Whew! - now it is just how I like it!

Discussion in 'Linux' started by swagner, Apr 7, 2009.

  1. swagner


    Mar 3, 2009
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    It took a long time. It took 4 or 5 distributions- lots of loading, reloading, and reconfiguring. So - how did I finally get what I want?- well, let me tell you what I needed:
    I need to have multi-user functionality as these are going to be used by students and I need to set some restrictions.
    I need wireless and wired connections, on both static and dynamic IP's.
    Remote access is easier for maintenance reasons.
    Boot time and run speed should be optimal- kids have no patience.
    Ability to use USB broadband modem.

    So-- what am I doing now? Linux4One Light v1.1 to start. Then add wicd, Firefox, Gimp, Office, Skype, and printer controls, as well as our proprietary email client (FirstClass). Ok-- that's a lot. KPPP on top of that for the USB broadband. And finally- x11vnx and get tit configured to run before login (a bit tricky). Of course, back it all up with AA1Backup!!

    The system is now very fast, boot is reasonable (considering multi-user mode and a vnc server running at boot). The tools are all there for my students. Just put the backup onto 30 machines! Thanks for all the info here!!!!
    swagner, Apr 7, 2009
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