Who isn't interested?

Discussion in 'Acer Aspire One' started by Scissors, Mar 6, 2009.

  1. Scissors


    Mar 18, 2009
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    Hey folks!

    I got the D150 yesterday, got an A110 and a A150 before, and let me say: D150 kicks ass!
    Really, this thing is not a Subnotebook anymore! It is a desktop PC packed into a Netbook!
    It is very small (fits into my A150 case :D ) and VERY powerful!

    For me, its the best AAO!
    ComboCraft, Mar 18, 2009
  2. Scissors

    El Matarife

    Dec 28, 2008
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    I agree entirely. I really can't see the point of a 10" model. Especially if it has the same processing power and display resolution as the original One (and costs more to boot?). Is it also true that the 10" doesn't have the Storage Expansion slot? The expansion ability is a genuine differentiator and I've been using mine since day one. As soon as 32GB SDHCs come down in price, I'll swap out my 16GB card and pop it in the card reader slot - giving me a total of 56 gigs of solid state storage - outstanding! I love my One, it's so slick. The only the thing it needs to be absolutely perfect is an embedded 3.5G modem (I'm a bit jealous of the folks who got their AAO with a 3G data plan and received the not-for-general-distribution model that includes Option's HSPA modem!).

    All the top draw netbooks seem to use the Atom processor, making them all very similar in performance - but the price of the AAO sets it head and shoulders above the competition, by giving it the most astounding value for money. Also, the design is gorgeous and I even love the trackpad. I normally hate those things but I find the One's trackpad very responsive and accurate and I much prefer having the buttons at the sides rather than above. I was actually thinking about buying a spare AAO. If mine broke I wouldn't think "Well I'm never having one of those again..." - I would want to instantly rush out and buy another! It's that good and has become indisposable for me.

    But it looks like the 8.9" models might not be on the shelf for too much longer - which is a bummer. It's almost as if Acer haven't realised just what it was about their 8.9" model that made it such a roaring success...
    ...Oh yeah, I almost forgot to mention how awesome the screen is on these things. Far better than any of the dull matt affairs I've seen on any other netbooks and laptops. What a gem of a device.
    El Matarife, Mar 18, 2009
  3. Scissors


    Mar 18, 2009
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    Just a question:
    If you don´t like the D150, why are you hanging around in the forum for the D150, complaining that the D150 is so stupid and bad and blahblahblah *cry*

    Come on folks!
    We like the D150 so leave us alone and stop crying! :roll:
    ComboCraft, Mar 22, 2009
  4. Scissors


    Mar 18, 2009
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    "Upsatate" really Central NY
    What is the difference between D150 and A150?
    AspireOverdrive, Mar 23, 2009
  5. Scissors


    Mar 18, 2009
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    :lol: :lol:

    That is absolutely a non issue on any hard drive made after the year ~1996.
    leeleatherwood, Mar 23, 2009
  6. Scissors


    Feb 27, 2009
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    I would deff. agree that if you already have a A0150 8.9, then its not worth it to uprade. but if your looking for a netbook, the 10 is a very good option, and the size is way smaller than any other notebook ive had my hands on. its in no way too big to be a net book
    ssmitty85, Mar 23, 2009
  7. Scissors


    Mar 18, 2009
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    Main difference that are worth mentioning: size, easy access panels on the back to change ram, hdd, wifi card.
    frexe, Mar 23, 2009
  8. Scissors


    Feb 28, 2009
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    Like I said in another thread, in the US the 8.9" is around $299. The 10.1" is $349. For $50 I can justify the upgrade. The ease of upgrading the memory/HDD is a plus too. Look at the price difference between HP, Dell and other vendors who have a 8.9 and 10.1 out.
    gcbailey, Mar 23, 2009
  9. Scissors


    Feb 17, 2009
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    Lost in Port 8078
    It's sounds like you are crying, I'm not even saying I hate the aod150, I just think there should have been more power before the aod150 was superseded. And I don't give a rats ass about the access panels.
    As I mentioned before, I regret naming this thread "Who isn't interested".
    It really should have been, "What do you think of the AOD150.
    I mean, if the AOD150 had at least twice as much power then the aoa150, I would have bought it.
    It's just dumb what they did. Also I hate the bigger screen, It is morso a low end notebook rather than a netbook.
    Scissors, Mar 31, 2009
  10. Scissors


    Aug 20, 2008
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    Cheshire, England
    I have to agree with most of the comments on hear, when I first saw the first netbook, the eepc 7" I thought it was great, half the size of magazine and under £200, yet enough power to do most work and net stuff, and I think these companies are losing the original idea of what a netbook should be, small, cheap and good internet software, that is what made me get the aspire one and the fact it was the cheapest, look good and could handle the net and office programs, plus I love how quick the linux version boots up!

    Like many has said these 10" and 11.9" are nearly as big as normal notebooks and the price difference is getting very small between them, what I would love to see is them bring out a better 8.9" model, same case sizes and just improve its features and ability as well as trying to bring the cost down.

    My ideal netboot would be same size as the AA1 8.9 but with a 9.1" improved screen (I sure you could fit the screen on there, maybe remove the webcam because I only ever used it once and the quality isn't great plus is you are going to be using the the web cam alot then I would recommend getting a separate webcam for it) maybe better resolution and brightness on the screen. have a 160gb hard drive, but the best power effect one available, high quality battery's used, 6 cell, 1Gb ram per installed no expansion slots, this is after all just a netbook, you shouldn't need any more than that, mine is fine with 512mb. Remove the sd expansion slot to save cost, again you have 160gb you shouldn't need more than that and maybe a slightly bigger and better track pad, if tehy move the keyboard up a bit and had the track right to the edge then that would be great. All under £200 that would be a great laptop.

    Plus I think it be great to see if they could fit a dvd rom in a 8.9" case, with SSD hard drive and make the depth slightly more a slim line dvd would fit, and should'nt really add much to the cost, I seen slim DVD roms for £20
    AmigaNG, Apr 6, 2009
  11. Scissors


    Feb 17, 2009
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    Lost in Port 8078
    As others have mentioned. It is just a netbook.

    BTW: Ugh, NVM.
    Scissors, Apr 22, 2009
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