Why does this one disconnect from wireless?

Discussion in 'Acer Aspire One' started by othomas, Jan 12, 2009.

  1. othomas


    Nov 10, 2008
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    This is advertised as a netbook but it seems to have a limited time of connection. It disconnects unexpectedly and I loose the work I am doing with any server, gmail, google docs, etc.

    I turn it off and restart because it will not reconnect to the wireless. It connects seamlessly when I boot again but any work in progress is lost.
    This is a serious system flaw. Who knows how to stop the disconnect?

    :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
    othomas, Jan 12, 2009
  2. othomas


    Oct 6, 2008
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    May I suggest you post a few extra details in a post on an appropriate section of the forum, for example giving your model and o/s, and describing the problem further? I think you could have safely assumed that this behaviour isn't normal for the AAO, and that Acer didn't really design it that way :)
    markh, Jan 12, 2009
  3. othomas


    Nov 24, 2008
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    I would suggest updating your wireless driver and BIOS. Mine used to disconnect a do weird things after bringing it out of standby. After updating it works great.
    JMath, Jan 12, 2009
  4. othomas


    Jan 14, 2009
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    I don't know why this isn't the most popular forum on this site. Either my actual wireless card is defective or this might be more common a problem than they people are letting on.

    This was the most irritating problem when I got my AAO a few months back. And only problem, mind you.

    The fix for XP is simple enough - mind you, it took nearly a week for me to get it right. Go into your driver details/properties and the selectable tab that lists list of states and settings (ie. b-only, b-and-g networks). Down the list is one setting about turning the device off to save power. Just turn it off. The sub settings aren't as relevant (I think there's three directly underneath).

    Now, if anyone could help me address this issue in terms of applying that to Windows 7 they'd make my day. I adjusted the same settings, but similarly to my issue initially with Windows, it seems that it forgets what is plugged into it if it's turned on too long. Either it's defective, or I'm retarded or Intel finds writing awful drivers hilarious.

    Peace, love, and please, God, Wifi...

    -Andrew =)
    mymotherisaduck, Jan 14, 2009
  5. othomas


    Aug 23, 2008
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    or that you're using an early beta of an OS (which, if you talk to software developers, is always in beta regardless of what it is released as).
    goofball, Jan 14, 2009
  6. othomas


    Dec 24, 2008
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    No trouble with my AAO. Three different wireless connections show up (stored) in "available wireless connections". My wireless at home (unsecured), our wireless where I work (secured) and my neighbors wireless (secured). Wherever I am, my AAO automatically connects to the appropriate source and has NEVER failed to do so. I also have NEVER had a disconnect for no reason except for total power failure in my geographical area. When at a public place with wireless such as a coffee bar, hotel or Books-A-Million, the AAO finds and automatically connects with no problem, or at worst, I choose at that time which connection I want and the connection finishes at that time. I must have a gem of an AAO as I have not experienced any of the problems I have been reading about in these forums. Worst case, if a connection drops due to signal failure for whatever reason, is right click on the wireless tray icon and click "repair". Several short automatic steps later, I am back up.
    yachtpro, Jan 15, 2009
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