What game are you playing now

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by Hertzian56, Mar 20, 2023.

  1. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    Stray was about 7.5hrs for me which included getting most of the sheet music and 2 of the 3 drink cans for the shop. I did kinda rush through the ant treehouse there wasn't much there and I did use flings trainer to largely negate the danger from the zurks and the sentinels couldn't see me mostly except when I had to turn off that cheat to advance when trapping a few but it didn't really need that it's not too hard a game. I think it's a lot easier with a controller like I use then a kbm setup especially the chase sequences so many complain about. So for the 29$ they're asking it's a bit of a luxury item for the playtime unless you play it 3-4 times. I already started a second playthrough so will get 2x out of it so I guess if you feel paying full price somehow would influence the devs for a second game might do that. I'd wait for a sale at this point.

    I also am to what I think is postgame content in signalis since I saw the credits then back to home screen hit begin and it's a different sequence then the initial beginning. But I'm likely almost done there too. That's a shorter game then Stray for sure so I'd guess less than 6hrs of content there. Great game overall though. They want 20$ for it which is def much unless you play it 3x at least, sale stuff there no doubt.
    Hertzian56, Mar 26, 2024
  2. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    Scratch that about Signalis it's longer then stray which is surprising at first but then you think about the backtracking and puzzles and it adds a few hours to the game no doubt. Also Signalis is made by a talmudick-kabbalist being yuri stern, star. This has tarot in it which is one outgrowth of kabbalism and it's pagan pantheistic gods which have correspondences with their faf planets named after greco-roman gods really forms of ancient gods who are just the various demons, the 33% fallen angels who followed satan down to have power over flesh and material to a degree. Themselves being only spirit but they can manipulate material to a point. And they also can read the scriptures and times to predict future things to a point only, which God allows them at His discretion.

    The theology here is just a disguised kabbalism and of course the unnatural lesbianism featured is also just more perversion by perverts. Perversion is using concepts or items in ways they were not meant to be used or are not ideal tools for the intended outcome, and the outcome is not in accordance with right reason. Say a butter knife is for spreading butter and cutting bread etc but you can also use it to stab someone or something but that's not it's right use. A shovel is similar ad infinitum. The true purpose of sex is reproduction, it's inducement is pleasure but that's not it's right purpose, it's not the end in mind but a means to it ie children. When you just have the end of pleasure with no possibility of reproduction you have perversion. And perversion usually leads to more and more of it and worse forms of it such as sex magick and the things that follow there.

    As I've said kabbalism is ancient satanism but then refined by the help of satan to the deicide people who are full of pride and arrogance as shown in their Talmud. The Talmud is the systematic negation and reversal of the Old Testament lessons and teachings and the perversion of some of them that had a context and time and place but do not apply to other places or contexts. The ancient satanism in the west was carried in the ghettos primarily during it's supression from about Constantine to the protestant schism and the kabbalistic renaissance and the other major things that happened 1450 to 1550 roughly so we're at the 500 year or so mark of the later rise of satanism in the world. The East has always been a pagan land for the most part meaning east of palestine. India being a major locus there and spreading east. Africa has been pagan in the most part also but not as intellectual mostly a tribal kind of witch doctor thing it didn't affect the peoples of europe so much.

    Anyways things to keep in mind about games is tarot is one of the easiest ways to see a kabbalistic influence. Cyberpunk has a whole quest line tied to it, with misty being likely a ladyboy jew but it's all over the game in various ways. Transhumanism is very kabbalistic and satanic and is the major theme of the game really. They throw marxism in there to subliminally influence gamers also, marxism in all it's forms is of jewish origin, financing and working. We also get in 77 the whole tibetan monk or whatever gig line, which are just forms of the same thing. If you want to know more read the Trimondis book on the Dalai Lama and Tibetan Buddhism in general. It's rituals are filthy sex magic and androgynous levels are the highest. The Dalai Lama is likely a trannyman and her accolytes in the west are jewmasontrannys so you can see how things stand there, all in the cult.
    Hertzian56, Mar 26, 2024
  3. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    So I'm on my second playthrough of Stray and yeah it'll be like half or less gametime since I'm not too interested in doing the same collectibles as the first run. It's a short sweet game that you can get a couple play throughs back to back for around 12hrs of gametime which is fine except they want more than double that for it at 29$ which isn't warranted really. It's high quality content for sure but a virtual item like this should be at most 1$ per hour since there are so many other great games new and old that work fine, which you can get for very little. This is the same for most games that seem to think they warrant those prices for a digital only license item, pure greedster scam that. Add on top the use of the generic UE engine and the same assets used over and over and you've got even more of a stretch for the price. The animations are amazing and the graphics but it just needed more to it for that price. Maybe side missions, larger levels or the use of more of the levels for more then collectibles of little payoff.

