What game are you playing now

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by Hertzian56, Mar 20, 2023.

  1. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    So I'm going to just look up where the mine key is I don't want to wander around a huge mine building I just wandered around to find the upper mine entrance. And keep in mind I'm complaining as someone who uses various trainers and cheat engine to eliminate a lot of the grind in the game. No cold, no hunger, sprains, 5x walking speed, all maps fully surveyed and populated with an arrow where you are. I mean if I had to do this TFTFF playing normally it would SUCK bigtime. It's not fun it's just a lazyazz filler these devs have the nerve to ask the same price for as the base survival which comes with all the zones minus the two for this one and all the rest. Wintermute the proper DLC with a story, npcs, cutscenes and such is also about 20 might be 15, but you can't just buy wintermute standalone you have to also buy survival and then can add it onto survival later if you like but at the extra cost.

    Don't get this game for full price and don't just buy survival if you think you might be into wintermute later, it costs more. The survival and wintermute bundle is on sale lately for about 17$ which is a good deal if you think you are into the survival mode because wintermute is not a long DLC really and after 6 years or so STILL isn't finished! They've released the first 4 episodes out of 5 in 6-7 years time, ridiculous. 4 was only released in 21 or so! They obviously have it all written so they're just being lazyAF with the last episode which is supposedly releasing later in 24, wouldn't hold my breath though. Survival mode only should be 10$ or so and wintermute 10-15 for 25$ for the whole package.

    Don't bother with TFTFF for extra cost it's not worth it. Maybe 5$ if you love the survival aspects a TON everyone else would have a very hard time enjoying it even on easy or a very easy custom setup. Just the slogging around the whole map, the filler with very little payoff, the lack of npcs, cutscenes, the simplistic treasure hunt of it all while still having to survive if you don't use cheats would be too much for the casual player. And here's the kicker, those who LOVE the survival aspects who are hardcore interloper level players CAN'T play TFTFF! On that level of difficulty it's not available to play! I mean how stupid is that by these devs! Your most hardcore fans who will foolishly keep forking over money for whatever you put out are locked out of this faux DLC! This studio, Hinterland, is a disgrace.

    They have all these annoying startup messages about caring and no crunch and not condoning wanton destruction of wildlife and such, which makes no sense in the context of surviving a hostile empty frozen world btw, and then have the nerve to do all this. I'd never pay for a few studios games, Hinterland is def on that list.
    Hertzian56, Mar 10, 2024
  2. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    As a correction the last point there is moot now, they patched in the possibility of interloper difficulty players playing TFTFF. Wow that will take a very patient and determined player, there's little payoff to this DLC so far. And as another correction I'm on the part 4 Edge Blazer episode of TFTFF out of 6. This DLC was released in late 22 sold as a YEAR long paced DLC, well we're now into 24 and the last two episodes aren't released. This studio should be more realistic and honest with their customers imo but who the hell says we have these dlcs for sale but they will take years to be fully finished?

    Wintermute is 6-7 years old from when they sold it for full price and in that time only 4 out of 5 episodes are released, I'd feel kind of gipped if I paid for it way back then. It averages over a year per episode which are fairly short minus the survival needs which survival mode is in total. And episode 2 with the bear is an awful mechanic and mauling cutscene that's unskippable. I'd think maybe we'll get one more TFTFF episode this year for about 2 years for 5 out of 6 episodes, a relative rocket pace for this studio. And MAYBE the final episode of wintermute for Christmas season or into 25 who knows.
    Hertzian56, Mar 10, 2024
  3. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    Soo yeah finished episode 4 Buried Echoes of TFTFF in Long Dark and eh it's ok, you go down into the mine from the concentrator room via the elevator cable, then I used a guide from there since I had been in the mine before and it.is. HUGE and most of it's just looting opportunities nothing more, no reason to explore it since it's so hazardous with fumes and such and easy to get lost in it. What were the devs thinking making such a huge mine world? I guess they thought people would explore and loot but it's so dark and you need a respirator and light most of it it would not be worth it to loot. Only reason I went through it was curiousity and also the cheats otherwise it would SUCK. They would have been better off making more structures above ground that are more interesting and such like the cannery at the Bleak Inlet with the environmental puzzle which was nice. The airfield and the mine could have really used more structures and such to make them more interesting as would have the LONG slog to them in general especially that awful road to the airport.

    So yeah you grab the key from a corpse all the way to the left and down after using the bolt cutters to get into a locked gate down in the mine. THEN you go back to the elevator, climb the cable and make sure you pan left right so you can grab the ledge prompt to get back into the concentrator room on the way back up to the locked upper mine area. I went all the way up once and there's just a corpse and some rando loot with no way out at the top so you have to climb in the dark all the way down. The legde grab prompt to get off at other levels is NOT shown unless you pan around while in the dark holding the cable, R.I.Diculous!!! Terrible game design there. Do these devs actually have 3rd parties play this game and take notes? Sure it's "obvious" to the designers but players would mostly NOT notice that mechanic, cheapos won't pay people to play the game who are competent and take notes while playing I guess. So therefore you the paying customer are the tester for them, pay to do work for them wonderful! Reason 569 why I don't pay for games anymore.

