Which linux should i use ??

Discussion in 'Linux' started by Luinux, Oct 31, 2008.

  1. Luinux


    Sep 11, 2008
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    Why do you say "DO NOT USE with SD Cards inserted"?
    I ask because In Mandriva 2009 Gnome I have trouble with suspend when others say it works for them. Your statement makes me think that maybe suspend doesn't work for me since I use the left SD slot for my 16Gb as my home partition which has to be inserted all the time.
    donec, Nov 18, 2008
  2. Luinux


    Nov 4, 2008
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    For the last week - since I upgraded my SSD to 32gigs and finally got some working RAM (1.5gigs woot!) - I have been running Ubuntu 8.10 (Intrepid Ibex) on my AAO without problems.

    Its wonderful! I use the AWM window manager combined with Gnome-DO, and this little machine is just smokin'! Everything works - bluetooth, wlan, etc. and I've already moved from "setting it all up" to "using the hell out of it as a general linux workstation" ..

    The only issue really is that the video driver (specifically 3D/OpenGL acceleration) is not the most performant under 8.10.. I guess there will be a fix for this in the near future, here's hoping.. but in the meantime its decent enough for me to use, and I don't play a lot of 3D games anyway, so ..
    torpor, Nov 18, 2008
  3. Luinux


    Dec 20, 2008
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    Hi all, this is my first post.

    I've just finished setting up Ubuntu 8.10 on my AAO. It's a standard install, everything works almost out of the box. Have an 8 Gb SDHC card that I'm using as my /home drive, and a Bigpond 3G USB wireless modem attached. Very happy with the setup. Got rid of the Linpus install (too hard to try to re-install). Have tried a couple of other distros, including versions of Ubuntu, but the standard 8.10 seems to be the best, for me at least.
    PaulG, Dec 21, 2008
  4. Luinux


    Dec 21, 2008
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    Not to derail this topic but just wondering if there is anything else besides linpus lite that is the most "compatible" distro as it seems every other version requires massive tinkering in order to make it simply "work". Might be fun for some and the whole point of linux I'm sure but I'm already messing around with another distro on my current laptop and don't really want to spend nearly as much time dedicating myself to my precious, and at the same time, make it less troublesome for perhaps my parents to use without my googling my eyes out to figure out why certain aspects don't work. So, by that train of thought, would linpus be the only option?
    nue, Dec 21, 2008
  5. Luinux


    Oct 15, 2008
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    I;m not sure anything available right now will work 100% including Linpus from what I'm reading here.

    I see many people interested in hibernation or suspend. Not sure why. These are problematic in windows too.

    I'm having fair success with Craig's Puppy remaster but I'm dual booting with Xp so having everything working is not important to me.

    I see where Sidux has a new option for usb flash install and drivers for the netbooks. I'm wating for the final release to try it out. I've used Sidux on desktops and it works very well. What is really nice is the simple upgrade process with smxi. Sidux is available with Kde lite or Xfce and should be speedy on the AA1.

    hayagix, Dec 21, 2008
  6. Luinux


    Sep 11, 2008
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    To answer your question IMO yes and the distro is Mandriva 2009 Gnome. There are 2 files you will need to modify to get the speakers and SD card readers to work. Just follow these instructions and that should do it.
    When you do your install make sure you remember what you root password is.
    To edit those files you will need to use your text editor as root. To do this open a terminal which you will find in the menu at the top of the screen under Applications/Tools/Terminal.

    Then type in the terminal screen
    and press enter. The screen will show the word Password: At this point you type in your root password. Nothing will happen on the screen until you press enter then the screen will show [root@localhost username]#

    Then type in
    This will open your text editor as root. Now just use the file menu to browse to the file listed in the instructions above. Make the changes by adding the lines and save. Then browse to the next file and do the same. NOTE: do not close the terminal until you are finished as this will also close the gedit text editor. Good luck and let us know how it goes.

    That is part of the reason I switched to Mandriva.
    donec, Dec 21, 2008
  7. Luinux


    Dec 21, 2008
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    Interestingly enough I'm using PLOS on the other laptop, which is based on Mandriva. Guess I'll give this one a go as I found linux mint to be bit too taxing on the poor one. Managed to follow the Ubuntu guide about halfway (since its based off it) tinkering with the LED, fan speed, etc. before I said screw it.

    Should prove to be an interesting alternative! Thanks.

    EDIT: Before I attempt to actively try to replace it, is it safe to assume that replacing / partition with Mandriva is okay? Had issues with this before numerous times when I deleted various distros, just to be greeted with a GRUB error.
    nue, Dec 22, 2008
  8. Luinux


    Sep 11, 2008
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    I have never had a problem with Mandriva installing or giving grub errors so I would say it is safe but back up any data before you start that you may want. Are you going to just have Mandriva on your machine? Are you going to use the default settings? Do you want to use the left SD card reader with a SDHC card as Home? I ask these questions because there may be a need for some special instructions if the answers are yes.
    donec, Dec 22, 2008
  9. Luinux


    Dec 21, 2008
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    Posted over on the Mandriva forums to avoid hijacking but I guess this has already been jacked :D. Anyways, currently just dual booting XP and whatever-distro-works. Issues are over at the ghost forums.
    nue, Dec 23, 2008
  10. Luinux


    Sep 11, 2008
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    I don't think this thread has been hi-jacked. I mean I am recommending Mandriva as the "Which linux should i use ??"
    donec, Dec 23, 2008
  11. Luinux


    Dec 21, 2008
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    Well for my own issues at least, which is why I'll refrain from posting here about my issues ;) .
    nue, Dec 23, 2008
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