    The story is fixed and it's linear mostly with some small levels to explore a bit for some minor collectibles and such so there's not much replayability other than just wanting to experience it more fully but then the challenge is really gone since you've done it all before so it cuts out a lot of time. You have 3 main levels you can explore for stuff and interaction which are the slums, ant village which is very very small and the mid city area of neon overload. Everything else is an interlevel and chase scene or one off thing like climbng up a tower or high level to do one thing or get to the next area but a little more involved than your typical interlevel like the sewers.
    Get this on deep discount for 10$ or less.

    And Signalis the final boss must have bugged for me as she doesn't have a moment where you can strike for the final time to end it and the screen distortion, interleaved text popups and music just give a headache after 10mins of trying to finish it. So I abandoned the final boss and loaded up a save about an hour in. It's definitely a game that starts off strong if you like the classic RE and Silent Hill games and other references but it does hang on too long really. The story is opaque and not that interesting tbh what I did understand of it and the environments are kinda samey at some point. Like others have said it turns into a collectathon of getting this key to get that key to then go here and do it all over again. And the combat is really basic and clunky a lot of the time with spotty lock on and terrible free aim.

    Eh for the 10hrs or so you get out of it it's fine but the aura wears off once you get far enough into it and if you do a bit of replaying old levels. I also don't think this warrants 20$ price for a run and maybe half a run later. This is another 10$ or less game. You have to think about a huge game like cyberpunk which you can get on sale for around 50$ with the dlc for at least 80hrs of game time if you play the side missions and gigs. The main story is 20hrs alone there and the DLC main story is around the same of 20hrs, add in all the gigs, major side missions and little stuff like ncpd scanner and yeah you've got easily 50cents or less per hour. Go back to 2017/18 and the first two AC open world games are giant sized and with dlc are easily less than 1$ hr and still hold up well. Grab TW3 on sale for less than 10$ and maybe another 5-10 for both dlcs and you've got at least 50hrs if not 100hrs of high quality content for 20-25$. Get Hollow Knight for less than 20$ you've got a ton of content and all the other hundreds of high quality games but older, on sale even just reduced by now.
    Hertzian56, Mar 27, 2024
  4. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    Fired up some oldies since I've mostly done with stray and signalis also installed a new to me game. So installed South Park Fractured But Whole since I think the SOT was pretty good. Eh FBW is ok I'm not much into south park since it's a jew trojan horse series. At least one of the creators is a jew and I'd bet the other one is also, the trick there is the defamation of Christianity by making cartman the bad guy and kyle the good guy when it's really cartman that is the jew there so they've switched the roles to make one look good and one bad. No show could get away with that in the current jewmasontranny matrix and stay on the air UNLESS it's a tool to be used. That's what SP is.

    The game is turn based which isn't my fav and a bit corny imo. Stopped watching that show long ago, the first 10 seasons or so is the best it has to offer after that it's just more disgusting and over references cringe pop culture stuff. Much less creative as it went on. So yeah it's just ok nothing too great. Might try the two DLC once I can get to them in game.

