win 7 SUPER SLOW boot time! HELP!!!

Discussion in 'Windows' started by adamj623, Aug 21, 2009.

  1. adamj623


    Feb 26, 2009
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    Alright so Installed Windows 7 RC 7100 and everything seemed great boot up time wasn't astonishing but it was fine. I installed AVG free and i noticed that it uses and extra 10% of the available ram. I have found some pages and links to sites that tell me to disable indexing and some startup services and i disabled aero and other aesthetic features like that but still the start up time is TERRIBLE. I timed it today and it was 1:30 + and i just don't know why. Am i missing something?
    I did a clean install and really the only programs i have added are itunes, FF 3.5 and AVG.

    I have 1 gig of ram and a 160 gb hdd

    i have 3 partions on my hdd
    15 for xp
    25 gb for 7
    105ish gb for shared files

    the boot up sequence is something like this:

    shows acer symbol and bios option screen then the screen that asks me if i want to start Windows 7 or xp (which still runs great)
    I choose win7 and then the green loading bar appears for about 15-20 seconds
    then a black screen for about 5 seconds
    then the mouse with the loading circle appears in the middle of the black screen for about 40 seconds
    then the password screen finally shows up
    after that the there is that fancy blue screen with the loading thing for andother 10-15 seconds
    and FINALLY the desktop appears and i stop pulling my hair out

    I really like this operating system but I tend to just use xp most of the time due to the terrible boot time of 7 and it just doesn't seem as snappy as xp which i kind of expected.

    I'm looking for some solution that doesn't involve readyboost or eBoostr3. Ill use those after I figure out what is going on here becasue I dont think those will improve my boot time by a minute or so.

    Any input is appreciated :D

    adamj623, Aug 21, 2009
  2. adamj623


    Nov 3, 2008
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    Try getting rid of AVG and switching to something like Avira. AVG caused exactly the same problem on mine, switching to Avira solved it, boot up time is a lot faster, and it uses a lot less resources.
    toyota, Sep 3, 2009
  3. adamj623


    Feb 26, 2009
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    note taken.
    I'll try it. thanks a lot
    adamj623, Sep 4, 2009
  4. adamj623


    Sep 20, 2008
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    I 2nd this statement.... AVG really slows down boot times. Switch to AVIRA... do the pop-up bypass tirck, to get rid of the update nag. And you're set. ;)
    Tamrac, Sep 4, 2009
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