    So yeah head back all the way up to the locked upper mine gate then you have to fake your way through some concrete tunnels, mostly stay with the track, then there's a turnoff that's not part of the track that leads to the machine and the ensuing stuff there. And the special loot that's there etc So the final part of this episode is burying the bones of some rando security chief at the waterfall on this regions map. Do it during the daytime because it's almost impossible to see the little snow mound where you get the prompt to bury bones, in snow lol yeah those will last long there. End of Buried Echoes. Not too interesting frankly. Lots of slogging, busy work and such, text based story and some voiced "reading" of logs which are very slow and no skipping per Hinterland MO. Time filler stuff which they excel at more than anything really.

    As I said if I didn't have cheats this would be tedious as hell to play. Just the 5x walk speed mult is a must have. They don't respect peoples time, if you had a life with duties and responsibilities so you could only play maybe 2hrs at a time this would not be a good game. You'd spend so much time just walking slowly and tending to the life meters and such that you'd barely see much in those 2 hours and it'd take you so long to do this DLC, still not complete btw, that you'd get bored and move on thus wasting the money spent. The types that play this a ton especially higher difficulty are those who have a lot of free time like retirees, younger people and oddballs. It's not really a casual game.

    The closest you get to casual here is wintermute on easy difficulty but you can't just buy that you have to buy survival at least and for casuals survival is not something that would hold the interest too long, it's repetitive and boring mostly once you've seen all the maps. So Hinterland has cleverly made buying both the survival and wintermute necessary to get the casual part of the game which is wintermute story dlc. Normally that's 40$ and if you just are casual and want wintermute it's a total ripoff. It's not even finished in 6-7 years. Once you take out the hardcore survival aspects of the game it's also pretty short and involves lots of slogging all over the map which isn't fun for a casual player. Spending 40$ would be better used on other games that cater to limited time to play and a more casual player like most people are. I am, that's why trainers and cheat engines etc are crucial to me for most games as I don't like grind, nor excessive slow story stuff.

    I want a masterpiece story I read books, watch some movies etc games rarely have good story to them. Some exceptions are Witcher 3 based on a bunch of books, Fallout 3 and NV, Infra if you're willing to read the texts and find the occult stuff, Alan Wake 1, COJ gunslinger, GTA San Andreas, GTA4, Both RDR games, Hollow Knight, Control when it's coherent, Yakuza games, First 2 Dead Space games, Early Resident Evil games like 1-2-3 maybe 7, AC origins and early parts of Odyssey, Batman Arkham games, Silent Hill 2-3-4-5, Dishonored, Stalker, likely more I can't remember.
    Hertzian56, Mar 10, 2024
  4. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    I'd add in Dying Light 1 for the most part as you're a double triple agent there and such but there are the obvious huge holes in that one so it's mid really. There are others too I'm sure but I don't think any game really gets to masterpiece level of writing or story. Only classic books can get there and the RARE movie, very rare and usually those are based on books.

    So yeah Hinterland made a good game can't lie there IF you are either into the grind loop of survival and are very patient with slow movement and just slow. OR you go and get solutions to all that w cheats, trainers and such. I like the solitude based game it's very atmospheric and very creepy if you have headphones on and the lights low, especially the caves and the big mine is absolutely scary it's so dark. I almost always watch something on tv like a movie while playing and have my headphones around my neck so it's not scary but if I had them on and no distractions that mine is scaryAF and some of the larger caves and ice caves also. Some of the larger interiors like the dam and other various larger places would be creepy. I like nature environments so this is also what I like. Wish it wasn't a big whiteout and had summer or other seasons in it.

    Wintermute has objectives and shows you on the map and such and you can save anytime. It's a casual game if you play it normal mode or below. But it still has survival grind to it which most people won't like.
    Hertzian56, Mar 10, 2024
  5. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    So I was just wandering around in TLD post the tales from far territory and was going to coastal highway via the trestle and fell off it. I was stuck and the stupid autosave only did it right after I fell so I then tried to jump really far and died. I guess either the trainer cheats weren't fully set or they don't protect from that far of a fall. So I'm not sure if I lost the Tales Frontier DLC progress or not. I was all done with the available episodes. So I started a new survival mode game, whatever I just needed to grab a bunch of stuff since I have the no encumber and a back pack size of like 22,000 from the cheats so I can have unlimited items. But I have no interest in redoing all the TFTFT dlc in another survival mode to then be ready for when they add in the new episodes and another new map, the mountain pass map most likely to the east of the connector railroad section to transfer pass. Probably used for the next episodes of TFTFT.

    So if you lose all your TFTFT progress with a death I wouldn't be interested in doing all that again to get back for the next episodes. There is no manual saving in survival mode and you have little control over when it saves except it always saves after you sleep for a bit. So there is no range of time you can go back to in earlier saves in survival mode. That's fine in survival mode but bringing a story dlc into it makes it annoyingAF. Glad I didn't give them a dime for this incompetence. DLC that's story needs to be a finished product when it's released for sale to the public to avoid this nonsense so it can save your dlc progress separately like in wintermute.

