made with the assumption of physical goods and measurable services like say drawing up a will or washing your car etc

    In reality Adam Smith et al. was an apologist of the jewish-british empire raping and pillaging and dope inc empire which removes human values/human weakness as much as possible from the equation. Fine but be consistent there if you're going to hold to it. For instance dope inc doesn't take into effect that humans can become addicted and thus the demand can be manipulated as well as the supply to hook people then bleed them dry, it's not a moral theory at all and that fits into that empire and it's traditions still in effect in the modern world. Water falls from the sky and runs in rivers, is underground, lakes etc but the state has stolen it from individuals and gatekeeps it for sale for just cleaning it which isn't that necessary if catchment was allowed and in many places it's illegal and their system requires you to buy water from the state at largely gamed prices. There is a minimum they charge everybody for water and all the rest of it. People forget that buying fancy bottled water is thousands of percent markup from the tap water I'm talking about and is largely not any cleaner depending on people pipes and such of course. Rain has minimal minerals other than what it picks up while falling so catchment is viable in say the Pacific Northwest for normal daily usage outside of baths and showers. Sponge baths would be fine etc Showers take a lot more water than a bath because it's constantly running down the drain, a bath just fills up a tub and that's what you use.

    Anyways getting back to Primal I'm likely going to just move it to an hdd and delete it later if I don't get the urge to go back to it, doesn't feel like I will tbh. Still having a blast wit New Star GP now in the 90s era since beating the 80s series so new tracks and cars avail but it's not a long term game like 77. Uh a bit of Control since I"m at Foundation DLC again and largely didn't do side stuff during the replay of the main campaign. Probly take a rest from gaming next little while.
    Hertzian56, Nov 28, 2023
  7. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    already deleted FC Primal it was just so boring, and frankly drab coloring a lot idk just didn't really jive too well after a couple hours of play. I still have the installer of course and it only took about 20mins to install it so not too big of deal to put it back on if I want to later. This is the rg mechanics using CPY so it stores saves right in the games install folder which I backed up if I want to reinstall ever. It does try to connect to jubisoft servers for a minute or so before giving up, as I have a 3rd party firewall that is set to manual mode only so it has to ask me when every new program wants to go on the net, and it has the remember this setting so it's not something that constantly comes up.

    I'm going to try some FC3 blood dragon as I've got FC3 installed on an hdd that includes BD so no need to install it etc. Had a blast with New Star GP for a while but after a bit my hands need a rest. The 90s are harder than the 80s were with auto upscaling AI difficulty. And play Control last game of the day since its mostly a quiet game outside combat.
    Hertzian56, Nov 28, 2023
  8. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    FC Blood Dragon is a great entertaining game, another small game that packs a punch like Metal Gear Ground Zeroes. It's only about 3.5gb in size and features the second smaller island from FC3 with what howlongtobeat says is a short 4-5hr main campaign but that's just going to the next major objective, you can extend by free roam base taking, collectibles and such. I only do a couple of the main missions per session so should last a few days but it's a funny, distinctive game that probably keep installed anyways.

    I also have Far Cry 3 105 from way back and grabbed a save that skips most of the tedium of crafting and weapon unlocks and such, as well as flings trainer for it to cut out the filler that jubisoft games feature to this day. FC3 is about 8.5gb which is amazing for the amount of content. Amazing how a 2012 game has all the basic things that most open world games still have today, apart from QOL and graphics there's very little different or better today. Even the graphics aren't too bad to look at maxed out and there are reshades and other things that can make them better today. Saw an AI upscaled textures pack on nexus. I'm fine w the vanilla graphics just maxed out, still barely uses fan noise if at all and 60 locked.

    Blood Dragon is a cyberpunk game as you play as a cyber commando voiced by an actor that was in a few of the major cheesy 80s action movies. The dialog is hilarious and features old school cutscenes from like original metal gear times. You have an early version of the kiroshi cyber eyes of cp77. It has the robocop gun too. The color scheme is dark neony nuked world type of thing. It has scan lines for effect but I have a mod that removes those for a clearer image. It's just a form of FC3 but funnier and has amazing wave 80s type music which does add a lot to the experience.

