Why Install OS/X

Discussion in 'MacOS' started by sdelliott31, Jun 18, 2009.

  1. sdelliott31


    May 9, 2009
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    Hi all. I have had a dual boot with Win 7 and XP for some time and after playing with it for awhile went back to XP only. I have read a lot about OS/X on here and through the web. I see a lot of people use it or dual boot with XP. I have the AOA-150 with 1.5 RAM and WD 500GB HDD. I was just wondering if there is any advantage to having OS/X on my netbook, or if people mainly do it because its interesting and a fun project? I'm happy with the performance of XP and have heard that games on the OS/X don't play well, but on a netbook figure that doesn't matter as we are dealing with the GMA 950 which is weak to begin with. I am contemplating the dual boot but was interested in feedback as to advantages or disadvantages first.

    sdelliott31, Jun 18, 2009
  2. sdelliott31


    Apr 29, 2009
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    First of all .. please never write OS/X again. It's called Mac OS X, it has nothing to do with OS/2.

    I can tell you why I installed Mac on my Acer. I'm used to Mac OS since i was a child, I tried Windows a few times and I always returned to Mac. I can use the same programs i'm using on my real Mac, especially GarageBand for recording. I think, that's the main fact because one could do office work and surfing with Linux too.
    Bascly it's the Mac OS - Windows discussion. Mac users will say they don't have viruses (which is only partly true), Windows users will say they have games.
    I bought the Acer because it was over 1000€ cheaper than the MacBook Air.
    tieitsch, Jun 18, 2009
  3. sdelliott31


    Dec 27, 2008
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    I did it because I wanted an Mac Netbook and Apple doesen't.....
    sch911, Jun 18, 2009
  4. sdelliott31


    May 9, 2009
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    My apologies on the mistake....Mac OS X. This was more of a learning question as obviously I have been born and raised on Microsoft Windows Operating Systems and was just attempting to garner some useful info from those that had switched. However to correct you as well it is B A S I C A L L Y not Bascly. Mods, feel free to close this thread if you feel necessary. I guess to clarify, with the limitations that netbooks have, I was wondering if OS X has any more advantages over XP on the netbook? Again Thanks to all.
    sdelliott31, Jun 18, 2009
  5. sdelliott31


    Apr 7, 2009
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    I don't know what made you try Win 7 and why you ditched it. If you are in search of a better operating environment, you owe it to yourself not to try OS X. You may like it or you may not, but you have to try it to know. You can try a real Mac by buying or borrowing one, or you can try to put it up on your AOA-150 and maybe having to wreck your brain somewhat to get it up successfully, Are you up to it?
    brushless, Jun 20, 2009
  6. sdelliott31


    Sep 5, 2008
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    Let's talk about the advantages of OSX ;)

    1. Eye candy :lol: I guess this is the first reason I switched to OSX. Windows' designs really SUCKS, but the performance isn't any better because of this.

    2. Security: I don't think you will install an anti-virus prog on an Atom machine, right? But you can't promise that your machine is clean forever. In OSX, as long as you use the programs properly (you know what i mean ;) ), and think before you click, you will never get any virus (and afaik the total virus available is about 100 and most of them are fixed by the security updates)

    3. Responsiveness: Can you get your Windows booted with desktop in 30 seconds? I can with my Snow Leopard! I mean, the perf is really amazing! If you are hurried to go, you just press the power button, hit enter, and it is off in less than 5 seconds! Windows can NEVER do that because this is the way it is :?

    4. Lots of alternatives: Many softwares (esp adobe's) have osx binaries avail. you have iwork for office (you can try ms office but the perf sucks like vista), ilife for ... i dunno, windows have never had these kind of useful and user friendly apps! adium for ALL popular IMs (looks cool too). mail, address book, ical for outlook perhaps?

    But if you have some important apps without mac binary, (or you hate eye candies, or you like your aao to get viruses, or you like a clumsy and slow startup/shutdown/perf,) OSX isn't your best choice. But it won't hurt much if you install it as another os on your machine. You will soon find that you seldom boot with windows and you will delete the partition and free spaces for files! At least that's what i did.

    Once you go mac, you will never go back!
    SP1950, Jun 21, 2009
  7. sdelliott31


    Dec 16, 2008
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    Once you go mac, you will never go back!


    But anyways I starting to like Mac os X.

    Just trying to figure out how stuff works but hey we all got to learn.

    Am bored with windows stuff plus i have a desktop if i realy need to use windows.
    ej2095, Jul 1, 2009
  8. sdelliott31


    May 24, 2009
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    dont worry about the OS/X stuff, some mac guys are sensitive to their O.S. never had an issue with a winblows lover being mad cause i call it winblows though :p whats he gonna do cry? he was quite rude to you about it. i just call it OSX

    but anyway, i am a winblows user, my dad used an Amiga because it had better power and a better capability then windows/PC or MAC back in the 80's. he eventually got a PC and thus the journey on windows began, been using it since i was a little lad. I have been messing around with OSX for quite some time, my first install of mac was in 2007 with the original Brazzil Mac Hack PITA, then i bought a 3g IMac then an E-mac which i use exclusively for recording music. I only purchaced my acer to build a Hackintosh netbook. its an interesting experience i can say that much, the system is alot like Linux(OSX is a Unix enviroment) as far as how it handles alot of stuff, but unique in its own way and nothing like windows. as of now I am tripple booting windows Linux and OSX at the same time. it's easy to do and fun to play with, i reccomend giving it a shot, i wrote an installation tutorial for the AOD150(10.1") on my website if you get one of those (http://www.theasylum.tk)
    ironslave, Jul 1, 2009
  9. sdelliott31


    Sep 5, 2008
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    well, that's what i saw from a mac blogspot... :)
    SP1950, Jul 2, 2009
  10. sdelliott31


    May 24, 2009
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    Ok, OSX on an Aspire One will not replace Windows for me. The lack of sleep mode is deterrent enough. I rarely have to power down the machine when using Windows 7. I just close the lid and it sleeps. When I want to use it I open the lid, press power and a few seconds later I'm up and running. Not the case with OSX on this device.

    I have installed OSX on many machines and I have only found one that works essentially 100%. That machine is a desktop I built using recommended OSX compatible components. I have yet to find a laptop where everything works. Even if you get most of it working, there is always something (like the SD reader, VGA out, Video accelleration, etc..) that just will not work.

    I bought a brand new MacBook Pro last year. I used it for about a month and I sold it. I guess that blows the theory of "once you go mac, you will never go back" doesn't it? I like the design and appreciate most of OSX. The problems, for me anyway, are the closed aspects of Apple and the low level of customizations available in OSX. This speaks nothing to the overpriced nature of Mac products as well.

    Another misconception that people have is that OSX is somehow inherently safer. This is simply not true. OSX w/Safari was recently shown to be the most vulnerable to attack out of all OS/browser combos. The more OSX grows the more attacks will occur. If you want to make a statement you will do with the largest audience. Currently the largest audience is Windows. I would still never have a computer attached to the Internet without Security software installed.

    Finally, Windows 7 is awesome. I think the new functionality of the taskbar is now second to none. The performance is also better than OSX on the machines I've tried both on. I enjoy installing/deleting/reinstalling OSs. I will almost always have a machine running Windows, Linux and OSX at any given time. I guess that makes me a real geek.
    NaplesBill, Jul 2, 2009
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