    So I'm just doing the transmitter fixing where I remember which regions they're in as it gives something to do besides the looting and such and the grind that I negate w cheats. Only regions I haven't bothered with are Timberwolf Mtn and Ash Canyon as they seem like Hushed River Valley, just a total wilderness map with no buildings or things to find beyond farming animal meat and such. They're a pain to get to as well. My favorite regions are the southern ones along the coast and just inland. I like Bleak Inlet and Coastal Hwy. Pleasant valley is also pretty interesting. Blackrock is hard to get to and beyond the wintermute episode there's not much interest in the obnoxious trek there like a lot of the farther territories. Fairly done w this game though but it's a nice casual wandering game while watching something, not too big, easy on the hardware.
    Hertzian56, Mar 11, 2024
  6. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    Speaking to the far territory dlc I'm not sure if it will open up a possible new episode when available without doing the other ones again or not since I died on the save that I finished Void Signal and Buried Echoes on. I did get the badges for completing both so just have to find out when the next episode is released and I grab an updated game or update patch.

    I wish the devs were clear about this but can't find much online, usually it's about the loss of survival saves every time they do an update which pisses off a lot of people with hundreds of in game days saves who are hardcore players. They are all connected to steam which is very hard to control auto updating. You would think steam would require a manual ok to updating games since many of the updates are almost the whole game size downloads and usually patches need patching themselves and are not worth the hassle if you mod or use cheats and trainers tied to a game version. And also if you have slow or limited internet it could mean hours of downloading time which would be better done when the user prefers like at night etc

    Cyberpunk is a great example of not rushing into updating versions as every time they update they break something else. You just get used to the new bugs and find modder fixes and such and then they do another patch to patch the last one which usually has bugs and just stupid dev decisions. Why I'm still on 2.0 of 77 and no plans on moving from that version. Not to mention mods needing updating frameworks and such. If you have more than 20 mods it's a pain and some frameworks like redscript will brick your game since they add in some files which the game needs to even run. Usually it's a script error, huge pain to fix.

    Soo yeah I'm an idiot and still like playing the game for exploration so I went ahead and did the shortwave tower repairs before even going to the airfield to activate the DLC, I tried to go to the helo in the mine but these devs have some things set to not load in until certain conditions are met before which are tied to story progression and such so there was no note there for me to find about the bunker in the mine area. I'm not going to bother going into the mine proper to get the key to the upper mine yet, might not even be there and it's a hassle to go down there and come back. So now I'm on going across the map to Pleasant valley, bleak inlet and hushed river to then wait for an aurora to go to those bunkers. It takes a lot of time and effort. The new regions have a LOT of filler just getting to them and back.

    Before when you went from say mystery lake to forlorn muskeg the tunnel was just a a loading screen to the next area. With Airfield and Mine you acutally have to traverse a LONG dark tunnel system, not one but at least 2 LONG tunnels which need a lantern or flare then climbing ropes and such and around and in only short transfer sections. It's a pain. They added this filller to add time to the game to try to fool people who paid 20$ for only minor content into feeling better I guess. It's at the most worth 10$, really it's 5$ or free there's little work done there other than the huge mostly empty new regions. The mine is way too big underground for little use. The airfiled is a few buidlings and a couple of cabins with nothing else really, just open wilds. That's the most value you get form TF DLC in Long Dark. It isn't worth it unless you want some very far away new regions.

    And I can see the logic of them at first not letting interloper hardest standard level players do the DLC. The amount of travel at normal speeds back and forth while trying to just survive with so little payoff would infuriate most players. Those hard levels are more likely to die and then to have to start all over again w the dlc would turn off most people. Only reason I'm doing it again is I have 5x speed, inf health, inf everything really so it's just really trying to remember or lookup what maps connect to which ones and then back again all the way back to the airfield and mine for the finish of those episodes. Well they got what they wanted and interlopers can play the TF dlc, good luck to them if they don't use cheats though, I wouldn't want to even play this game without cheats it's so tedious and frustrating. Playing hardest difficulty with no cheats would be worse than a bad job that at least pays you for instead of the other way around.
    Hertzian56, Mar 11, 2024
  7. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    Though once you do it once a second time goes pretty fast you know what maps have the shortwaves to repair and what you need for each one you keep an eye out for that stuff specifically when foraging. I can remember where most of the three bunkers are as well and if they loaded in anyways I'd just go find them no aurora and radio nonsense. Imagine being on hard difficulty where wolves attack, etc where cold comes in where sprains are there and then having to walk blindly in the dark aurora with a radio at those very slow speeds, oof sounds awful. And you can't even equip any sort of light when holding a radio. Terrible. People find the strangest things fun, like even playing this game as it is on any difficulty really. The wintermute game I could see but just the survival foraging gameplay? Takes a masochist imo to find that fun or worth spending time on.

