Will it be worth it in the long run???

Discussion in 'Which Laptop should I buy?' started by windowcleaning707, Nov 20, 2014.

  1. windowcleaning707


    Nov 20, 2014
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    I own a Window Cleaning Contracting business and the majority of my work will be Excel/Word documents and spread sheats. The remaining will be switching back and forth between apps. This is a desk top replacement and I don't plan on upgrading it for the next 3-5 yrs. Any recommendations or specs??
    • 1 hour
    windowcleaning707, Nov 20, 2014
  2. windowcleaning707


    Aug 22, 2008
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    Romford, Essex UK
    8 people could give you 8 different recommendations...

    Just about any Laptop within your price bracket will do...

    Your criteria should be - How big a SCREEN will you need - to comfortably view your Spreadsheets... especially if you are accustomed to (say) a 19 inch display with your current Desktop.

    Think about a Business Model... they tend to be much more rugged than the ones 'on the High Street' they do not have the expensive 'bells and whistles' which just rack up the price...

    A second hand 'Manufacturers Re-furbished Business' model will SAVE a lot of money too... to offset the expense of Up to date Microsoft Office Software.
    Brian8gbSSDLinux, Nov 21, 2014
  3. windowcleaning707


    Nov 20, 2014
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    What ideally should I be looking for in term of specs for a 15"-17" touch lap top. Long term 3-5 yrs with no upgrades. I don't want to have to start deleting old files in 2yrs to make room for storage. There will be tons of documents and excell spread sheets. And I want to be able to look back and access each of them. Plenty of space for many many helpful apps and a lap top that can handle multiple simultaneous multitasking of various software (still mostly word and excell while surfing and switching back and forth between apps simultaneously.) This lap top will mostly be used just like anyone would use a smart phone or tablet, meaning it will hold a very large portion of my life (planning, scheduling, calenders, events, to dos, you get the picture. And I want everything within just a few seconds to increase productivity.
    Is it worth it to consider a 4th Gen CPU the turbo boost, enhanced Intel speed step, and hyper threeding IE) intels i7
    What is the range I should consider in terms of
    Ram? Even if its just basic documents and apps, I want effortless fluid transitioning with no down time to help keep momentum going if I'm really in the middle of a project or planning.
    SSD vs Harddrive? Vs cost and overall value
    Cpu: Bit? GHz? MHz? amd vs i3 vs i5 vs i7
    windowcleaning707, Nov 22, 2014
  4. windowcleaning707


    Aug 22, 2008
    Likes Received:
    Romford, Essex UK
    You have answered your own question, by covering ALL the things you need to look for...

    Sure you can go for an i7 but you loose out in battery life if you ever use it away from home.. so an i5 would be MY choice
    A 64 bit OS - probably Windows 8.1
    A lot of RAM - I've see them with as much as 8 Gb.
    A large hard drive (there are some with 500 Gb and others with 1 Tb (1000 Gb) available
    an huge SSD would probably double the price of the Laptop ...

    If you are going to keep your 'life' an a Laptop (any Computer in fact) because Windows has a nasty tendency to crash, smash and die... set aside some cash for a back-up system (Portable HDD at least) and make sure your system does a daily back-up so you'll never lose very much data... You could even use an existing HDD from your Desktop

    just sayin'
    Brian8gbSSDLinux, Nov 23, 2014
  5. windowcleaning707


    Nov 20, 2014
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    What specs will give me the most for my money and what do I really need.
    What do you recommend ideally for seemless productivity & speed (simultaneos word/excel internet and apps) is it going to be worth it in terms of speed and productivity to consider more ram, ssd, stronger CPU,
    what are the specs I should look for in the aspire model and do you recommend another model
    windowcleaning707, Nov 28, 2014
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