What game are you playing now

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by Hertzian56, Mar 20, 2023.

  1. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    Booted up Kingdom Come Deliverance and man is this game just not fun much. I keep it installed due to it being about 80gb in size all dlc 194. It runs ok but still not the best since it's not really optimized for pc with multiple cores, had to get a custom cfg file and lock it to 45 to have less fan jet noise. It can do 60 but I like lower usage for not much in game difference.

    I get nauseous if I am on horseback and it snaps to a trail the camera whips around and it's just terrible. They needed at least TPP on horseback and modding this game is kinda iffy. I have some simple mods but everything else is going to be buggy. And walking is just too slow for this size of world so it's either on horse but every trail you come across get off of or close my eyes lol

    Also the combat is not good, I do use a trainer and 1 hit kill but still it's not that fun. I don't really like the convoluted systems either, really bad ui for the most part. Annoying map system and such. Limited where you can save so if you get one of the millions of bugs and it crashes youre SOL. Game is a good rpg that doesn't hold hands but it needed a more guided mode for those who don't have the time for all that. A stronger more guided story with waypoints and such.

    And loading times are atrocious. I have it on HDD and know that ssd or nvme would help a lot there but I just don't like the game enough to clear out much better games to put it on one of those options. I also have a bug where pausing in game just freezes it up so there's just not much wandering fun to be had in this game. I played to somewhere in the main campaign years ago but have lost track and there's not much interest in getting back into it which will require a lot of effort to even find out how.

    Great game idea, some good aspects but very little fun unless you have the patience for it which I just don't. Probably on my delete list if I need the space which I don't right now.
    Hertzian56, Dec 21, 2023
  2. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    Also just going through some of my older installed games booted up Generation Zero.

    It's made on the avalanche engine which is one of the best for natural open world games imo. Thehunter COW uses it to good effect in a handful of maps but all of the 13 or so maps look great. GZ is fun at first and has a huge world but you putt around so slow that it requires a lot of fast traveling which breaks immersion. I think you can get a bicycle at some point but have never figured it out.

    I played this a lot back when I first got it in 2020 or so but it just bogged down at some point or a better game came out and switched to that. In a huge open world you either need a good horse if it's older time period or you need a vehicle if not, there's no excuse for walking speed in a world that large. And vehicles need to be plentiful like FC series and others put them all over for you. THCOW has an ATV that you can summon from any tent you set up anywhere.

    This is about 45gb and it's a huge world. I just can't be bothered to wander around a good looking open world without some direction which isn't done too well here. Idk maybe I finished it back then I can't remember really. Another game that's on the delete list if I need the room on that HDD. So with KCD and this I'm looking at about 130gb of free space on that hdd if I need it which I don't.

    Maybe I could move Starfield off my SSD for other things or switch KCD to an SSD and delete GZ and then have enough space for Starfield. Idk I'm not really interested too much in more Starfield, it was fun doing all the side factions and quests and the short main quest but it doesn't hold much more interest for me. Maybe just delete that.

    It's not like a GTAV or 4 or RDR2 which I keep on SSDs perminstall. Maybe it's time to move CP77 off my main NVME drive, kinda done with it as a main game after hundreds if not into the low 1000 hours range. 150-250hrs on V2PL my guess and over 300hrs or more on 1.60 last year. There's just not much left to do that's new in there or pulls me back. Even mods have largely not been too interesting lately, just junk and I've got hundreds already so only really preem mods or amazing add on cars or bikes could really do it for me and that's not enough gameplay added to really be worth it.

    V2.1 ultimate added a few things but as I've said in the 77 thread here they're mostly cosmetic and for children who want boxes checked. Example being the metro, metros have been in gta since at least 4 and I barely used them except where they were mission required. To think that cpdur with their history was going to make some magnificent metro that is just so compelling as to be a big thing for gameplay is childlike. And all the batching about the underwhelming metro in there with 2.1 is laughable. In a game with a world that's best seen on foot or via vehicle the metro was never going to be amazing nor have fantasy stuff like combat inside it or new missions that used it.

    And the romance enhanced is the same lines or maybe a couple new ones and they just come over to your place and you cuddle or something, WOW so amazing!! The races are JUST THE 4 original ones but without the clairence story line you can do over and over again, NOTHING NEW no procedural new routes or bikes or anything but those 4. It's better than nothing for new add on cars but it's shallow after doing them again a couple times.

    In good cpdur fashion it also included plenty of bugs yet to be patched up which will likely have more bugs, that's their MO. The best cpdur can do is just get some stable bugs that are known and live with them. In 2 I still get the buzzsaw not showing on the wall, an exploded car hovering in traffic and who knows what else. I've modded out some of the new cyberpsycho obnoxious effects and such in 2.0. I have the installer for 2.1 but I'm not interested in going through all that setup with my mods again for almost nothing of real interest in the 2.1 version.
    Hertzian56, Dec 22, 2023
  3. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    And getting back to this yeah Far Cry 2 is now my favorite FC after I added the Jackal Mod from Moddb, it's not on nexisnotsee site and is a lot better then the realism redux mod imo RR mod gave me consistent crashes on the GOG Fortunes Edition v103 I use. Jackal Mod doesn't. And it makes less changes to the game but MUCH more impactful than RR mod does. Things like FOV, removing a lot of roving patrols, and more make the game much more fun and balanced. Something that jubisoft never considered or bothered to put in for easy or very easy difficulty settings.

