Win7 Install

Discussion in 'Windows' started by SaintStewart, Jan 11, 2009.

  1. SaintStewart


    Jan 9, 2009
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    Hey all. I've successfully installed Win7 on my AA1 ZG5, and it rocks. I was a die hard XP fan (when I had to use Windows anyhow), but Win7 is NICE. Ive not had any problems with it except for minor issues with the wireless (solved via these forums) and some odd problems copying folders/unzipping files. Its like Vista - what it should have been. It looks nice, it runs fast, and I am impressed. So far, Im going to have to say it runs about as fast as what my XP install did on here. I'll be lurking around here for a bit to see if anyone else has issues/needs help with getting Win7 on their awesome AA1.
    SaintStewart, Jan 11, 2009
  2. SaintStewart


    Sep 6, 2008
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    yeah, it is really great. it looks good, very good :))

    when i installed it, i got the error that windows can't configure itself to run on this hardware. i just wondered, and tried again, and at the partition site from the installaer i saw that on the ssd only 6mb had been free. so i vlited it. i only removed the help files(~500mb), the languages(~300mb) and now i have 3,47 gb free on my ssd ;-) the wireless also worked out of the box :)

    but one thing is still like in vista, the led for my ssd is lighting all the time. i hope i can change that with some ntfs tweaks.
    eti, Jan 11, 2009
  3. SaintStewart


    Jan 9, 2009
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    According to what I have read somewhere (I'll have to look it up again), Win7 has stuff built in to reduce wear on SSD's. So maybe not as much tweaking as previously done. :D Have you turned off drive indexing? My HDD light stopped going as much when I turned mine off.

    Something I found out just now...for the first Windows version ever, my resume from hibernate takes longer to get back to the desktop than it does to boot from scratch. Im impressed again. You know, Im starting to think MSFT does this on purpose. Realease some good products, followed by one extremely horrible product only to follow it up with some really good ones again. I find it drives up demand for their OS. Just my opinion. :lol:
    SaintStewart, Jan 11, 2009
  4. SaintStewart


    Nov 3, 2008
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    West Yorkshire, UK
    Have you guys managed to squeeze your Windows 7 installations onto an 8GB SSD?

    Is installing to a FAT32 partition an option for Windows 7?

    I'm using Windows XP Home on a FAT32 partition on my A110 at the moment. I tried it on an NTFS partition briefly, but it sucked majorly. :(
    ronime, Jan 11, 2009
  5. SaintStewart


    Sep 6, 2008
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    i had to remove language & help files, because the 8gb are too small.

    the first impression was great, only a little bit slower than xp, but now, after some installations & looking around, the ssd is used every second(the green led is always lightning) and the system hangs every minute for 15 seconds.
    later i will try ewf, i hope it works.

    @saintsteward: it would be nice, if you could post the links, when you find those

    EDIT: now i know why the system was so sucking. i installed my dropbox and it downloaded the files, and that was not good for the system. now the led is flashing, but the system is runs well, like xp without ewf & such things
    eti, Jan 11, 2009
  6. SaintStewart


    Dec 23, 2008
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    Hi all. I'm just about to try this as the general consensus seems overwhelmingly positive. The only thing I am not sure about is what filesystem to choose - i have a SSD, so this might be very important.
    I'm getting the impression from here that people are using NTFS, because Windows7 is allegedly smarter about working with SSDs than XP or Vista, but I'd appreciate anyone who has installed Window7 to an SSD using NTFS to advise what performance is like.
    ck-, Jan 15, 2009
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