    Played a bit of RDR2 which is a great game. Some RE4 remake which is pretty underwhelming tbh. It's better then the original but just doesn't have something I can't put my finger on. Seems bland for some reason. I'd already beat it so this is just a bit of replay. RE2 remake is by far my favorite still runs great and looks great. RE4 remake is 60gb and runs ok for me but seems just too bloated imo

    Grabbed the last updated version of Sable, a chill exploration game that's fun for just here and there play. I also grabbed the sequel to Ender Lillies called Ender Magnolia which is EA and only a couple hours of play. Great series and another nice looking casual game. I could grab Calisto Protocol since they removed denuvo but nah who wants some dead space clone that's not as good as that whole series other than graphics.
    Hertzian56, Mar 29, 2024
  5. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    Spamming the raid mode of RE Revelations 1 mostly and just replaying the main story on infernal mode. RER1 has a better campaign and is a more direct zippy play style making it easier to jump in and out of then RER2. To be expected for a DS game vs. a later game made for consoles and PCs that aren't mobile. RER1 is also a lot more janky and the story is cut up into so many little slices you're constantly moving between pairs of characters and you care very little for any of them other then the main two of Jill-Parker and Parker is just a bad AI follower not too interesting when you do play as him in the terragrigia disaster episodes. Most episodes are less than 10mins of gameplay then you have to go through the cumbersome slow menu-saving system and then skipping cutscenes so it's padded for sure.

    The whole arctic base episodes are totally forgettable and especially when you play as the two army dudes. At least as Chris-Jessica you can get a bit of eye candy if you mod it but otherwise this game really needs a remake where Jill is the main protag and everyone else is maybe a whole chapter or two. Just the terragrigia disaster could be a whole game by itself to get out of the nonsensical floating city no one needed. The story of two orgs staging real disasters for their own purposes is pretty interesting also. Lots of orgs do this, if they want more free money and support they then stage and stoke attention getting events since real life usually has almost none of that and certainly not to some schedule.
    Hertzian56, Apr 12, 2024
  6. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    Sand Land which has a nice art style to it and made in ue4 which means overuse or heavier use of the equipment for the graphics, I get more fan noise from this game then cyberpunk at med settings with 100's of mods. But it does look nice from an art style standpoint, locked to 60 is mostly smooth but with your occasional stutters. It's your standard combat, run jump open world game and reminds me of both mad max and borderlands games but more cutesy and quite a bit of cutscenes and taking camera control away from the player more than I like but it's tolerable. It's no GR Future soldier level of that.

    I'm not a fan of the "Demon" motif and the Lucifer/Satan keeping the water bottled up etc, NO reason for this demonic stuff in a game that is very much an older child Nintendont game in art style and such. Why insert this devilry there? Well only because it just fits their world view at those levels of the jewmasontranny cult which is worldwide and involves all ethnicities etc It's a turnoff and the emphasis on stealing etc isn't that fun the stealth is just mid and the instafail at checkpoints if detected kinda just ok too.

    The big gimmick are the pot-tanks which are kinda fun and neat and the other mech suits that you need to make and mod to fight more enemies and such. Eh I wish there was less cutscenes etc but at least you can skip almost all of it if you want. I'm about 10hrs or so into it and it's not too memorable afa story, characters etc Just the art style is memorable for me. I think a bigtime fan of the whole genre would love it though. To me it's a good 7-8 game, fun but not the type you're going to remember other then art style which is well done.
    Hertzian56, Apr 30, 2024
  7. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    Still playing Sand Land and thankfully Fling came out with a trainer w a lot of nice options to it to cut out the tedious stuff as much as possible. Speed up player, vehicles, inf materials etc. The cheat engine file I could find was very basic. As I said this game has a LOT of cut scenes to it which thankfully can be skipped for the most part. I'm not terribly interested in the banter and such just gameplay which is mid no doubt. After a bit it's go here talk to this person go back here talk, go here kill find this, get out of this crumbing palace etc

    It centers around various vehicles you have to make from parts around the world and missions built around that so eh gets tedious really. Then the shyster gameplay of you need this part to get this or make this component so you can make this then you need this for this component so then you get all of them THEN you can make the vehicle you need. Filler stuff. The world isn't that interesting being mostly empty desert combat playsets with some settlements here and there etc.