    My new custom survival has most of the annoyances turned off, no wolves attacking, no sprains, etc And I still wouldn't find the exploration payoff worth it to play without cheats to speed it the hell up and take out even more of the grind that this game features. I like exploring the world, the ambiance, the nature and finding the occasional gem during foraging and such. But once you've seen all the maps there's not much else so the survival DLC was a good add for hinterland if badly done and greedily overpriced.

    They'd be better off charging for new maps at 5$ each and add way more of them like thehunter COW does which is a hunting game with HUGE maps and about 12-13 of them all each as big as roughly GTAV map. They could also do different guns, different bows, different survival items as standalone or packages of paid adds. A freaking horse or ATV would be welcomed by many. Gear packages etc It's kind of scummy to do but from a business standpoint it makes sense. THEN having story dlc packages that either take place in the base survival games maps only or that require you to buy or have certain add on maps at extra cost or added in for a little more cost to the dlc in question. COW has gun packages, weapons packages, an atv, a dog, 11 more maps available peicemeal over the two included with the base game etc all paid dlc some retiree who has a good income etc but is hooked would think nothing of spending a couple hundred dollars on a game.
    Hertzian56, Mar 11, 2024
  8. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    I finished Tales From the far Frontier a second time since I died on the trestle to ocean hwy in the earlier save I did it on. I do actually think it would carry over anyways since you get the badges and also a lot of people lose saves every major add by this studio which wouldn't make sense with this dlc, to have to start it all over again with a game update wouldn't be too popular. Who knows all I know is that I backed up my saves with finished TF and Wintermute saves on them so it isn't an issue if saves carry over into the next paid content update.

    It took about half or less time this time since I knew what to do and where to go. Hardest part is the traversal all over the world map and just the running to and back. Waiting for an aurora where the bunkers were is also annoying. I just stood there and skipped time til one showed up. The mine part is pretty easy and straight forward once you have done it before. Those who play survival on hard difficulties doing this dlc are mad imo and it's too bad you can't adjust difficulty on the fly in this game. Setting it to easy for the dlc would be best since it involves so much travel and risk which would take a ton more time not using mods cheats etc Even w 5x walk speed it's a long dark, lol, walk to and from the "far territories" through train tunnels, caves and such. The cave from Airfield to the mine as a shortcut to the far north east of that map is huge pain. It's winding and twisting up and down and I only made it a couple times it's not worth the hassle. Better to either make the climb shortcut to the upper road or just hoof it with a speed mult.

    So yeah just have to wait for ep 5 of 6 and likely the next map Moutain Pass promised for this DLC. I'm guessing this will be before Transfer Pass inside the train tunnel where it veers off so it will connect to Mountain Town Milton map which makes sense and also likely to the mine map. So the DLC will have 3 new main regions and a couple of transfer regions, the railroad and transfer pass transfer regions to the main region maps.

    Like I was saying I don't know why they don't make more optional maps and sell them separately as dlc like theHunter COW etc do. Bear Island only has 3 coastal maps and there is no huge train depot to a huge dock connector, which any mine the size of Langston would need. It works for just survival mode and they could just extend the island as needed, have more northern coastal maps and lowlands and such. Both the airfield and the mine were huge but largely empty and both would really need a full village to support the workers for things that large. They could have put a better more extensive road system in both, stores, gas stations, health clinics, security and such. You're on an island it's going to have to have all that stuff there no ones flying off to get groceries or go banking etc

    The airfield is only about 5-6 buildings and the rest of the map has 2 main cabins and some destroyed ones but no place for locals. I get they might live in Pleasant Valley, Mountain Town and such but there would still be residences by the airfield and mine for more permanent residents who want to live closer. Even trailer parks, prefab homes for rent or sale etc There's also no restaurants in this game which is odd so they really didn't think this whole world out much. The hunting lodge has no roads to it, they just die out at the gate with no connector to a main road. So you get to this lodge via sled or foot I guess. Who would want to commute over long winding roads from pleasant valley or MT to work at the mines or airfield? I've seen factory towns in the PNW for wood mills and the whole town is next door. The mill is on a river usually.
    Hertzian56, Mar 12, 2024
  9. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    There is one semi cutscene at the end of ep 4 of TF but it's not much just touch the machine, pass out, listen to a monologue and some gas comes out then you go to the control room find the belt and the note and bones then go to the waterfall find the burial point for the bones and done with Buried Echoes. Not worth 20$ unless you want to make the long trek back to those maps and stay there for a while. The mine is so dark and confusing and needs a gas mask as to not be worth it for non cheat-mod users really, not enough loot and LOTS of walking in the dark which needs a lantern or flare and they burn out need fuel etc

    The mine buildings have a fair bit in them but most players would get that during the story since they have to go there anyways. The airfield is the same thing and transfer pass is one building and a train loading shoot. I just got that Far Territories ties into the LONG WALK to them but still, there was no need for the LONG road to the airport from transfer pass. Filler nothing more. I'd wait for a bundle and then a sale on that bundle when at least TF is complete all 6 parts done. 30$ for wintermute, survival+TF sounds fair.

