Who isn't interested?

Discussion in 'Acer Aspire One' started by Scissors, Mar 6, 2009.

  1. Scissors


    Feb 17, 2009
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    This is a split from this thread.
    What DougHillman stated is the way I think I feel.
    The reason I bought My 8.9" is The fact that they packed all that power into a little PC and still had an affordable price.
    10.1" is too close to a full size Laptop. So what I think I'd be gettin' is a Notebook with less features (No OPTICAL DRIVE)
    If price wasn't much of a factor I'd just get a notebook with a 2.00GHZ AMD Sempron™ and a drive that burns Blueray™ media.
    Weight isn't really a factor to me Making this AOD150 less appealing.

    What I'd really like to see is more power packed into the 8.9" models without the size increasing. I'd buy that for sure. What would be really cool is if Acer had a model that has a quad core in it. :lol: (Lol, that couldn't happen anytime soon, imagine the heatsink also)

    Anyway, I don't plan on buying another netbook until Acer releases a 8.9" or smaller Netbook that has comparible specs. In which I mean, More Power.

    What do all you think? I just thought the size was perfect.
    Scissors, Mar 6, 2009
  2. Scissors


    Jan 23, 2009
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    I'm beginning to worry that everyone is going to phase out their 8.9"ers and my current AA1 is going to have to last me forever.

    Companies are gonna kill themselves by offering too many choices. Right now I can get a netbook/notebook with ~9" screen, ~10", 11", 12", 13", 14", 15", 16" & 17". Is it really economically viable for manufacturers to design an entirely new laptop to fit in one of those niches? Is there a huge market that thought 15" was too small but 17" is too big?

    Has there truly been an outcrying of, "I'd love this netbook if the screen were only an inch bigger but with no increase in resolution"?

    These things came about as an alternative to bloated notebooks that are larger and more powerful (which ='s more costly) than most users have any real need for. We've already seen the screen size increase from the first 7" Asus. Are we going to continue to see bloating until there's once again no simple, small, inexpensive option for us?
    DougHillman, Mar 6, 2009
  3. Scissors


    Feb 17, 2009
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    That was well spoken!
    Yes, I see companies are too crazy with variety and allot of companies tend to over do it when they supercede stuff or have some concurrent stuff.
    A cheap animation my friend made regarding sony and their PSP's Heheh, funny, it was made before much of the current PSPs.

    Anyway, Is this new One supposed to supercede are perfect little One. Well not so perfect. The trackpad sucked.
    Well, as they say: "..." wait, what do they say?
    oh well, I'll make up a quote: "Imperfections are part of perfection 'cause nothin's perfect, you greaseball moron."
    wait a minute! I remember one now. "Well, Nobody's perfect."
    Well fitting. better then that other junk.
    I'll stop rambling now so I can save bandwidth.
    Cause, yeah. I pretty much just wasted 472 bytes. Oh wait. 488... Oh wait! 49 Whatever, I'll just stop typing.
    This rambling is making me look foolish, immature and people are gonna stop reading my threads. So I'll stop.
    Scissors, Mar 7, 2009
  4. Scissors


    Aug 23, 2008
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    I think it's more along the lines of with the bigger screen usually means a bigger, more comfortable keyboard. Unfortunately for Acer, they did not make the keyboard bigger/wider but they did change the touchpad which turned many potential customers away. If you did a big keyboard on an 8.9" model, you'd have the other outcry from many about the ugly bezel around the screen (see MSI U90x and Asus 904 models).

    I don't care much for the 12" and up models as if I was to get something like that, I'd want a better CPU for sure.

    I would like for them to use additional chassis space for more interesting things. Perhaps another USB port, or a DVI/HDMI port?

    This 10" model doesn't offer anything over my 1000HA to warrant thinking about, or even if my AAO A150 model.
    goofball, Mar 7, 2009
  5. Scissors


    Sep 20, 2008
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    Add me to the list of the uninterested..... I think netbooks should stick to the 8.9 form factor. Acer should have just improved the performance by adding a fast SSD option. For increasing keyboard size, get rid of the touchpad and use a button controller like the Thinkpad's trackpoint. Sony has just released a super slick netbook, the Sony Vaio P.... it's alot smaller, thinner, higher resolution screen(1600x768), 60gb SSD, but sadly slower CPU. And as it's Sony, an ensanely high price hehehehe. :D


    Despite all this, I think it's going to be my next netbook. ;)
    Tamrac, Mar 7, 2009
  6. Scissors


    Aug 29, 2008
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    NH, USA
    I was considering it, but really.. I like my AAO 8.9" very well and I love the trackpad (yes, really). I just regret not getting the windows version and the low battery capacity. But I don;t want a battery sticking out either, so yeah...

    If someone would give me one, sure. But I don't think I'd buy one.
    micha, Mar 8, 2009
  7. Scissors


    Mar 1, 2009
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    im another "one"fan:) being able to use all 2g mem capability(and get to it with out tearin the thing apart!) would be nice, built in blu tooth would be nice, more usbs would be nice,no smudge finish would be nice,etc.etc.etc. but you know what:
    im really enjoying this little thing, with all of us out there ready to mod,peak,and tweak then share all our do`s and donts we can all have fun......just my thoughts.... ;)
    nd2no, Mar 8, 2009
  8. Scissors


    Feb 17, 2009
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    I don't think I'd buy one either.
    Apparently, Acer seems to being doing the wrong thing with producing a bigger model that has a small difference with hardware specs.