    Eh like I said mid game and unless you're in love with the art style or a fan of the late designer I'd pass or wait til it's appropriately priced at about 30-35$ for a 30-35hr main campaign. At 60$ it's definitely not up to aaa game prices per hour or innovation etc
    Hertzian56, May 6, 2024
  8. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    Pretty much going to delete sand land, not interested in the bad game design and not that interesting world or quests gameplay. I'm stuck now at another missing component for the hover car, Standard Steel. It HAS to be standard grade not the premium grade I have already, such bad game design. And I'm so far up ranked I likely can't get standard grade to drop or spawn in chests. Eh the vehicles mechanic is very tedious and Mad Max did it way better which I still have installed. The vehicle gatekeeping gimmick isn't the funnest imo I'm not a fan of the shyster collectathon of this that materials etc to just continue the main story. It's fine for optional stuff but not the main story.

    So just playing NFS Hot Pursuit 2010 and it looks great and is fun as always, played that over the years a bit. Super fun and challenging not that big a size either. Once I enabled vsync in NCP the stutter went away and I also limited it to 45fps there too. Otherwise it stutters in places that have high action where it shouldn't on a modern system.

    Some more Cp77 mods etc Ghost of Tsushima torrent incoming lol
    Hertzian56, May 17, 2024
  9. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    I've got two new games lately and still playing Ghost of Tsushima and Cyerpunk when a cool mod comes up on nexus. The Elden Ring DLC Shadow of the Erdtree which is just more ER with a new map and new quest. It's a great game with incredible art style.

    The other one is the new map in Thehunter Call of the Wild, Sunderpan in Nepal. This one has tigers, nice to get a new iconic animal like that. The Africa early map has lions and the Mississipi map has alligators. The earlier Alaska map has bears but a lot of maps have bears, this one has brown bears or Grizzly. Several have moose.
    Hertzian56, Jun 26, 2024
  10. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    So I played the main story of the Sunderpan map in thehunter COW and it's just ok, the makers of this game are scandiknaves so theyre just in the bag marxist pagan types like the whole of that area is. You can see it in the story modes of this game, which are only like an hour or so mostly. There are side missions too but nothing amazing. The first few maps were really the best imo, longer story, more side stuff, maps were better with changeable weather in some etc The later ones are not that interesting mostly and just a lot of cut paste of everything, some have main stories that are just driving around the reserve and no side missions etc

    Many times the animals are more important then humans in these stories esp this latest one and it being in Nepal it's very much like India which is a mess of communist bureaucracies ridden with corruption and red tape. The regular people are pillaged or left to their own devices by the scammer statists and the crypto-jew indian elite. Nepal is just a minor speck of a state which is mostly famous for the himalayas and the sherpa guides so this is kind of strange you get mostly open fields and jungle. The main story does not involve hunting tigers which are the main point of this map. I was able to bag one for my lodge though.

    You'll also notice the pushing of Buddhism which has some good points but is really just a subset of Hinduism which is the mother of paganism that has millions of "gods". You won't see any Christian themes in this game, at least presented as all good like buddhism is here, typical scandiknave stuff. So I did main mission, bagged a tiger and really just all good there.

    I've not really been into this game for ages and I always just go back to the handful of fav maps like Layton Lakes-PNW, Alaska yukon, hirschfelden, africa. I need to do more in the australian one, the new england one, the finland one. There are like 15 maps each one the size of the GTAV map so lots of terrain.

    I also recommend cheat engine here because it has way more options then finished trainers do like walk 10x faster so no more noisy atv needed, inf ammo, etc
    Hertzian56, Jun 28, 2024
  11. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    After finishing the main and dlc of Ghost of Tsushima, which is very pretty but very shallow and boring game overall I've just been car cruising in modded cars in cyberpunk and also doing similar in GTAV. GTAV I have a couple of race mod packs installed. 77 is mostly just cruising and screenshots of the modded cars and of new clothes for my femv.