    The problem is that you have to like survival for TF otherwise you'd never finish all that with the traversal time back and forth. They really needed to sell wintermute as a standalone like they do with survival, both of them as a standalone option, but you HAVE to buy survival IF you just want wintermute. Makes no sense except from crafty shady pricing. The casual wintermute that's more guided needed to be a standalone game with the option for a lite survival experience like turn off most of it just have explore mode to go along with the story. Make the tasks that require survival a lot less tedious just for wintermute, give a walk speed multiplier maybe 2-3x faster and option to turn off stamina drain or lower the rate etc

    My custom survival now has sprains, aggressive animals and more turned off. It's astounding the amount of options they give you but leave out the ones that would give just a nice relaxing explore and treasure hunt only mode. This would appeal to a larger audience than the hardcore players who love the grind and challenges with that. And they'd likely sell more wintermute if it was a standalone casual focused variant AND finished the last episode after 7 years! Since Hinterland has teased other games TLD is on a list of priorities it's not always the top one, which is egregious when you collect money for a whole game years ago. All resources should be put into finishing your released game people have paid for and still buy. It's not hard. I'm sure many hold off on buying the bundle due to it not even being finished and it reeks of a shady crafty strategy by the studio to collect as much as they can for an unfinished product. A lot of people do buy it but don't do due diligence and end up with just survival mode which is a niche game when not played with easy custom settings and or cheat engine or trainers.
    Hertzian56, Mar 12, 2024
  10. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    I'm currently dling new star gp which is totally recommended I've played this excellent retro graphics f1 racing game since EA last fall and was blown away by how fun and detailed it is for such a cartoony style. It has really nice pit stop mechanics, some lite rpg aspects to it that keep you engaged but not the stale stuff from the larger more realistic series, it's only about 2gb total in size compared to 50gb+ of the major f1 game. Totally a mix of realistic and casual that won't be so frustrating and technical as more official f1 games, has some funny scrambled names of f1 drivers of the past and present. It has fun modes for more money and grudges etc

    The game features retro cars from the 80s,90s,00s and has the 10s and 20s in the full release. It also has a ton of tracks that are just disguised F1 tracks since it's not officially licensed. It also has in the 80s decade the option to use a classic 60s style car like the Lotus 67 which is really cool. I wish they would do the late 60s F1 and tracks, long axx tracks mostly euro based traditional F1 tracks in their traditional layouts. The 70s were so all over the place but mostly the lotus underflow ground effects cars and other experimental cars like the 6 wheeler and the fan car, might be kinda hard to not get in trouble there those are so iconic.

    The best decades of F1 were the 60s 70s and 80s before the megacorpo and tv giants came in and turned it into a B2B a thon with puny trannymen drivers freshly stamped for corpo selling. And the tricks like the passing DRS zones and such just to make it more exciting on tv. Modern f1 has been blandAF for 25 years and I can smell the marketing and race fixing with cars that almost never break down. At least before the car tech would add real variability to it by being sketchy from a reliability standpoint, not so for 20 years now. It's all fixed for a long time like all sports for drama but they overdo it in the name of ratings and excitement, like drugs type excitement so fake and cringey.

    The trannyman max weirdo looking #33 smh is the new golden girl, and you can tell they pushed the mixed breed Lewis just for that mostly, one of ron denis little trannyboys club she loves to groom them in. Just the shenanigans they can do with team orders and drama league orders for tv and buzz, then add in the fact that the tech is like RC cars they could drive the car around just using telemetry and the track data very easily so then they can slow someone down or speed other up at will for drama, it's total horseshit series. I feel like the championship is either up for sale or it's decided by the shysters based on tv and other marketing sales factors more than any real on track skill. The skill is overriden by the narrative and needs of the marketing salse dept. Then you have the obvious new track construction graft scam, korea, india and the other abandoned tracks all over to be replaced with arab oil money tracks up to 3 now I think. It's as bad as the pagan trannylimpics scam.
    Hertzian56, Mar 12, 2024
  11. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    You also had the obvious rewarding of Nico Rossberg by mercedes with a championship through skillful engine issues inserted for lewy. Jensen Button was given a championship because they knew they were just inside the rules to basically kill everyone else, which then happened to fold and sell to mercedes. The jewish british are scumbags for a long long time in big things and economics is everything there, cursed little island. I'm not saying there isn't a bunch of scumbags all over and in F1 that's for sure. Redbull owned by that german jew bought it's way to the top and the fake USA team of Haas is nothing of the sort. Haas is a jew name and they just buy things with their criminal gangster tactics with help from brethren nothing more.

    Bernie Ecclestone destroyed traditional F1 with his tv drama deals and track construction scams etc the sport has sucked for 25 years at least. Ferrari did it's part with it's paddle shifters, when they had to shift manually it was much more skill based series, now it's like driving auto almost. If the driver missed a gear or the gearbox broke a gear then you saw some real skill based driving, it's all just RC cars now remotely managed and the driver is like ballast really. Back when it was small and scrappy in the 60s and 70s you had regular guys in the garage and interesting characters and such it was much more real and accessible, not so since the late 80s. The drone drivers are bland and corpo punks.