    How devs can not think about scaling in both graphics and in difficulty is baffling. How much of a HUGE blunder was Rockstar and their obnoxious RC missions in VC and SA! How many people just quit the games for those unnecessarily terrible things that were required for story progression? Why not make them optional minigames for those who are into 100% or enjoy them? In GTA3, since I just finished replaying the DE versions of all 3, the 8ball sniper mission is another example. I don't play games to become an expert sniper in a game and that's not how anyone with half a brain would plant a bomb on a ship, sometimes very videogamey stuff is nice, sometimes it's awful. But if you're a dev and you want to sell as much as possible of your game you would have as much scaling as possible in difficulty. They're better now but still.

    So yeah with the LIRW trainer hook and the Jackal Mod the game is fun for me, the game loop keeps me interested. The desaturated serious world and story is definitely heart of darkness, the futility of it all becomes evident since you are asked to kill this or that person, some buddies give you these ridiculous missions to kill randos who insulted or ripped them off, then those buddies call you an ahole or etc in the banter. The leaders of the factions don't like you and the game makes you be a freelance merc working for all sides to progress the story. So if you want to try to be a better guy it's not possible. Just the setup of the story is that you take money to go kill an arms dealer, not exactly white knight stuff tbh.

    All the side stuff involves killing, even helping the underground refugee trail involves clearing out bandits. Predecessor Tapes involve clearing out bandits, Jackal Tapes are also the same mostly. So it's all bad guys in this game, even the Jackal himself makes little sense in his plan of getting refugees out and somehow sealing off a whole country where it's only warlords fighting each other will somehow lead to something better. I get that they would kill each other and not bother regular people but the diamonds and other natural resources would mean outside forces would come calling.
    Hertzian56, Dec 22, 2023
  4. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    Fired up Call of Juarez Gunslinger one of my all time favs.

    And I had stutters when I set the resolution to 1080p as the game likes to go to 1024x768 or something weird every time I bootup. The steam version has some problems with permissions and such which were never fixed totally. I think if there is a gog version get that one, not sure there is though. And the fix involves doing registry editing and such so you can adjust fov, textures to 2k, get rid of black bars, etc. Not worth it though, games fine as is and I've replayed the same steam 105 version for years.

    I'm not sure why I got stutters probably due to figuring out the game defaults to way low res and then adjusting to 1k or 2k. I also switched to Vulkan using dxvk 2.3 and after a bit of playing it builds shaders or something and runs totally fine, no need to mess with CPU cores affinity etc

    This game is fantastic always loved it and Robocop released this year needed to have an arcade mode like this game had 10 years ago. Only the action levels arcade shooter. Since COJ is a cell shaded art style it still looks amazing to this day on higher resolutions.

    I couldn't recommend this game more it's a 10 for what it is, funny story, challenging shootemup levels and a deep duel system that will challenge you, easier on a controller no doubt. 10 years old and still funner than most modern games, it really needed a sequel of some kind but since it's dual thing between Techland and Jubisoft it's been abandoned series for a long time. Techland had the mega hit Dying Light it's been focused on and Jubisoft and it's cut and paste series since then. Only RDR2 is better in the western genre. And if we need remakes it's the Call of Juarez series.
    Hertzian56, Dec 23, 2023
  5. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    Going through old games I still had Crysis 1 remastered that I never finished so booted up.

    I was almost to the end just the VTOL ride to the carrier and it was a chore. The controls for VTOL for a controller and otherwise are terrible, totally not what standard flying controls are for games. So I almost rage quit after a few times but eventually just got through that section to the aircraft carrier. The carrier sequence is tedious mostly. Running through dark bulkheads isn't that interesting but the game finale is on the deck where you fight the final boss of this game. So got it finished.

    I did go back and play the early levels where you're on the beach and around the river right until the snipers in the cemetery. Those are the most classic crysis levels and into the alien ship part. After the alien ship it's not that great tbh.

    The game doesn't look bad but not that great either and is just good for one playthrough and the little I did of the first few levels and gone. Not too interested in Crysis tbh. This remastered is 20gb to my install of original Crysis 3 which is 10gb and still looks great.

    This was Patch 3 which is the final patch they did for CR1 and it still gets a lot of hate from gamers for the mess it was and still is. I don't recommend paying for it but the original crysis 1 is really hard to get working right on modern computers. Similar to the original PC versions of the GTA 3d era games it would likely need mods and manual fixes and if you're not into that the remastered at least runs out of the box doesn't need mods for a decent experience. Get it on a deep sale or eye patch it.
    Hertzian56, Dec 23, 2023
  6. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    I've been toying with the idea of a replay of a few games I have installed or have in my library to install.