    Played a bit of NFS Most wanted 2010 edition which looks awesome tbh It looks graphically better then GTAV and 77 at my settings. It's also unfortunately an EA game meaning it's buggy and tedious menus and such, too bad pirates couldn't expunge anything EA in that game. So it crashed on me last time.

    And I also finished the Elden Ring DLC erdtree which was just more of the same, not a bad thing but it's not that much content if you use cheats to cut out tedium like I do. I have stealth on so I can just look at the amazing world and npcs without constantly having to fight everything.

    Nothing new looks any good lately.

    GhOTs is VASTLY overrated, a ripoff of TW3, Asscreed, far cry and more with pretty graphics, visceral combat and a fake version of shogunate era japan. I have it at 6.5 including the DLC. Sony is a master of filler and bloat and tricks to force a long play time so people can feel better about the ripoff pricing. Forced cutscenes everywhere in this game add dozens of hours to it with little that's too interesting. Marxist feminazism is laced throughout. Awful traversal speeds and horse also don't help. Cheat engine tables can mult player speeds thankfully making the awkward horse unnecessary. Gimmicky ship in the DLC you either had no idea about in the base game I guess, you never use them except in the DLC quickly forgotten candy rush I guess. Soo cheesy.
    Hertzian56, Jul 10, 2024
  12. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    Played a bit of Sekiro which is a shinobi-ninja souls like I played a lot years ago. It's nowhere as good looking as Ghost of Tsushima but has a lot more real mystery to it being a souls game by FS. I think a lot of people don't like the non directed story at least via cutscenes or objectives myself included but it does have more interesting gameplay then GOTs if janky controls on xbone controller. The story overall is mostly by text and I think some npcs but it's a lot more brief, not bloated like GhOTs is.

    It's ok looking and can have some great visuals but nothing that approaches GOTs. Still I do like the mysteries and enviro puzzles they do draw you in like DS and Elden Ring do. It's a pretty short small game as well, install of only 12.7gb repacked version. But for FS souls fans it's a must. There was never any DLC for this game from I think 2016 and non sale price is ludicrous at 60$ it's worth "new" about 30$ imo and I'd not bother w it for much less tbh. For the same price you can get elden ring basic and get a smoother better looking game. I actually wouldn't recommend the Erdtree DLC unless you have ultra maxed out base elden ring and REALLY want more scenery and some new enemies, it's just more of the same.
    Hertzian56, Jul 12, 2024
  13. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    Also had a ton of fun as usual with NFS Hot Pursuit which looks great as far as the cars to this day. Finally made it to exotics and it's intense. totally recommended for just race-pursuit-timed trials gameplay as well as the free world driving unlocked later I think. Games only 7gb and is a huge fun box. You do need to adjust settings lock it to an fps and have vsync and maybe other settings to get the high action stutters gone though. Never totally fixed default by the devs for pc. Simple tweaks are necessary.

    Uh grabbed dodi's Most Wanted "remaster" heavily modded version and wasn't too great tbh other then a lot of mod cars added in that are not in vanilla. Fugly looking even w mods, lot of input delay, bloomyAF, just old. Can't even get 1080p option. And it's like 8gb, larger then HP is which looks and plays much better. I think I'm going to just keep it for my older laptop probably be better there or just scrap it I have too many games anyways.
    Hertzian56, Jul 12, 2024
  14. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    Booted up WRC10 after a years long break, I've just been playing the simple Rush Rally 3 that's 300mb instead of the 33GB of WRC10. WRC10 is an example of when devs try way too hard to be "slick", menus are ok but way too flashy and wasteful, the HARD shove to online is obnoxious as well, after every stage you have to click through a few of the prompts to NOT upload times, constant reminders you're not logged in online etc Trash.