    I recommend sailing the high seas on this one due to the jubisoft greedster launcher and logins and such. I don't have to deal w that at all. All jubisoft games have this intrusive feature so I don't recommend supporting any of their games with money or otherwise. FC3/BD was really the last good stuff in the series, it's just been small improvements and graphics since then, franchise stuff. Their AC series in it's open world form was best in Origins, the rest should be skipped and the original sneaking smaller world versions are very old now not worth it. I do have ac4 black flag which is actually pretty good too. So in modern systems FC3/BD, AC origins and AC4 black flag are really the best of jubisoft games.

    But yeah BD is totally recommended if you can get a version without a launcher. For 4-8hrs of play it's worth less than 10$ if offered w no jubi launcher or any launcher.
    Hertzian56, Nov 29, 2023
  9. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    I'm also playing a few of the retro racing games. New Star GP is by far the best one I've played in years totally recommended. I do have Formula Retro from 2020 but it's very basic and not more than a glorified phone game imo. There isn't even a way to exit the game via menus, you have to Alt-F4 out of it, very clunky.

    Rally Rush 3 is amazing for the 350mb size and made by one guy apparently, it's no wrc or dirt level rally game but for the basic graphics and decent sound it's a great here and there game. Compare to WRC4 which I still have and I think is from 10 years ago it's something like 4-5gb size and likely is only marginally better. If you added 10x the size to Rush Rally 3 you've have 3.6gb size and would be totally fine for a rally game in graphics since it looks ok as is if you're ok with older graphics but is a lot cheaper. Idk but for a 360mb casual rally game to have around it's totally fine. The latest WRC game by EA is probably 50gb+ for not much better core gameplay most likely and of course it's EA.

    Everything is for hardware sales, and it's not worth what people are paying for it all. They are even introducing mandatory raytracing engines like UE5 to push people to buy new equipment since it's so demanding for what it produces. It looks good in places but in other places it's very generic and low/old level graphics like cars, interiors, junk etc easy to see in Robocop RC. RT is only marginally better looking and it's very subjective and situational. I've seen path traced stuff in 77 that just looks a blurry mess compared to raster, and games are designed to have lots of shiny dark puddles and such just to use and show off the tech. It's really your money they're wasting for this tech as it comes back to them 10x over in the monopoly pricing. Having buggy messes that need overkill equipment is a strategy to push sales and also to push some to the closed controlled consoles. Consoles use all the tricks to fool people, the 4k it promises isn't 4k it's upscaled 1k or 2k at most with graphical tricks like heavy vignetting, blur, dof, aberration and all the rest of that junk.
    Hertzian56, Nov 29, 2023
  10. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    FC Blood Dragon took me 8hrs20mins to finish and that's collecting most tvs and claytons files and vhs tapes as well as killing all 12 of the animals. All those are to unlock weapons mods btw otherwise wouldn't bother, not a big collectathon fan. After you ride the armored trex you just go into one of those 90s game cutscenes to finish off sloan lol It's just a DLC for FC3 really but is a standalone game too. Hardly worth more than 10$ and with the age it's really 5 or less. That's without the jubisoft online req and launcher login etc Can't see going back to it anytime soon it's fun but short and there's not much else to do. Liberated all the outposts as well. I did use a trainer the lingon one for v102 which came in a duology bundle with fc3 105 had it for years.

    Amazing what 8.5gb for FC3 got you, a whole island, npcs, racing, cards, darts and plenty of missions and such and it looks dated but totally fine. If someone released this as a AA game today it would be praised to the heavens. BD is about 3.5gb so it's a just keep it on here or move it around since it's separate from FC3. I also use flings 105 trainer on FC3 works great, cuts a lot of the grind out of it and I got a mod that gives you a fast start too. So having a blast w fc3 replay. Still have Control and CP77 on my 256gb internal NVME, a second one for storage and games to the main one for OS, software and such. Every other game is on my external SSDs and HDDs all 2.5 laptop form factor and use a sata to usb3 cable to just plug them in when needed. I figured I have about 4tb or so game space, plenty.
    Hertzian56, Nov 30, 2023
  11. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    It is actually surprising that jubisoft the megacorp could come out with something as creative and funny as blood dragon but I guess that was 10 years ago. Too much churning out variations of FC3 since then and the newer open world focused ACs. They did go back I think to the focused stealth with Mirage but no way I'd step into a modern jubisoft game anyways. I think as usual it has denuvo which takes months most of the time to be cracked, no complaints. Origins and Odyssey and AC4 are enough AC for me. Skipped the viking one even though it's had a free version for years now.