    Arkham games, the top 3 mainline as origins had a game breaking bug last time I remember playing it. Grabbing the non denuvo GOG version of Knight but have 162 installed already, I don't think they removed denuvo until 2020 or so in that game. GOG Epic versions never had it.

    Deus Ex Human Revolution, played the heck out of that game back in the day, be nice to do another run.

    Evil Within series. 1 is my favorite but buggyAF, I have a really great trainer for it as well, my fav of the two. 2 is also great gets the atmosphere down nicely in the tunnels or whatever.

    I also love Dying Light 1, better than 2 but a lot smaller world. Better writing and quests, less of the filler philosophy to it as well, unlike 2 which feels a lot like an jubisoft game with filler and online only stuff in game and such. 2 still bugs out for me at the end as well, no after main story or maybe I have a save I grabbed there not sure. Both great games though.

    MGSV TPP, besides Ground Zeroes this is my fav metal gear game since it's the most modern and thus has good camera and fluid controls, looks amazing for it's great performance and is only about 29gb installed. The good thing is that you can replay missions afairemember so you can use your bossed up character. Wandering around is ok but this game was made with too big of an open world as most of it's empty.
    Konami showed how inept it is and focused on pachinko by not continuing to use the engine at least to make games. I don't know the legal agreements and such but they could have hired other writers etc than kojima. Maybe the games wouldn't be as weird but who cares, a lot of the zanyness of mgs games isn't essential if the story is viable and fun. They are coming out with a remake of 3 next year and idk anything konami is just trash since it's classics run back in the PS2 days. The MGS Master Collection is a lazy emulator with minor updates, not even worth the hassle since anyone a fan of mgs has emulated it for a long time,2-3. You can probably emulate 4 too but running through a video of it it's too much of a movie-game for my tastes. I have much better things to watch.
    Hertzian56, Dec 23, 2023
  7. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    Eh just got done playing around in Metal gear Solid The Phantom Pain and it's a great game. I finished it, or as close as anyone normal can get to doing that years ago. I grabbed a fully complete save game years ago too with the Raiden Suit and all the weapons done etc so was just tooling around with it. The game shines if you start a new game or load up a previous mission replay, after the obnoxious hospital scene. How that's not just a cutscene or hurried the hell up when you're "playing" it really makes a real replay kinda hard to want to do.

    It does have it's share of odd jankiness in the menus and such too. And you can't just exit the game you have to at least be in the helicopter to exit out I think. 8 years after release and no denuvo removal either, konami aholes. It runs fine but could be a lot lighter on cpu if denuvo was removed.

    Probably just leave it there I actually don't want to play it more but have the space so have it there.
    Hertzian56, Dec 24, 2023
  8. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    As it's the holidays there's plenty of time to go through older games and revisit them. I have TBs of games installed that I've not touched much.

    Arkham City--good game, still looks fine, idk like Arkham Asylum it's a bit slow and I remember most of it, not too interesting since I played it so much back when. Keep installed though.

    Tom Clancys Ghost Recon Future Soldier--Kept this installed for a decade lol I did grab a newer version that has all the dlc installed as I only had the v1 base game and the workaround wasn't working aka offline no jubisoft nonsense stopped working. The last version w all DLC has nothing online about it so campaign and dlcs only, totally fine. Way ahead of it's time great game once you get it stable as typical jubisoft game it's buggyAF even to this day. DX9 only. Only thing so far on a replay is the way too curated experience, it's like half game half interactive movie. They take camera control away too much while playing. Just give me the open smaller level and let me figure out the way to the goal, don't have mini cutscenes everywhere in game. Still pretty fun though but yeah the handicam shaking and such doesn't help.

    Reinstalled Dying Light 1 v116 Enhanced Edition with the lone dlc it had. I shouldn't have deleted the install in the first place. Game looks photorealistic in some places it's such well done lighting and art style. Great game and better writing and world then the also great DL2, just a lot smaller world than 2 has. I'm a bit torn there because the DL1 mega hit is maybe what ended the Call of Juarez series which Techland developed for Jubisoft. Gunslinger was a Techland made game and it's all time favorites list for me, from 2013 no more coj since then. DL1 released 2015(which is one of the best all time years for pc games released).

    Reinstalled Deus Ex Human Revolution DC. Played the hell out of this game years ago. The original cyberpunk genre game or the first one is. Mankind Divided was also good and I'll reinstall that eventually. MD is about 50gb vs. HR at 25gb install. I also got fakegirls complete edition-directors cut bundled edition. I think the complete edition is the pc version with the yellow aesthetic which so many think is better more atmospheric art style. I may install that version at some point.