    It looks pretty good but the cars are def floaty. Other then graphics I like Rush Rally 3 made by ONE GUY better, sound, car weight feeling, simple, small etc I may as well just delete it at this point and finally install the final installment of the WRC series, Generations but I'd have to check the install size because I'm not needing more then what's in 10 and don't want a 50gb install vs 33gb.
    Hertzian56, Jul 15, 2024
  15. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    I also modded Sekiro with character and sword replacers. Had no idea it was so easy to mod. Using the Kaine model which with the dress hides the gross trannee body that 2b has. Not completely of course the shoulders are way too wide look like they are glued onto the body and the very low hips are obvious trannee feature, the asx is way too big another sign of the T-virus. But the model is better to look at then the grizzled Wolf imo I got the berzerker sword with the red glow which is cool.

    There's also a mod to replace the voice with 2b's just in japanese though which is doable with english subs and I guess is more immersive similar to Yakuza series in japanese w english subs but I don't play that that way there's way too much dialogue in Yakuza games to want to not just have the english VO.

    Soo yeah I thought I finished this game but I guess not. I got the illusion monkeys, the immortal sword and now I guess I'm to go to Akina Castle and go from there to get another thing or I have them just need to get back to Karo and give it to him likely fight more bosses. Of course I play this game w a trainer it'd be way too much of a frustrating chore without one, like all FS games would be.

    I think they needed a larger map for this game as the exploration isn't nearly as good as other souls games with larger maps. There's too much backtracking through the same areas. For instance the Akina Castle' teleport points are not avail to me now so I have to figure out a way into the place to then fight the same enemies to then get to Karo. Ridiculous gimmick to add playtime imo. Even the magic swinging door at the temple doesn't work which makes no sense of course, vg logic.
    Hertzian56, Jul 15, 2024
  16. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    Still playing sekiro but I hit a road block with the Divine Dragon. I can't figure out how to use the throw back move with the lightning trees and I tried a bunch two different times now longer sessions and it gets boring so I quit out. I'll probably end up watching a video of that to see how it works.

    Played a bit of 77 just cruising around new mods and such some screenshots etc. Then booted up GTAV for sorta the same thing mostly doing the add on mod races and different cars etc. Not much new stuff going on this is a down time in big games and indys are hit and miss mostly. Some post campaigns Ghost of Tsushima play just some mythical stuff and wandering around.

    I think if they combined Ghost and Sekiro you'd have a dynamite game. Minimal but meaningful cutscenes, settings to make the game easier and more casual, better controls of GOTs, none of the marxist nonsense of Gots, much more interesting enemies of Sekiro, a more mysterious world of sekiro, the larger world of GOTs, better graphics of GOTs, the much more minimal upgrades and such of Sekiro, not the corny bad guy cartoons of GOTs, take out the jubisoft game stuff we've all played before and got sick of back in Odyssey or before, take out the jubisoft far cry nonsense as well it got old after 4 really etc etc

    The stripped down repack w just english of sekiro is 12.7gb vs the 53gb of GOTs but Sekiro is funner if you use a trainer to play it casually not the head butting of those who like souls games with no aid. So Sekiro is great but the world is pretty small, GOTs has a decent sized map that looks amazing.
    Hertzian56, Jul 17, 2024
  17. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    I tried Hot Lap Racing and it's a mess of a game. A lazy Unity game just what we need more of. Number one problem is that they tied the camera to your car, so if you slide the camera slides, if one of the dumb AI hit you and they will a lot, the camera reacts. This is motion sickness headache inducing stuff, do they not play their own slop?

    The other issue is that the braking isn't braking it's drifting really, it's so weak you have to just slide around or slow down to turn correctly, negating heavy breaking and god help you if you slide the camera moves with your car. I couldn't do it too long.

    The sound is early 2000s or so bad canned stuff. The graphics esp the trees and such are like old arcade stuff maybe a step above that and overall it doesn't look great. For 20gb I expect better all around and I certainly wouldn't pay for this game. The price is ludicrous. Terrible game that really belongs on phones at most.