    I've heard New Dawn is a similar alt take to 5 but just not enough different to just FC3 to want to go for it. Like I said I had Primal on here but even after 2hrs got bored of it and it's 4 years newer than FC3. There was at least some attempt at creativity there with the stone age depiction though so I'll keep the installer repack of it. The gun based ones since then are just more of the same reskinned and typical jubisoft marxist drivel stories. FC3 had the typical friends in paradise turning into hell like so many cheap horror movies do over and over. There wasn't as much of the overarching politics like in 5/6 overt marxist drivel full of cliches and variations of the jewmasontranny revolutions scams so evident in the past 500 years or so.

    Those scum haven't really made anything better in the world, at least not intentionally. Oh sure materialistically and the benefit of making huge monopolies their cult uses for nefarious purposes of all kinds, but the unintended real benefits are mostly all done for 50+ years. The basic improvements of general hygiene and sanitation, indoor plumbing and basic electrical appliances were all achieved by the mid 1950s or earlier so it's been even longer than 50 years since tech was mostly a benefit. It's been grinding down and dehumanizing since then. Hazardous. Cell phones are not a benefit for the most part. They're a minder and vulture always there, spying, addicting, etc Computers also dehumanize and brutalize us, numbers in a spreadsheet. The car has also not been a benefit really, only benefits monopolists and ugly nasty car based cities and such. The horse was and is the most perfect transportation and it was more human too. A living creature that to many was a pet or companion that needed rest, water, grooming, ate natural food and such. Limited us to human distances and such. None of this constantly moving around and high priced compared to horses. The TV/radio and printed press is a weapon this cult uses to perpetuate falsehoods and scams of all kinds. Satans Great Voice.

    The internet has rapidly devolved into a dehumanizing and commoditizing addiction and now requirement for the most part. Drugs legal or not are mass produced to fix problems of society. Our food is industrialized and bad for us so they can sell the fixes to us, coming and going. Cancer is a modern disease caused by the industrialized food and chemicals. Mental illness is caused by the jewmasontranny matrix we have to live in, getting more and more satanic as time goes by so more and more just slip into long term or permanent mental illness' of various kinds. Animalization of humans is increasing, belly worshipers in various forms. Scamming everywhere, sellsellsell everywhere, etc Sad times really.
    Hertzian56, Nov 30, 2023
  12. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    Been playing a combo of FC3, control, cp77 and now just started up FC2. FC2 is an impressive game really, no handholding, no hud, if you want the map you have to pull it out in game like real world would be. I think this game needed a remaster but jubisoft had just copy paste and the other handholding of modern games going forward. FC4 wasn't a bad game neither was Primal but they're not as good as 2/3 and the whole series just went into franchise mode after those two and downhill. 2 with one of those AIO mods is a lot better too, if still janky at times. For instance since I had godmode and likely all items enabled I can't progress past the garage I wake up in since I can't take the syringes from the med box. So I've got to load up and hope if I disable those cheats I can still grab the syringes and thus be allowed by the game to exit the garage into the open world.

    FC2 is only about 3gb and has most of the modern conveniences, picks up my controller fine and such. I think 5/6 are 50gb+ installed. I did play 5 a bit but it had some bug where my controller wasn't recognized so never finished it, didn't miss much I'm sure. FC3 has the most memorable characters, vaas, dennis, citra, the doctor, the cia guy and likely more I'm probably close to halfway through that. And the Blood Dragon DLC was fantastic if only a few hours in length but if the base game is probably around 25hrs for me a dlc of 8-9hrs is fine. FC3 is 8gb and BD is about 3.5gb in size so the amount of game for the size is outstanding in the context of a fully 3d open world. Hollow Knight is also 8gb but it's a lot longer easily 30hrs, all time fav there, with a trainer of course lol

    I also booted up TW3 and locked it to 45 even though I can play at 2k and get 60 most of the time, not worth it so went back to 1080p and locked to 45 gives me almost no fan noise on my laptop at all. I have it on an external SSD and think of that whole game and both dlcs for 36gb, pretty amazing. Easily over 100hrs of gameplay there. Top quality stuff. Cpdur suck but you've got to give it to them for the TW3 and CP77 games, both very flawed and TW3 is a much better game but 77 just grabs me and keeps me coming back mostly due to mods though.