    Still playing a lot of FC2, great game loop with jackal mod, great world, doing different buddy missions to see different areas and missions, and the main warlord missions to advance story but slowly there. No HUD junk, very few cutscenes and they're minimalistic, fun driving, air of mystery to it, runs great low usage no fan noise etc
    Hertzian56, Dec 26, 2023
  9. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    Soo booted up Deus Ex HR DC and played a bit still had an old save on here. It's alright I think it's another case of just played it so much in the past that I'm kinda done with it tbh Very slick menus and feel to the game even today and it plays fine except for some stutter here and there, uh so I found that dxvk helps with stutter to where it's less so. Eh the game I just got a stale taste today, Christmas. Merry Christmas to everyone reading btw. So idk might just move it to an external hdd for a bit. I did get fakegirls newer version with both complete and DC versions same size as my very old seyter version and it might install smaller since I only get english. Even a game that old is about 25gb install which is huge for its time but does include all DLC and from what I know all the languages which can be gbs by themselves so I might delete this old seyter version and install FGs english only version to save some gbs possibly. But as far as a replay nah done with it.

    Uh also booted up Dying Light 1 EE w the dlc and played it a bit. Also still had an old save post main story and maybe also the dlc main story so just open world play. Of course could start a replay but not in the mood so we'll see. It's also about 25gb but is a newer game then DEHR. It's good to have installed though as I've got the room on an external ssd, probably not needed though since it's such an old game and was released at a time when most people had hdd's only so no tricks to force hw sales unlike today with various games.

    Played a bit of Ghost Recon Future Soldier and yeah it's just too curated and integrated cutscenes during gameplay not my favorite. Longer cutscenes and movies for mission setup not my favorite either. Also the weapon customization is cool at first but a chore to do more than a couple times. It does save your custom guns so if you just choose them they're good to go unless you want to see what's unlocked. Makes no sense though, you're an elite commando you get any equipment available anytime, locking stuff behind completed missions is just stupid. Typical Jubisoft axxholery right there. Still it is fun and even locking it at 45fps it still feels stuttery and chugging my cpu idk could be the weird camera style they use but usually during gameplay it's for the most part ok. It's also a terribly optimized game as everyone knows.

    Jubisoft games across the board have had a lot of jank to them and tricks needed and such, they almost never run smooth and well out of the box. Only older games by them that are effectively crushed by modern systems work well, so FC2 is buttery smooth, FC3 is for the most part fine and remember those are patched out. FS is very ambitious game though and features stuff that has been copied by a lot of devs. Still would be nice to get it optimized but jubisoft greedsters ain't interested. They're more interested in money and regularly abandon games as far as patching and optimizing, don't care. They're BS always online stuff for even old games is just-so-popular too lol

    I run it on dx9 since dx11 is buggyaf, locked 45. The contrast is not adjusted well and is too bright much of the time so adjusting down will just make the contrast worse and it's by no means an analog adjustment they give you it's 3 bars digital style so it's going to be very dark shadows or blown out. Still it looks good mostly. Not interested in messing with reshades.

    I got to the Tiger mission and am having a hard time shooting down an attack helo with a minigun, makes little sense though. Prob in real life you'd just fly away and call in mission support, how you can get two hueys going with no gunship support makes no sense. At least jets would be scrambled for support or even a remote ship could fire a guided missile with a laser tag or even a drone at that point would be patrolling with missiles. No need to have an elite commando fire a 50 cal minigun to take down what looks like a soviet era attack chopper. So I'll just have to keep trying or maybe try to find a save or something. This game I didn't play too much back in 12 to be done w it.
    Hertzian56, Dec 26, 2023
  10. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    I also grabbed the lates RE7 and RE8 as they've been updated since the v1 versions with dlcs and removing denuvo and 3rd person in 8. I think I like 7 better than 8 it's less cartoony scenerio more realistic at least at first and most of the game from what I remember. It also has other levels different from the main one which I'm pretty sure in 8 you're just in the village and such. Why RE chose to do some fairytale castle world in 8 is beyond me, I guess it's just some concocted story for another game.

    What they needed to do was go back to the 0/1 remasters and at least give us proper modern cameras, the fixed camera stuff can be an option but it would be a lot better as a fully 6 axis camera as far as fun and playability. I haven't been back to those for along time mostly due to the old camera style they use. I'll maybe look for a mod or something.

    Uh so yeah I installed RE8 since it's only about 37gb Vs RE7 with the dlcs and such at over 60. I also grabbed a few mods mostly clothes removers lol and fluffy manager and it's pretty easy to use. Also a fling trainer which has a hack for the anticheat tech used by this game. No idea why they do that for a mostly SP game, I can see if you have online and leaderboards and such but you'd have to be online and login and such so why they can't won't separate the two is just laziness.