    And I have no doubt that in there little shyster small print it says this is just entertainment and the outcomes and drama aka needs of the business can be determined for profitability and such. Which is fine but just say that plainly. All major sports are just like the open WWE that it's just fixed theater for drama and profitability. For instance Lewis Hamilton fits the profile they wanted, mixed race from the jungle zoo england is today to appeal to a very wide audience for the profitability. Then once he ties Schumacher in championships mercedes just falls off suddenly, like they weren't going to allow lewy to beat schumacher's championships, only tie it. Makes no sense if they were that dominant for so long to suddenly die off after number 7 for lewy. They then inserted Maxine into the champs seat for the last few years. It's 99% car but really 100% profitability. Red bull doesn't have the resources of mercedes and killed everyone for almost a whole decade, but the numbers said people were getting bored of it so it was time to move on and also the schumacher factor. There's some conspiracy that no one can beat 7, only tie it.

    There is a higher council of owners, tv league megacorp owners and such that decides who wins champs, maybe not races that's details worked out later but the champ is decided and it's not on the track or in the garage it's in the top level board room. It's no different than the trannyhookerwood wing of this jewmasontranny cult. Has to be a member no doubt of long tradition in the cult, they all trannies and either jews, crypto jews or long sold out masonics. Ratings and sales come into play, drama curves, likely bribery involved, orders from bosses etc At least during the unreliable times you had variability with the cars and the drivers manually shifting skills and no traction control and all the other nonsense that makes this just an RC spec series really.

    Indycar is a spec series and is likely decided in advance also but they're not going around the world with their hand out for construction bribery by corrupt local govs and pols, it's a NA only series with mostly traditional tracks, most have easy camping, grass seating and such. The ovals are boringAF and the teams and drivers are just as corrupt and bland as F1 but the feeling is much more friendly and pleasant. They don't just promote people with audience appeal into it like F1 does, racial etc There's no tradition of reward championships like in f1, the younger andretti sucked and is gone, the younger rahal was ok but I'm pretty sure a mid to back fielder if he's not gone. Maxine comes from a tradition with mommy driving in f1 back when and so did rossberg. Senna never had the connections that native euros did so he wasn't built up and rewarded, neither was the younger pique. It's too clubby and lodge in F1. There isn't scum like the Redbull guy divorcing to marry a spice girl or the banned Flavio Briatore having a stable of drivers to manage, the creepy ron denis or very creepy frank williams in his day. We've got a bunch of open jews in owners, the pirelli jews tire monopoly, the jew agnelli owned ferrari and etc Penske is a jew no doubt, likely crypto though. The old 90s Newman-Haas team was both jews. A bunch of bottom feeder scum all over racing sadly.
    Hertzian56, Mar 12, 2024
  12. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    Fired up the new contra game and idk I was just never into those side scroller combat games with pew pew guns and such. It's published by konami so you know there's going to be jank to it, a pub well passed it's prime by a long shot last thing they released that was any good was mgsv in 15. I only played a few minutes but the jank was almost no options, a very short list of things. It ran fine though, not too impressed with it though, it's a 2.5d game with segments that have a bit of 3rd axis to them. The repack was 3gb and the game is around 15gb install eh seems ok for what's shown but many have complained about the price, they want 40$ for a lite remake or whatever it is. The gameplay doesn't warrant that price nor do things like graphics. I'm not sure how long a game it is but can't imagine it's more than a handful of hours so it's way overpriced. Should be about 20$.

    I don't think it would wow anyone graphically as it looks like a remaster of an old game tbh. So not sure if I'll keep in installed or delete it. I guess I've got the room to keep it but once something else comes along it's gone.

    I played a bit of Long Dark survival mode and yeah it's kinda boring since I'm not into the survival grind of it, negate all that stuff. Wandering around the map is boring and how people enjoy survival chores is beyond me. TheHunter Call of the Wild has these huge maps and 12-13 of them which I've got and it's gorgeous to wander around in those. Even the first 6-7 maps have decent story play to them, the last few have just shallow story. I'm into the hunting only here and there as it takes a lot of patience and waiting. That's also a mostly played out game like TLD is getting to be. Once they release Episode 5 of either wintermute or Far Territories I fire it up again. Already backed up install on an external HDD so I can delete the local one.

    Some 77 with new mods but it's also a played out game, only boot up for the new cars lately which are great. Some Dying Light 1 which is still fun. Kinda have not played GTAV for a while either. Only way to really get back into it is a new campaign or go back to driving around doing car mods then doing the replay of missions. Good game to have locally for play here and there.