    I also still play New Star GP here and there and it's fantastic, what a gem of a game that gets almost no press to it. If you love open wheel racing and retro but cool graphics it can't be beat. Formula Retro is just too basic and jankyaf compared. Low effort game, should just be a mobile game imo. Abandonware at this point too, surprised I was actually able to get it after having it there waiting for a seeder for a couple days.

    need to get back to SM Wonder at some point too.
    Hertzian56, Dec 3, 2023
  13. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    Got into Far Cry 2 a bit more, I've played it before over the years so it's not a new experience. As I've said I use a controller to save my laptop keyboard, and the game does pick it up and I'm able to use it but no prompts for it. It's not completely supported either I'm not sure what buttons do what outside of basic stuff, phone mostly. I use the realism mod which makes it look better as far as colors and has a little built in god mode and ammo too. Which is nice. It negates the trainer I had though since it uses a modded EXE.

    Idk the problem is that there is no easy way to make movement faster, like I have for most games I like 2-3x faster walking, nothing easy for that in this game. So it's kind of a slog to play tbh The necessary car travel isn't the funnest either with enemies just opening up all the time they get blown up pretty fast. So I'm not sure I'm going to play much more. It's too bad because it's an older but not too old non-handholding open world game with more choice than almost any game of it's genre. It's immersive no doubt but the graphics could use a refresher and it's heavily dark and bad contrast options. Runs fine locked to 60fps. But it's too much of a slog to get through and such. FC3 is much better looking and there's a fling trainer with all the options making the game a blast to play not too much of a slog. So likely done with that game.

    It really needed a remake or an updated version like the gta's got for more QOL and slightly better graphics and modern options even at going from 4gb to 15-20 would have been fine. But Jubisoft not interested of course, keep pumping out their tripe copy paste junk is more profitable and jubisoft shysters all about that.

    FC2 is a great point in gaming history and it's hard to believe that GTAIV was contemporary with it, still a perfectly playable game today. To me FC3 is the best FC to this date and GTAIV is tied with San Andreas as the best one.
    Hertzian56, Dec 4, 2023
  14. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    Had to get rid of the realism mod for far cry 2 it would crash every 20mins out of nowhere so it was some problem with that. Playing vanilla FC2 with the lirw trainer cuts out a lot of the tedium that this game has but certainly not all of it. I really don't get the constantly being attacked by everyone in the world and it's annoying especially since you have to use the awful cars to get around he walks so slowly and I don't have a trainer so far that speeds him up which would be really nice.

    Game is not the best looking but good enough. It's ok kind of sim which is an older type of game design but has a lot of qol annoyances like the obnoxious map and awful cars. FC3 has a lot better overall systems and is funner to play not to mention the trainer I have is really good.
    Hertzian56, Dec 6, 2023
  15. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    I grabbed the far cry 2 relaxed mod which isn't as big but probably is better for my play style of exploration focused. The sim aspects don't interest me much other than the immersion of say the map and the minimalist hud with a more nuanced story that isn't so "this is the bad guy" type of thing. It unlocks the store and makes everything 1 diamond, and more importantly it cuts the random enemy pursuers in cars to almost none from checkpoints etc

    Biggest issue with the game is that the enemies are excessive, you can't go anywhere in a car without constantly being shot at and pursued and this is NOT realistic at all. Only in an actual battle would this happen, not in the whole zone. The two factions don't fight each other at all, only you are the big target, makes no sense. Jubisoft has usually always had this mechanic in all far crys but at least in later ones you had allies out there who wouldn't attack and thus zones where you weren't relentlessly hunted, not so in FC2. In FC2 you mostly don't have animals trying to kill you though, in FC3 you do have a few obnoxious ones and I remember my brief play of FC5 where it was way too aggressive. FC4 I can't remember but likely had more animal attacking. NOT realistic at all.

    So yeah FC2 is now stable, I may try a reshade at some point but so far am fine with vanilla graphics, the muddiness is kind of appropriate to the themes and the dark of the games whole premise rather than the disneyland colors of later fcs
    Last edited: Dec 7, 2023
    Hertzian56, Dec 7, 2023
  16. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    Far Cry 3 is a much more modern and fun game than FC2 but much more cartoony and hand holding. It's also a lot more intrusive jubisoft uplay garbage and the saves cannot be substituted because of that. I also cannot have more than ONE save and ONE autosave at a time on an open world game! ReeeedickULuS!!