    RE8 is just ok imo, I think the old style underground bases and mansions and city blocks were much better settings. It's almost not even an RE game really, more just generic horror game which slapped RE name on it for sales. It's ok I guess enough for another playthrough with the extras that the gold edition has and some lite modding. I modded RE2R for claire in a bikini very nice to look at. RE3 didn't mod it was too short and really should have just been a dlc for 2. 4 I haven't modded so far either, still installed. RE series is really just going off the past classics. 7 was a good one but did feel fairly generic also but better setting more realistic horror had some ties to previous games. I might be forgeting about 8 but doesn't seem like there's much RE in there from a whole series type of thing but really the first 3-4 games. I hope Operation Raccoon City gets remade.
    Hertzian56, Dec 27, 2023
  11. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    Well RE8 had me playing all night and it's a great game, looks nice and doesn't kill your computer to do so and is fun to play. I'm using the re framework to change fov and also remove vignetting. I know there's a way for dlss w that somehow but don't find it necessary really. FSR works fine and looks good. I'm also using flings trainer which needs the framework and came with it to bypass the games anticheat. Again very weird decision for sp offline play but makes sense for competetive online play. So it's a speed run almost. Already to the last lord and don't remember what happens in the final part.

    As I said I'm using fluffly mod manager and have clothes removal mods for the sisters and a bikini for the large drag queen as well as for the wifey. Very odd body though on wifey, the shoulders are way too big and wide which are not female shoulders I don't know if this is the mod or the vanilla body, likely the mod. I also commented on this but got my comment removed and restricted from commenting by that dickweed modder who has most of the re8 mods on nexus which are all nude mods for the most part including erect male nudes, likely a sicko modder. That modder also has the wife giving an obvious "M" for mason hand sign in their screenshots, didn't like that either, control freaks like that are usually sickos. Similar to the tranny/pride focused ones for cyberpunk, and the furry ones are also weirdos, likely either trannys or gaydos or some other sicko.

    If you look at the images gallery for cyberpunk you can tell there's a huge tranny community there, and they all love each others drag queens. It's really gross how all the many character photomodes are these nasty looking trannys with wrong body proportions and cartoon faces and "women" with six packs and such, very gross. The game itself is made by a bunch of trannycultists if you look at the dev pics and it's really a hermetic-kabbalistic codex genre and game. Transhumanism is the major theme and sickos wanting to be immortal no matter how much of an infrahuman they become, real satanic stuff.

    Anyways RE8 does have the mansion but it's a castle in this case and such and umbrella is there too but the vast majority of the game it's just not RE like the early games up until 5 or so. Feels like van helsing game. Ethan is some sort of an immortal with how many times he gets cut up and impaled and just heals up, maybe that's the story though he takes the super potion spinoff of the T virus and heals immediately so is not really human anymore. But yeah it feels more like a beast hunting game than anything. There are zombies but there are lycans and all sorts of other fairytale beasts that it just seems to not have a connection to the main story of RE which is the T virus and zombies and Umbrellas part in all that. It's a good game but I'd say it's RE universe, not an RE game but related to RE. A spinoff series with some relation to RE but to call it an RE is pure marketing.

    They seem to be fairly bankrupt on real RE stories. With 4 they strayed pretty far as well. The story there isn't really RE it's more of an isolated cult with supernatural powers than an RE game. Capcom, cc, 33, actually just has these standalone games that it uses the RE name for to somehow give the illusion that they're tied together and they're not. They have some loose characters related in some way to give it more illusion. They seem to have really concluded the RE proper with 3 and then made kind of a universe of related stuff in the games after 3. Like say the Marvel characters or the DC universe, but none of them really tie in together unless it's some special product made just so they can all come together and team up or something.

    RE9 who knows probably another new story that uses the name of RE but isn't really an RE game. Similar to the largely crappy movies with that ladyboy starring in them, only they were actually more RE than games after 3 are. Umbrella is in there almost throughout but of course the alice character never existed in any RE game. We got 6 or 7 of those movies because of capcom funding mostly. If they had to stand on box office alone they would have not made anything past 1 or 2. And Milo Jonovitch is gruesome looking male playing a female, very gross.
    Hertzian56, Dec 27, 2023
  12. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    Getting back to this and since I started an RE thread where I went through it, I finished RE8 in about 9.5hrs with a trainer and sped up character. Fun game for sure but the original cost of likely 60 is way too much for the amount of content there. I don't recommend buying any AAA game at full price, let dumbos with too much money waste theirs doing that. A sale in 3 months or more would be better.

    I'd guess a straight play no trainers and such would add in 4 hours so close to 15hrs if you do some exploring and collecting stuff with some limited backtracking. Still bad value though.

    The end of ethans saga afaik means the next game will shift to a new protag likely Chris from the ending scenes of this game. They also may remake 5 or hopefully Operation Raccoon City. Fun game though and I'm not interested in the dlc or the battle arena stuff. So likely just delete it and go back to my FC2 binge, maybe pick up Ghost Recon Future Soldier try to get past the helo battle again.
    Hertzian56, Dec 28, 2023
  13. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    Started back in on one of my all time fav games, Dying Light 1. This is probably the best zombie game I've ever played bar none. The graphics are still amazing to this do imo. I still have the enhanced edition with the Following DLC v116 and works great. With the fling trainer a lot of the hassle is cut out as well making it an enjoyable game to play at leisure.

