Window to large? Problem Solved!

Discussion in 'MacOS' started by ahovis, Feb 3, 2009.

  1. ahovis


    Nov 1, 2008
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    If you have been frustrated by windows who's minimum size will not fit on the One's screen, here is some help.
    Either of these apps, one is donation ware the other cost a few $, will solve the problem.

    or Window Wrangler:

    Use the move window keys in both apps as the window resize will not make a window smaller than the minimum allowed which is often off the bottom of the Acer screen.

    These apps have the ability using the keyboard to move a window regardless of its size so you can reach the buttons located off screen. Too bad someone can't make this function apply to the entire desktop window so it can scroll as a1ctl does for XP.
    ahovis, Feb 3, 2009
  2. ahovis


    Nov 1, 2008
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    Well after some more investigation, it seems the problem is how the various windows are made. Some windows can be moved up and past the top menu bar (i.e. the finder window) and others can not (i.e. preference panel). Not sure what makes these windows different but the ones with no green zoom dot can not be moved past the top menu (or the side and bottom screen boarders) and therefore apps such as Window Wrangler can not move those windows which are larger than the screen up to where you can reach things off screen but those with the zoom button can be moved past the top (or any border) where you can reach the things which were off screen.
    ahovis, Feb 5, 2009
  3. ahovis


    Mar 31, 2009
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    Re: Window to large? Problem Solved!???

    What about people who use external monitors. Is there a way to make the vga monitor resolution higher so the whole pref pane windows can be seen? Or does the AAi only have the one resolution in the monitor settings?
    Is there a way to scroll up and down to see the bottom of these windows?
    Aspiration, Apr 1, 2009
  4. ahovis


    Mar 31, 2009
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    "Not sure what makes these windows different but the ones with no green zoom dot can not be moved past the top menu (or the side and bottom screen boarders) and therefore apps such as Window Wrangler can not move those windows which are larger than the screen up to where you can reach things off screen but those with the zoom button can be moved past the top (or any border) where you can reach the things which were off screen."

    Ah... what green zoom dot? Where is that? Just got an AA1. Only thing I've been able to do with windows that go off screen is to left click and drag them a bit but mostly I still can't get to the bottom corner of the window to shrink its size so its all on the screen.
    Aspiration, Apr 1, 2009
  5. ahovis


    Mar 21, 2009
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    I tried to use my HDTV as a monitor with no success, as others have pointed out.

    I just bought a 19" Acer X193W LCD monitor that connects using VGA. I love it. Magically, many options became available for resolution as soon as it was connected. I use 1280x768 @ 60 and it fills the screen with no distortion. I should mention my OS is Linpus, it shows 1024x600 @ 60 as the only option for the built-in monitor.

    JL2652000, Apr 1, 2009
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