    FC2 I have 100 saves that I can freely backup and also add in others saves, for instance I have a whole unlocker save collection of various points in the game. Got off of gamecopyworld. I put in one of them that is later on in the game and is in the South Map of the game, worked fine to load up.

    BUT that's not possible with the newer FC3. Jubisoft just became a lot more Jubi with the franchise at that point. FC3 is prob my fav FC game with 2 being second and 4 being 3rd then Primal 4th, not interested in 5/6 or anything in future. Similar to their AC games I have no need for more than AC4, AC origins and maybe odyssey. Even going forward.
    Hertzian56, Dec 7, 2023
  17. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    So here's the problem w FC3 save system. I'm at the mission Doppelganger in the cave to get the uniform, right when I take out the recruit it goes to BLACK SCREEN infinitely. I've tabbed out and let it sit there, come back, etc NOPE. Doesn't advance. I've done this at least 6-7 times, same issue.


    I've tried the tricks I've read around the net, borderless, basic weapons only, doing it at night, fast traveling elsewhere coming back, doing other side stuff coming back, etc HELL I even stuck dxvk in there ran it in Vulkan to see if it would help, nope. And btw vulkan is NOT better for this game, at least in dx9 mode, or it needs more time to load in with vulkan, my cpu usage spiked at first then came down and it was stuttery but eventually was fine so it does work but not recommended unless you're linux user or etc

    SO my idea was to go get a save off of nexus or gcw and try that. WELL the game rejects that, I only had the option to start a new game. I may try a trick today but otherwise my only option is to START ALL OVER AGAIN and hope I don't get this bug.

    HALF A GAME progress down the tubes! REALLY GLAD I never game Jubisoft any money for at least a decade. I have an AC2 disc I bought but not since then have I ever given Jubisoft any money for anything. The world would actually be a MUCH better place without Jubisoft and videogames in general as well as cell phones, and CERTAINLY their mother the TV. Phukem.
    Hertzian56, Dec 7, 2023
  18. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    I played Warm Snow last night for an hour and it was decent but pretty short main game with a trainer. Flings trainer speeds up your character a LOT and of course godmode, one hit kill etc A game that I can like playing even with a trainer is a great game, even better really. Warm Snow has no replay value but that's kind of the point w these repeating games to farm and build up your character for new runs of the same levels with new stuff here and there and hidden levels and such. I thought it had good art style but those types of games have never captivated me more than temporarily. Hades was the same, fun but too repetitive for my taste.

    They have story but it's iterative over several runs of the same levels and not worth the grind to me as story isn't the focus and usually not that interesting in these games. This one is Chinese mythology. Hades is obviously focused on Greek mythology.

    The only game of this type I enjoy coming back to over is Dead Cells. Awesome retro graphics and fun combat and over the years they've added new levels to it to keep it fresh. One of the best games of all time imo. They just released a new patch but no new content since the Castlevania patch, 33 of course.

    Sooo yeah Warm Snow main caimpaign first run over in less than an hour. Then went into the paid DLC but you have to start in the main world first, didn't get into it much. I imagine it's just more levels and hidden rooms and such there. Probably 30mins or less for me. Try to get this all done today and deleted.

    And the game is 16gb install size, seems very bloated to me. Like there is a huge AI procedural aspect to it and maybe the video and audio is encoded very inefficiently. Some japanese games do this and adds a ton of size to them for no good reason, videos in formats that are bloated etc. I think Nier Automata games are like this, once the vids are reencoded in sane formats and specs they're not too large, leave that to repackers.
    Hertzian56, Dec 11, 2023
  19. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    I did a bit more Warm Snow last night and finished main campaign for the second time. I think that's enough and with a trainer it was less than an hour. I also had the second paid DLC End of Karma but I guess I missed how or where to even start it. It's a Chinese game and they don't seem to have things too clear. I get that this game likely has some "secret" way into the DLC during the main campaign or something kind of like Dead Cells Castlevania had but they make it way too obscure here so I never saw any of the new stuff during my second main playthrough. Might have been better to have a separate main menu start for the DLC.

    Eh I doubt there's more to it than more of the great art style and some of the animations. I had enough already deleted. This game is 16gb installed which seems way too big for such a simple art style. In contrast my GTA4 107 main gaime is 13gb for that whole open world and story etc So bloat is def a problem today in most games.