    I started up a replay of the Following DLC since it's shorter and not as daunting as starting up a main game replay which I would love to do but right now the shorter DLC is perfect. I also really like DL2 as well great game and a lot larger world than DL1 but DL1 has better writing and more memorable to me. Techland started in on the online nagging and grinding stuff filler with DL2 and I don't think there has been a proper DLC for it like the Following was for DL1, online play and bundles seem to have taken over. The dlc DL2 does have is just a battle arena thing, never got into it much.

    DL1 is tense and atmospheric and you feel like you're in a real zombie apocalypse and such but also has some funny characters and missions. The Following has the buggy and the more countryside setting which is a nice contrast to the base game city setting. I couldn't recommend it more. And really all you need is the Enhanced Edition as the Definitive Edition which is final at v149 only really includes hellraid and a bunch of skin packs. The EE is from around 2018, DE was earlier in 2023 I think. But it's only like 1$ difference so why not get DE?

    Modding DL games has always been a pain though, it involves merging pak files and the more mods you have the more you have to merge and such, unlike cyberpunk or bethesda games there's no simple dragndrop and the game reads them separately to it's main files. Hardly worth it over flings trainer, simple hotkeys that don't touch main game files just alters the memory reads while playing. Only thing I would like is a minimal hud as Techlands options are either all or nothing almost.
    Hertzian56, Jan 1, 2024
  14. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    So yeah main games right now are FC2, GTAIV 107 modded and Dying Light 1. Lots of game there. I still have Ghost Recon Future Soldier as well but that attack chopper to shoot down with a minigun is frustratingly hard to do, kinda stopped me with that game for the moment.

    Anyways Happy New Year and Holidays!
    Hertzian56, Jan 1, 2024
  15. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    Three main games right now, Dying Light 1, GTAIV v107 and Far Cry 2 with also some Ghost Recon Future Soldier. DL1 I also was able to add two mods so far, the 3rd person buggy view which is great but can't play it too long since it's just a fov trick and so the whole screen moves around like you're on a ship, this is fine in first person in the buggy but not 3rd person. So I can't play it like that for too long, I usually just use the Fling trainer and speed up the walk to superman speeds anyways so never used the buggy much in my past plays. The other is all climates to get some weather variability but I'm not so sure it works in the DLC map which I'm replaying the Following.

    Adding mods to the DL series requires editing the data3.pak which you just change the pak to 7z or whatever you use, open it up and drag in the file to the appropriate folder. Then close the 7z interface and all good it's all there, then change .7z back to .pak, done. They also use the .scr file type which you can just change to .txt to then open it in notepad and look at it maybe make some changes to it, done then rename to .scr and all good.

    DL1 is better than DL2 as most people think, more realistic graphics and world, better writing and the side quests are more varied and not just straight fetch quests, not as much filler as DL2 has, DL2 map is great and like 4x bigger than DL1 but they give you the wing suit or whatever so to go back and forth between quest points you just end up flying across the city. Not possible in DL1, you do get grappling hook eventually but you still have to either run or in DLC you can use the buggy. More immersive than some glider is. Nights are a lot darker and creepier in 1 then 2. Crane is a better character, even though Aiden is just the same voice actor the motivation for it all is much thinner and such. More filler, more ridiculous challenges which don't fit too well if you're in a survival mode, kinda disney to me. Has guns. The Following is a real dlc unlike the pitiful glorified battle arena of the DL2 story DLC. 1 runs a lot better since it's 9 years old now but still looks amazing.

    DL2 is almost too big and too populated and feels generic and filled with busy work Vs the smaller tighter more vital 1. Has better writing overall. The v116 EE version I have is 24gb vs at least the 50gb or so size of DL2. The too colorful "hook" movie like DL2 stuff isn't as dread inducing visually either. I LIKE DL2 it's still a great game but it's just not as good as 1.
    Hertzian56, Jan 3, 2024
  16. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    GTAIV main game only v107 have a few mods in there to make it more colorful and use the native trainer. I also use dxvk 2.3 which likely doesn't give better fps but does give more steady frames I think, smoother. I lock it to 45 like most games to lessen the impact for little difference to 60 locked, no fan noise or barely any most of the time. Had an old save from about halfway through.