    It really would be better if Acer put more power into the smaller One that we all love.
    Scissors, Mar 8, 2009
  9. Scissors


    Feb 26, 2009
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    I don't think You should compair the sony unit to a netbook.. sony has been making a Sub-Notebook since 1999(or earlier). I had the P3 with 512 ram with windows 98 and it was a beast back then... a full PC in a subnotebook... and it has always been one of the most expensive notebooks available.
    Plastikman, Mar 8, 2009
  10. Scissors


    Aug 29, 2008
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    NH, USA
    Sucks to be an early adopter, I guess ;) But I am really happy I got it back in August. Lugging my 7 lbs Dell around the airport wasn't fun.
    micha, Mar 9, 2009
  11. Scissors


    Mar 9, 2009
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    Olympia, WA USA
    I'm definitely not interested in a 10" AAO. I bought the 8.9" because its small and doesn't weigh much. I use it only for travel and meetings, and if one of our two desktop computers is in the shop.
    GabiClayton, Mar 9, 2009
  12. Scissors


    Nov 16, 2008
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    LOL! That made me laugh. :lol:
    Jerm78, Mar 9, 2009
  13. Scissors


    Mar 12, 2009
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    What's the big difference?

    Dimensions (inches):
    8.9: 9.8 x 6.7 x 1.1 = 72.226 cubic inches
    10.1: 10.2 x 7.28 x 1.31 = 97.275 cubic inches

    Not a whole lot really, just 25 cubic inches or about 33% more volume. :D
    AspireOneFan, Mar 12, 2009
  14. Scissors


    Feb 17, 2009
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    So do you agree or disagree? What I have perceived from your question is there is no big difference.
    Therefore; I feel that change was unnecessary.

    Was that a rhetorical question?
    I'll answer it anyway.
    It's too big. And they lack of SD storage expansion sucks. I usually put SD cards in there for readyboost. W/out that, It'll be weird.
    BTW: If I wanted 10" I would have purchased some other netbook besides the one.
    BTW: You answered your own question, So it probably was rhetorical.
    Also, I see your name is Aspireonefan, Does this mean you will be in agreement with whatever decision Acer changes w/the AOA?
    I used to be a pretty big fanboy for some thing. (Not calling you a fanboy) it's just that I grew up and realized everyone could make bad decisions.
    Scissors, Mar 12, 2009
  15. Scissors


    Mar 12, 2009
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    Just presenting hard figures to illustrate the difference (in real numbers) and to show how much difference there really is as opposed to "it seems way larger" "too big" and other nebulous descriptions. Let the reader decide how much is too much and now we know what that "how much" really is. My Aspire One 10.1" has a slot for SD (16GB worked fine).

    No need for "fanboy" to enter the discussion. I'm not trying to convince anyone of anything one way or the other.
    AspireOneFan, Mar 12, 2009
  16. Scissors


    Feb 17, 2009
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    I am also not trying to stop people from buying this model, I just wanted to know what they thought. It is not a "BUY THIS NOT THAT" kind of thing.

    As for that SD slot I mentioned, The 8.9" model has two slots: I think the 10" model doesn't, PM me if I'm wrong though.

    I do not want this thread to be flooded by a big debate as this thread was intended for input on thoughts, (That's the best sense I could make. I know, contradictive) more simple thoughts for why you want the 10" model or not.
    And I surely do not want to see a fight arise on these forums.
    I like to stay calm on these forums and I like to see all the members opinions and such. And I did not call you a fanboy, and if I did inderectly I meant no insult by it. You probbably arn't anyway.
    I really agree, there is no need for "fanboy".

    It really is a great community and I don't want to insult anyone or flood threads, so let's get back on topic please. Well at least follow the course I had intended.
    Scissors, Mar 13, 2009
  17. Scissors


    Mar 12, 2009
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    The 10.1 has one card reading slot. I saw the 8.9 and 10.1 side by side and considered both. In the end I decided that the ease of upgradability and the increase of screen size (not resolution) to be the deciding factors. I have astigmatism and any increase in size is a good thing. My close up vision isn't what it used to be. My retailer had a small stock of the 5800mah 6-cell and that didn't hurt, either.
    AspireOneFan, Mar 13, 2009
  18. Scissors


    Oct 11, 2008
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    I'm not. My 8.9 is perfect for me. 120g HD, 1 GB memory, light weight. I love it!
    ronaldf, Mar 13, 2009
  19. Scissors


    Feb 17, 2009
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    Okay, So maybe I should have titled this thread "What do you think about size increase?" or something like that. It isn't just the size increase I don't like though. Oh And disregard the sig. It's just a joke.
    Scissors, Mar 17, 2009
  20. Scissors


    Oct 4, 2008
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    I'm not interested in the new 10" Acer.

    I currenty own the Acer 8.9". Think it is still one of the best netbooks out there in the market. I was anticipating for the new 10" and seriously thought about an upgrade. However after revewing the final specification of the 10" Acer and playing through a demo at a local retailer store I am disappointed by the new 10". Here's a list of things I like and hate compared to the 8.9" Acer.

    - Larger screen
    - Better looking case
    - Standard 6-cell battery (my 8.9" is 3-cell)
    - easy access to RAM and Harddisk
    - 2GB max RAM

    - same hardware spec as 8.9" (no extra USB given the ample space, same old 0.3 webcam, same size keyboard)
    - lost of 1 SD card slot (important for use the flush SD slot as my download directory, helps reduce mechanic wear on harddrive)

    This new Acer is really nothing new compared to the old except for a 1.2" inch increase in size and does not justify an upgrade from my 8.9". If I am looking for a upgraded 10" netbook I would go for Asus 1000HE. Its selling at about the same price as the 10" Acer at my location but adds an N280 CPU, BT, 1.3MP webcam, wireless N, applish keyboard.

    Thanks for reading
    wufai, Mar 17, 2009
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