    Earth defense Force 5 still have and I was almost dismayed to learn that the solo mode has 110 missions! I get bored of it fairly quickly think I'm at mission 40 or so, they're mostly all the same giant bugs, spaceships, frogs etc attack you clear them out. Maps are varied but not too great looking it is an old game though. Doesn't seem like an 18gb game but eh. Prob delete it at some point. I have the installer repacks of all games I play so if I want to go back just reinstall it.
    Hertzian56, Mar 13, 2024
  13. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    Since I'm kinda done with any games as main ones just been playing a bit here and there of ones I've got installed. Earth Defense Force 5 is pretty addicting once you get to the more interesting scenarios and enemies like misson 50 or so out of 110 I think. I'm at like 71 and some of the giant spiders and classic aliens in space suits as giants keeps it entertaining to grind the wave shooter this game is. I think they could have got this down to about 50 total missions for SP and it would have been a lot tighter and kept interest for people going because it just gets boring in the first third or so w the same ants and insects enemies. I'm wondering what they'll throw out of the saucers next.

    I've got two more missions packs of new stuff after the main missions and it's a nice game to grind while watching something. Online probably is pretty fun if there is a viable online idk. So there's a lot of content to the game if you like wave shooters and likely co op which is not my thing of course.
    Hertzian56, Mar 18, 2024
  14. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    Finally finished the main campaign of Earth Defense Force 5 and wow, 110 missions that get more and more intense mostly as you go along. I had a mod that also allowed a couple of online only missions to be played offline and wow those would be impossible without the trainer or with others it's tons of enemies at once and wow. Even w the trainer it was a long slog to finally get all of them taken care of. I wasn't a fan of using the bad guy to be named God that's just blaphemous and doesn't really fit the story too well. These are just aliens like from those 50s scifi shows etc God would have no need of any of this to extinguish existence so it's not well thought out there but still it's a hell of a final battle with the mothership and then the leader of the aliens.

    Even w the trainer it took 20hrs to finish all that, if you played it no trainer on easy you'd likely never finish 110 missions. I switched to normal from easy about half way and it was still challenging. I also have about 50 more add on missions from the two mission dlcs to do at some point, mostly just farming stuff. So yeah per hour they're not asking too much at 50$ or so but still it's a 19 game it should be 20$ by now and the dlc included not extra cost. Unless you really want more the add on dlc packs aren't worth the extra cost. I saw a mod that adds in over 100 new missions for free.

    The graphics are dated even when it came out to be able to run that many enemies at once otherwise it'd blow up your cpu with all the physics etc calcs. I only had slowdown when I was running something else in the background that uses CPU mostly, otherwise never had any slowdown playing this game. I will look for EDF 4 as it's supposed to be pretty good also and EDF6 is supposed to come out this summer. Recommended on sale for sure.
    Hertzian56, Mar 19, 2024
  15. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    So yeah just finished edf5 and now did the missions pack 1 and doing mp2 which is more missions than 1 I think. 1 was like about 15 missions. 2 I think is about 35 missions. The only thing I don't like is when it's completely solo no friendly npcs because it's a long grind then and hard to get some of them if they fly in the air.

    Otherwise just some TLD here and there, maybe some dying light 1 and if I can find it about 80gb for guardians of the galaxy which is supposed to be good for a superhero marvel type game which I've never liked much. The Arkham series is the only superhero ones I like. Superhero games are usually online focused and corny otherwise. Spiderman wasn't my thing, cheesy. Crazy they've never even bothered to do a decent superman with a campaign and world and all. So yeah nothing else major right now.
    Hertzian56, Mar 20, 2024
  16. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    Man EDF5 really does get addicting once you play it enough I finished both dlc mission packs which are only like 15 missions each so shouldn't be paid for at all. There are a couple mods for this game that add 100 new missions and campaigns free so asking for more for 30 missions in dlc is just stupid. But the game loop is pretty fun once you get used to it, just mindless plinking against huge bugs and monsters is pretty satisfying. Te only issue is that it can get a bit too intense and the flashing and just overwhelming amount of on screen action so can lead to a splitting headache if you play it a long time. Still a great game if you can get past the initial awful training missions and banal graphics it really is a Starship Troopers type of b movie game like Them or other 50s alien invasion movie.
    Hertzian56, Mar 21, 2024
  17. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    I made a discovery of the game Signalis which is a pixel game that does homage to the classic Resident Evil games, Silent Hill and a bit of Dead Space 1 also. It's pretty atmospheric and cool to look at even with the odd choice by the devs to put a lot of distortion into the menus and such making it blurry which isn't too great for longer play sessions.

    This game starts off with a reference to the occult book "the king in yellow" which from the few chapters I've read is about someone or some thing inducing someone else to commit suicide. It's a very macabre book and was also referenced in the first season of True Detective and has been known as an occultist book for a long long time.

    Here it seems to be tied to the synthetic androids and the outer world like mining colony which also is a big scifi horror motif. I'm guessing there is some entity that is bioelectric that has taken over tied to some ancient aliens dormant since it involves mines and such. This is similar to doom 3 etc Old motif. Demons and hell being "down under" in the dark caves and dark places and the greed and grasping by those not meant to be down there for loot comes back to bite them by unleashing these trapped demons.