    Booted up cyberpunk due to a couple of car add on mods, the ferrari competizione 812 and the Aston Martin Valkyrie both amazing cars but the Val is stunning. One of the best ones. The best would be the Mclaren P1, F1, and the Koeniggsberg Regera electric supercar, the 74 Lambo Countache is amazing and there are also lambo huracan and another one all well made, very detailed and fun to drive. I also have the zonda, chiron ss, and likely more I can't remember. But I'm largely done with that game after probably a combined 1000hrs or more since it released. Quick playthrough of v106, year and half break to v1.60 started modding so hundreds of hours there, then done for 6 months or so to when V2 and the DLC released and since then played it a ton up until mid December. Only amazing mods could bring me back but it's a done game now so moving on.
    Hertzian56, Jan 3, 2024
  17. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    Pulled back into cp77 due to mods lately. I switched up the lighting with the Nova LUT for a more realistic look a bit more desaturated then I like though. I also found that it never rained with the weather prob rebalance-no vignette more rain version so switched the env to the noir weather found in the bleached noir mod, idk there's supposed to be no cloudy or sunny weather etc but it doesn't really work if you go to one of the hard coded weather areas like the beach in pacifica and the badlands where it's always sunny no exceptions, but the mod doesn't change back to rainy, foggy if you leave those areas until you go to the blade runner easter egg and reset the weather to rainy. Disappointing.

    I was using the vanilla plus no green tint LUT for a blueish look and darker darks but the Nova Lut seems to do the same thing he just didn't adjust the bloom down more in the LUT in nova as the VP one did so I notice more bloom going on than that one. I keep it in there just rename the file extension to disable it in place. Experimenting with chromatic aberration and film grain to get a more realistic look too but CA just does it at the edges whereas if it was over the whole screen I think it would be very similar to the Nova LUT VHS cam type of look with sharpening looks very realistic but of course looks like old footage. Imagine having a 2k dollar rig to achieve that lol There is a LUT like that though, might throw that in and try it kinda jazz it up since there's not much else I want to do in cp77 played the hex out of it.

    Lately a few car add on mods bring me back mostly and then I get into the whole screen shot mode where I tinker and take pics of cars and now places with the new LUT then see more mods I like and add them like clothes etc This game is like sex combined with a futuristic dystopian high tech world so it draws you in more than other games that don't have the sex built into it. AKA skimpy clothes on your character and others, the pron world all over in it and the modders exploit this for donation money. Clothes especially but also body mods making these weirdo trannysteins. Lots from that community in their as you look at the nexus pics of cp77 submitted by players and the top rated ones are always these weirdo trannysteins, a little self contained community there feeding off each other.

    I just have the vanilla body and tried to make my femv as feminie as possible in the amount the game lets you. It's made by jewmasontranny devs no doubt so it def only gives you a minimum amount of options. At least they modeled the finger ratio correctly but in a game where you can change out anything in your body there's no way to really know who is what biosex. Even giving live birth could be not natural in this world since you can change anything, implant a technowomb and wider hips just during the pregnancy period, then go back to perfect proportions and looks later. You don't play as a human in this game nor are any of the npcs you see either. You're a cyborg with some human elements. Or even just human like elements, could just be a total synthmeat with some muscle bits grown onto a synthetic bone matrix etc

    As I've said the goal of the leaders of this cult , or one of the top ones, is immortality, never die. No death No Judgement No Hell. It is likely limited to the top elite only though as they realize they need living and dying to support their goal and to maintain it. They want to be like the greco-roman gods on olympus directing things for amusement like two people playing chess. The board is the world and the various pieces are those unaware of the game nature of it. At least in the greco-roman gods pantheon the humans knew of the gods and their deceit arrogance and pride.

    You see the greco-roman gods and their older equivalents are just the fallen angel demons with their head satan. This is why you have a zeus statue at the jUN, but it can take other forms like saturn chronos, an inverted trinity like isis-osiris-horus, tammuz-ishtar-cant remember etc The greco-roman one was a republic of gods with a president, a jewmocracy type of council or supreme soviet etc The reflection of the sanhedrin structure or the local kehilah structure, the masonic republic is just a version of that for the servant masons and such. In fantasy we get the super heroes with superman the dimestore antichrist or zeus etc and the various other freakazoids. All the creators of the superhero comic book stuff were jews with names like Kane or Cain, Kahn, Cohen, Silver, siegel and schuster and such. Translating the greco-roman and ancient pagan pantheons into a modern product to sell and spread the paganism. The Olympics were and are a pagan festival, a materialistic competition for gold and other precious metals. It focuses on the perfection of the body above all else, which is not the correct order of things in objective reality. The spirit is at the top, the mind below and finally the material.
    Hertzian56, Jan 4, 2024
  18. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    I've been playing cp77 a bit due to new mods like cars and luts and changing up my weather env mod file also so just doing an end game save that has the Hidden Gems fixers mod and doing those as they take you across the map. Otherwise I'm just done w the game for the most part after likely 1000hrs or so over the years. 77 is a graphics demo w a mid story that's very short but the side stuff adds in a lot more and the dlc adds in about the same amount of time as the main story does like 20hrs if you do it back to back so w the dlc just story it's likely around 40hrs and w the extras like gigs 70 or 80 then do the ncpd scanner another 10 so 90hrs is pretty good as it should be for a complete edition they're charging 89$ for which is ridiculous in general but at least it fits the 1/hr standard.

