What to use for Webcam videoconference

Discussion in 'Linux' started by njay, Mar 2, 2009.

  1. njay


    Jan 26, 2009
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    My inlaws and I both have the linux version of the ZG5

    Trying to find the simpliest (they freely admit they aren't computer literate hence the Linpus Linux machine has been great for them as all they need up till now has been easy to use without the need for start menus etc) way of using the webcam built into these things so that we can I guess do some sort of 1 to 1 videoconferencing?

    With our desktop machine (Windows Vista + Webcam + MSN) using my wifes msn account and signing into my msn account on the Acer I don't appear to get any webcam function in Acer messenger despite the help mentioning webcam support

    Tried aMSN and slightly more success in that it can do IM, but the webcam isn't bidirectional, so we can only utilise one webcam at a time :(

    Any help would be gladly appreciated as seems quite strange that these have webcams yet don't seem to have an easy way of using them straight out the box over the internet?

    njay, Mar 2, 2009
  2. njay


    Feb 19, 2009
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    i love tokbox.com it's very easy to get people on with you without installing software. my problem is that it works on my normal machine but not on my aao as it uses flash and i'm not able to get sound recorded in flash apps. give it a try and let us know if it works for you on the AAO.
    sean808080, Mar 3, 2009
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