Why multi-boot?

Discussion in 'Modding and Customization' started by Anfernee, Jun 6, 2009.

  1. Anfernee


    Jun 3, 2009
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    Hey guys, first of all, i'm considering buying an AOA150, or something similar, and I was just wondering if there are any benefits to dual- or tri-booting? Other than just for fun? I have a laptop that used to dual-boot XP and Ubuntu, but I didn't really use Ubuntu much, so I had it taken off, and then later on, just made the switch completely, removing all hints of windows. Anyway, I read about someone tri-booting XP, Linux, and OSX, and it made me wonder why someone would go through all that trouble? I understand that Linux and OSX are less prone to hacking, but other than that, I'm clueless. I've never worked with OSX (but have drooled over friends' expensive Macs for a long time), and Linux for me is nothing more than a toy. I haven't quite figured out using terminal, and I can't get my work-related programs to work in linux.

    IF I decide to multiboot, I would use XP, UNR (ubuntu netbook remix), and OSX. But since I'm not that tech-savvy, and I don't have any specific use for linux or OSX, would I really have any use multi-booting? Or should I just save my hard drive space for games and stuff? Other than just screwing around and saying "I can do that", does anyone on here have an actual NEED to multi boot? Also, if I go this route, would I need to allocate a specific amount of drive space for each OS, for downloading or extra programs, or can I setup a shared partition so all of my music (for example) can be played through each OS, without having to download the song 3 times?

    Sorry for all the questions, I understand the concept, but don't understand the reason or usages.. Thanks guys
    Anfernee, Jun 6, 2009
  2. Anfernee


    Aug 21, 2008
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    Minnesota, USA
    If you've got no need, then do whatever you decide just because that's what you want to do. No other justification needed. I bought the 120GB HDD/1GB RAM/WinXP version of the A150 because I wanted the hard drive space; I felt it was worth the extra $50. At Microcenter, the only HDD version of the Aspire One came with Windows XP. Although I'm primarily (99%+) a Linux user, I kept WInXP on the drive because there are (admittedly very rare) times when I need it. I keep a FAT32 partition that I share between Linux and Windows for documents, photos, music, etc...
    RockDoctor, Jun 6, 2009
  3. Anfernee


    Jun 3, 2009
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    That's one of the questions I was trying to get across.. Would there really be any need to multi-boot? I know I NEED windows. But I've never used Linux for anything other than internet surfing and typing a journal of sorts. And I don't know what benefits I would have with OSX, but I know it looks cool. I guess I was just trying to figure out if anybody out there HAS TO HAVE linux or OSX for whatever reason. OH! here's a good one. its a long shot, but I don't know.. would either OS give better battery performance over the others?

    One part of me is looking at it as comparing it to using 3 internet programs (internet explorer, firefox, safari) they all do the same thing, and since I don't get technical with either one, I don't really benefit from either one, and its all the same to me. But the other part is trying to figure out how I could use each OS equally. Windows, used for work, around 8 hours a day (using external monitor and keyboard), mostly plugged in so I won't use the battery... Linux (it seems basic, using less resources, so MAYBE my battery would last longer? used primarily for internet surfing) .... and it seems like I can explore my creative side more easily with OSX than the other 2. but that leads me to other questions that I should ask in the OSX thread. Basically, will Mac programs that I can buy in a store work with OSX86??

    Anyway, I just found macvswindows.com, so I'm gonna check that out..
    Anfernee, Jun 7, 2009
  4. Anfernee


    Jul 15, 2008
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    Cambridge, Ontario, Canada
    I use multi boot because I'm trying out windows 7, I like XP for my day to day OS and I use Presto for the quick boot and check email times. Everyone has different needs and wants. That's why they call them "Personal Computers"
    Daball, Jun 7, 2009
  5. Anfernee


    Jun 11, 2009
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    yup just for fun, find something to do on my days off. quadboot on mine. AOA 150 ZG5, windows XP, windows 7, Ubuntu 9.04, Mac OS X 10.5.5 (iatkos V5).
    zulifar, Jun 11, 2009
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