    The good thing about 77 a 3yo game is that it for the most part runs ok and scales well and most importantly for longevity and fun is that it's fairly easy to mod. Just drag and drop is best and it's organized pretty easy to understand. I wouldn't bother with vortex mod manager from nexus it's too buggy and on top of the cpdurs own modding tool called redmod which came about 2 years too late, vast majority of mods use the frameworks there since the game came out and don't have formal redmod versions. I say formal because only real difference is that redmod needs to be turned on and also just has a different folder structure and needs a little json with the mods name and such in there. Redmods can also make more changes to the game like subbing in audio and such that is not so easy in old style mods.

    I'm still on 2.0 for stability and all my mods to not hassle w updating and such and the game is done, only getting bug fixes from now on afaik. You can never be sure about cpdur though. 2.1 had metro, hangouts, racing and likely other stuff just added in there 3 years later and from what I've read it nerfs graphics and perf and some gameplay bugs and such. No surprise there w cpdur's history of nonsense. The major changes in 2.0 were not needed, all they needed to do w 1.63 is bug fixes and add on PL to a 3 yo old game but chose all that other changes which are for the most part not any improvement they're just new. Then about 3 months later with 2.1 add in even more stuff and bugs.

    The new stuff is shallow and children like it but gameplay wise they're not of any importance. Metro is useless and adds bugs and size and more perf problems then it's worth. Racing is just the SAME 4-5 routes in the clairence missions nothing new there. Hangouts are uninteresting and dull. With the "happy" ending to PL they all abandon you after 2 years away anyways, so just shacking up w them after their missions makes more sense then wanting to spend time "playing" hangout. Children like these shiny toys that will be put down in 3 weeks for good and cpdur panders to that mind set as they are of that mindset themselves, tranny retard mindset which has invaded culture. Furries, beachball "men" who love their abs and muscles, fashions of a bizarre nature and all sorts of other fruity nonsense of a retard mindset.
    Hertzian56, Jan 8, 2024
  19. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    I also was doing a replay of The Following DLC in dying light 1 which I've reached the final mission for, making it fairly short dlc but better than any dlc for both dl1 and dl2. I don't know that i want to do the last mission as I've got a couple of small side missions to do but of course this game has post campaign play to it. Endings usually have long sessions and lots of cutscenes so not my favorite really. Beginnings are the same too. So the only way to keep playing is to start a new game. Not feeling that right now.

    So yeah I don't feel like the hassle of ghost recon FS heli mission, 77 stale, so I guess I'll get into the Far Cry 2 loop again not much else appeals right now.
    Hertzian56, Jan 8, 2024
  20. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    Almost forgot my mid game replay of gtaiv, with some simple mods to it and a native trainer. It's good for here and there since it's also a replay of a game i played the hell out of back around when it came out. It's just ok since it's a dark gritty story and nothing new. So the missons revolve around felonies and murders which gets stale and the older I get the less interested I am in playing an outright bad guy doing bad things which is most of gta despite the reasons given for it. No one forced niko to turn to crime and his bro already had a legit business which is very hard in itself which he could have worked at. How many off the boat immigrants have that opportunity?

    And the revenge theme isn't exacly noble either so niko isn't a good guy here. CJ is almost the only protag in any gta that has a semi valid reason for his felonius behavior, to get his brother out of custody and to appease corrupt police with the say to do that and the others like the later on character who is some gov operator or something. Claude is a criminal who got double crossed during a bank robbery whose motive is pure revenge another one. Vercetti is a released felon who goes right back into further criminal behavior. The V trilogy aren't exactly nice guys either and the motives vary but michael and trevors is to clear up an old bank job gone bad. Franklin is just some dude who wants to make money fast doing mostly criminal means.

    So it's a mostly downer series tbh. At least in SA there is some funny stuff like the loc and mad dog stuff, the rc stuff, love fist is usually comedic type stuff. Still what a sick world where criminality is glorified and "humanized" so we can relate to it and some emulate it. If you can learn from TV or online school you certainly learn from an interactive media like videogames. Most don't emulate it but it's a state of mind really and people are so brutalized today as to be brutal in more subtle ways and inhuman towards others as a matter of course in many situations.

    It's by no means the exception though just a major ip that has it. FC2 you play a merc whose there to kill an arms dealer not exactly a model student thing. In dying light the story isn't exactly being bad but just the gorepron is there and I never really liked that part of the game. The blood and guts all over isn't exactly inspiring either and the idea of the zombie is to dehumanize sick humans and such. Make no mistake the ptb satanists think of decent people as "useless eaters" an alt term for zombie. But at least crane is just there to investigate at least as far as he is given to know at first. And he's not there to kill or loot or revenge and in moving about is mostly about defensive violence or avoidance.

    Ghost recon you're basically a terrorist for the jewmasontranny cult and such but on the surface you're a "good" guy doing various jobs in the service of the fake drama and schemes of the ptb. All these spec ops are members of the cult though, but in terms of the game and surface level you're a good guy I guess. The motive is following orders for some plans of the higher ups.
    Hertzian56, Jan 8, 2024
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