    These demons or fallen angels, the 33%, then induce suicide and self destruction to those who would not normally follow them or would oppose them and thier schemes. The ultimate goal of satan and his fallen angels is to induce and draw as many humans as possible to various forms of self destruction and damnation and thus after death will be in his power. Those who are sold out to him, the jewmasontrannys and others, whether they know it or not are there to assist in this. With their prominent places in the society of the last 100 years or so and especially after wwjew where the masonic networks were fully setup even in the eastern countries with their marxism fake antithesis to the rampant greed of their stock market-banksterism side with it's jewish british empire then setting up the marxist side in rus-chi and other places like cuba and s america. All lead by jewmasontrannys like castro the crypto jewtrannyman, stalin-lenin and all the rest of them crypto jews and likely trannys certainly masonic aka kabbalistic.
    Hertzian56, Mar 22, 2024
  18. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    So yeah Signalis is totally recommended if you like classic RE, Silent Hill, a bit of deadspace etc type of games and don't mind the pixel graphics. I'ts a small game abou 2gb and I don't think it's much more than 10 hrs for most people but is a unique game . If you can get it on sale it'd be good, if you really want to support the devs pay the 20$ normal price. The puzzles are pretty neat and can be challenging if you're not used to puzzle gameplay like RE series or SH.

    The ambient music is pretty chill but ominous horror type of thing and it's a 3 language presentation. The users chosen language, german and japanese. So you have an undertone of wwjew to it, the bad guy actors in the narrative. This game is also kabbalistic in that it features some lite gematria, hexagrams all over, the king in yellow occult book, and more as in the previous post.

    There are also cheat engine tables for this game and there are only 3 options, inf ammo, inf life, inf flashlight which is enough. The game v1 tables work fine for 1.21. So yeah a unique game no doubt for fans of those genres.
    Hertzian56, Mar 23, 2024
  19. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    I finally installed Stray and it's another great find for me. I've had it for a while just never installed it. It has some of the best graphics I've ever seen and is a pleasure to look at. It's a UE4 game which is kind of a surprise but maybe the development was too far along for the UE5 push we've seen the last couple years. It's def a well done game and gets high ratings for a reason. I don't think it's too long though as others have said and it's only about 7gb in size. Looks like most of the mods are for cat skins or changing the model to a dog or something. I'm just using flings trainer but I'm sure there are cheat tables for it also for more options. Annapurna does some arty interesting games and I've still got their Cocoon game to finish which also features beautiful graphics.

    Just going through Signalis, and I grabbed a cheat sheet for some of the puzzles which can add a lot of time to the game trying to decipher the text based docs you find and other things to figure out. Adding time is important for small games like this and puzzles can do that. A great game, I'm pretty sure I'm near the end since I'm in the mine area which borrows from the classic silent hills where you get the same type of environment you've seen a normal version of before but it's turned into a hellscape type of thing, the SH references are def seen easily in this area. Like SH2, 3 and 5 where the environment changes at certain points. I think 4 has some of that too but it's def not the same formula to it. I also get a Doom 3 reference to mines on other planets and horrors lurking there.
    Hertzian56, Mar 24, 2024
  20. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    Although Stray has your typical marxist nonsense story about human extinction and such the graphics and gameplay are really fun along with the nice minimal electro music. I'm fairly sure I'm almost done after a few hours session but will def keep it installed and play again. It is a bit too contrasty at times and can wear on the eyes with the auto exposure where it can go from tone to tone in an instant so a red lighted area to a blue lighted area and etc which isn't too good on the eyes for sure. It's also a bit bright for the default gamma but not too bad. This being a UE game it overuses hardware and can stutter at times with more action going on but nowhere as bad as UE5 is.

    And for the most part looks better than most games I've played but they really worked on it to handcraft and such. You can tell they reused standard UE assets a lot but not to where it feels too generic in places because every set you play on is different. It's not like some procgen outposts like you see in starfield or other games that reuse interiors and such. The cat looks amazing and the movement animation in this game is top notch. I'd def recommend it on sale because I don't think you're getting 30hrs of gameplay out of this and they want 30$. It's a fair price though for the quality of it just not for the dollar per hour I would hold to if I were to buy games. Some games are worth 80$ but they'd have to be big open world games and really good ones in that genre are pretty few and far between. But as usual never buy games at full price always get them at key sites or on sale after they've been beta tested by fools and patched up.

    So it's a good time to buy cyberpunk really since it's almost totally patched out or as much as cpdur is going to do it. Their games are always buggy messes the first little bit like TW3 was and still has lots of bugs and such but nothing game breaking other than even today for the final battles I have to turn everything down to not crash. 77 never had that for me since there are no huge battles really other than maybe the PL rushing to the presidents ship battle. And the mods are becoming a lot better due to the stability of the patch level.

    So yeah Stray is a great game by a smaller dev which does arty type games but usually not long games. I could also recommend Soma which is also a type of companion game or machine-man type game it's been a long time. But I think that's closer to Signalis in that it's a horror type of game but more psychological then anything. Humans surviving as digitized energy and such.
    Hertzian56, Mar 25, 2024
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