wifi led is never lighted on ?

Discussion in 'Laptop Hardware' started by hpfx, Nov 9, 2008.

  1. hpfx


    Oct 30, 2008
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    it's my first post here, and I'm not english, sory if my english is not perfect.
    I buy the AAO last week, and I don't have yet wifi acces point (I'll have in few day) so I didn't care about wireless stuff till now, I just played with the switch and no LED was on, I was not surprised as I don't have wifi yet. (there was just the wifi/nowifi logo on screen to tell me if wifi was activated or not)

    But I saw that my neighbor does have wifi (there are about 20 wifi access point that my AAO can see around me) but my wifi led is still not lighted !
    here is my question : when does this led is lighted on ?
    - only when a wifi connexion is established (WPA key is right) ?
    - when the switch (slider) is "on" ?

    is it normal my led is still dark ? even if I can see other wifi network ?
    can't it be a hardware problem ?
    your advice/sugestion are wellcome.

    note : I didn't change my linux distro (linpus) I just updated it (led was always dark out of the box)
    Thank you,
    Best Regards.
    hpfx, Nov 9, 2008
  2. hpfx


    Sep 3, 2008
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    Bolton, Lancashire, UK
    Don't worry - not only you...

    If you have OEM system, not modified I would say LED is somehow faulty. In that case - if LED is so important for you - you can exchange your AA1. Obviously you can live w/o LED as it's small, not visible during the day etc...
    melhiore, Nov 9, 2008
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