    Unlike Dead Cells this game didn't have much interest in replaying which is kinda the biggest feature here. It was the same with Hades for me, yeah yeah same thing just more commentary and sometimes a new level or area or boss. Dead Cells gives me that warm fuzzy feeling of playing SMB+Duck Hunt or excitebike back in the day and is fluid, fun and funny. That's about 2gb. Amazingly one of the major repackers took a 16gb game and packed it down to about 1.9gb pretty amazing and it only takes 5 mins to decompress that to 16gb installed game. The other amazing one is Nier Automata from a 50gb game down to about 9gb.

    Sooo yeah Warm Snow not my thing, I think if you've got the time and can use trainers on steam games you could get through this whole game in less than the 2hrs refund limit pretty easy. Main game is enough to decide if you want more.
    Hertzian56, Dec 12, 2023
  20. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    Grabbed the free release of Company of Heroes 3 last night and it looks like coh1 which is one of my all time favs have hundreds of player made skirmish maps for offline play. I got the original game free with my 8800 gtx buy back in 06 or so and have the complete edition disc still in storage, grabbed a complete verison repack a few years go for easy storage and play. With my skirmish maps it's like 10gb still works fine today.

    Uh so I played a bit of 3 and it looks like 1 graphics wise but takes a fair bit of hp even using fsr2 performance these games are cpu games so I get fan noise even at 60, might bring it down to 45 if I continue playing. It gets terrible reviews online in general and acid reviews on steam lol From howlongtobeat the main campaign which is all I'm interested in is only about 18hrs for a 60$ purchase. The "dlc" for 17$ is about half a dozen minor things no new campaigns, total ripoff like the whole game is. It's obvious this is an online pvp focused game and that means the sp campaign should be exactly in line with the hrs it provides, at most 20$ then they can milk idiots for the equivalent of shark cards and etc online.

    I'm really not into this sort of game atm prob got enough with 1 and a bit of 2, years ago and those have more content and of course no denuvo which makes performance worse, even worse on a cpu game with npc AI all over. Terrible decision by the husk called relic. So I'm not going to keep playing it tbh it's not fun even the first mission on easy wasn't too interesting. It's about 28gb installed and the exe is 143mb alone meaning it's still a denuvo game, the devs never removed it.

    Relic is a husk of what it was with this crap. All they needed to do was update the graphics to 1 and add more factions and sp campaigns and the online thing, incorporate some stuff from 2 and bam. No denuvo since it's an online mostly game anyways, pirated games usually don't include online to them. How hard is all that for a studio like relic? I never got into 2 much seemed more complicated than was necessary w commanders and other stuff.

    So I'm still enjoying GTA San Andreas DE plays great and is still fun 20 years later. The DE version in it's current state works fine. I have the original PC releases and unless you want to mod them you're better off with the de versions, sadly justar only lets you buy all three at once not separately which is a shame. 3 needed updating but it's not too interesting of a game now tbh finished campaign in 8hrs or so so it's less than 10$ game. VC not goign to install now but likely 10hr game so maybe 15 for it being generous. San Andreas is really the main meal here and it's likely 20+hrs straight missions so 20$ for it alone. Most people would only grab VC and SA or one of them and I think the whole series should be about 30$ total as they did minimum updates to make it modern no mods needed mostly.

    If you're into the nostalgia kick I'd pass on de versions and grab the ps2 iso for emulation easily done on most equipment today and they take care of the controls in the emulator etc Most of the ones you'll download today have cheats and fps unlockers in them natively for the game. They did make the games more of a neutral lighting vs. the filters and such on the originals which were for performance mostly but gave the games a distinct feel to them. 3 was dark dingy which is mostly gone in the de version where it's lighter and cleaner looking. SA was very orangey looking which is gone and neutral lighter looking. I don't care too much not into the nostalgia kick much.

    These DE versions will work out of the box on 10/11 with modern cameras and controls, adjusted difficulty in some of very hard minigames and missions and such. So unless you are into nostalgia or modding I'd stick with DE versions. 60 is overpriced for 3 old games though, so try to get them via some online service where you pay a subscription instead of buying them. There's not much replayability to them nor something that's going to be too interesting as far as exploration or minigames imo The story will take you around the map enough to see most of it. Or grab the free versions out there.
    Hertzian56, Dec 18, 2023
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