    They ripoff known cars like the Pagani Zonda giving dumb names to them, the ferrari p330 etc Some real licensed ones here and there nothing too interesting though, thus cheap to license. Basic graphical options and just bad all around. There's top level and indy older games that are cheaper and much better. Avoid.
    Hertzian56, Jul 25, 2024
  18. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    Fired up EDF 6 and even after installing Epic software it would not start the game if it was NOT allowed to go online. I use Zonealarm 3rd party firewall that's set to manual so I know every program that tries to contact remote servers. Nope, not for me a SP only I'm not having it go contact a server who knows where to just play a SP game. Online play makes sense but ofc not in this instance. You buy the game on Steam THEN you also have to login to Epic, a different store, to play online. I think these jap devs and japs in general aren't too smart tbh. They HID the epic and online req before the game was released, they did this knowingly. And the game deserves all the hate it gets for it.

    Uninstalled both epic launcher and the game, total trash. If they remove any online stuff for just SP I'll come back bc EDF is a pretty fun zaney game and I enjoyed doing all missions and DLC mission packs of EDF5. But these conditions are not acceptable. Don't buy EDF6 until all this is removed for SP at a minimum.

    Some WRC4 which has a lot less of the overdoing it that most of them have, menus that are annoying convoluted, obnoxious blast your ears out intros and just doing too much. Rush Rally 3 is made by ONE guy and it's a breeze to play if not the best looking game takes almost nothing to play it and is 300mb total size. WRC4 from 2013 is 5gb which is fine. WRC10 I booted up again and it's about 35gb it's ok, only better things are graphics and all the tracks.

    I only want lite simcade level of driving games not interested in the weird mix of a game trying to be a sim of a real world thing. Unless you have a chair that has servos giving you feedback IRL it's just a game that's harder on a visual level and harder on your hands and such for no good reason really. I also have 7,9 and likely 5 somewhere. Also Generations the last nacon WRC game, haven't installed it yet I think it needs 50gb or so. Probably doubles down on the baffling overdoing it menus, etc
    Hertzian56, Jul 27, 2024
  19. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    Yeah just having some fun with WRC 4, it's a more arcade type of rally game which I want, some challenge but not frustrating levels of it. Although I've found no rally games that have been too bad, hard etc For no hassle menus and start right up rallying in seconds Rush Rally 3 is the go to, fun but not the best looking game but good enough for just no bs rallying.

    I may look for mods to try to tone down WRC 10's menus and such, if we could get everything stripped out of it but just rally series it would be a lot better. Kinda why i haven't installed Generations which is supposed to have the most tracks in it and legacy stuff. The nagware popups about uploading times gets tiring even in 4 it's a nag menu you have to quit every time.
    Hertzian56, Jul 28, 2024
  20. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    The repackers got EDF6 fixed so I've been playing that and it's just more of 5 really so far. There are new robot enemies and other new enemies but everything else is the same. Zany to be sure. Repackers made it so you don't need to install epig or allow epig to go online if you're just doing SP which is all I do. I am not sure about MP.

    EDF takes a bit of time to get into really if you've not played any other of the series. You have to like the ridiculousness of it all, it's like a 50s alien invasion or huge bug movie like Starship Troopers, Them, war of the worlds etc It's ridiculous, looks not too good mostly but is a good wave shooter. I can't believe this game came out 2 years ago in japan and is only now released in the west, it's nothing really that new. Just english and other languages translations and vo is all there is to it. And it's certainly not worth 60$ nor are any of them, there is a lot of missions likely around 150 but most are very similar not unique at all. They def go for quantity to justify the price of these games.

    They could cut out at least 1/3 of the missions and have a shorter game but most people would feel a lot more ripped off for the price unless they lowered it. I find the grinding repetetive missions just busy work until you get some new enemies and scenarios every 10 missions or so.

    And it can get overwhelming visually and such with so many enemies on screen it's crazy. My eyes get worn out and I can get a headache if I play it too long. I use the trainers, cheat engine to make it go faster mostly.

    Wouldn't recommend buying it for money at all until the devs nerf that epic stuff. 5 was about 20gb in size this one is 41gb english only, but the free version includes the mission packs and all other dlc as did the 5 version so I'm guessing slightly upgraded textures and more enemy details and such.
    Hertzian56, Jul 31, 2024
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