Windows 10....why?

Discussion in 'Windows' started by Oats, Jan 14, 2016.

  1. Oats


    Feb 1, 2016
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    Actually, @Oats is correct. You need to do your homework nytegeek. You are wrong. It is you who does not understand operating systems, or technology in general. For over 30 years I've seen the decline into madness that Microsoft has forced people down a straight and narrow path into the abyss of ignorance which you are promoting while not really knowing what you are talking about. Windows 10 does spy on you, it does harvest your data, and even despite this article, there are some tracking it does below the GUI you probably think is your OS instead of the kernel to track and record what you do. You may or may not know that you can opt-out of "a few" ways they infringe upon your privacy, record, and sell your information without your consent such as here:

    Unfortunately, they can still "decide" to delete or change any personal information or private works you've made of any kind, and that includes the deletion of your own software you develop and the source code to it (if in the same directory) of a program "they don't like" or "don't want on your system". Maybe you should read their Terms of Service some time before you go off half-cocked and misinform people? Ignorance may be bliss, but attacking others with your ignorance is advocacy for idiocracy. Next time, know what you are talking about before you try to flame someone when they already do LoL!

    If you want to be safe, use an operating system that does not infringe upon you. Debian Linux might be a good place to start. PC BSD is another great choice to exit the rat race on it. Even though Windows 7 spies "less" than 8, 8.1, or 9 (called "10" because Microsoft refuses to count correctly and wants to match OS X), it's still less secure than XP SP3 but it's about the only choice people have now for a Windows version that doesn't demand ownership over you and all your data like the Win8 and Win9 TOS does on out.
    Last edited: Feb 1, 2016
    IBMPC8088, Feb 1, 2016
  2. Oats


    Jul 26, 2015
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    Why indeed. Having used it and tested a bunch of code on Windows 10, I don't see any huge improvement over Windows 7. The latter works, is fast, and isn't being updated constantly to patch issues. Meh to 10. Oh, it isn't a bad OS, but I can't think of a single feature in it that would make me want to jump to that version.
    GearZ, Feb 1, 2016
    IBMPC8088 likes this.
  3. Oats


    Sep 13, 2015
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    I am a professional with the education and experience to back up my statements, and I certainly know the difference between the GUI and the OS. So maybe cool it with the patronizing remarks. The "spying" you refer to is hardly as insipid as you claim nor is it unique to Microsoft. I have been using Linux for years by the way, you haven't said anything useful here.
    nytegeek, Feb 2, 2016
  4. Oats


    Feb 1, 2016
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    I am an electronics engineer with 30 years experience working for IBM, Asus, and General Electric. I've been designing some of the programs and the hardware that people use, and I find it counter-intuitive that someone would bash others when they are telling the truth about the spying that Microsoft is doing on their users. In 1986, that was unheard of. In 1996, that was still unheard of. In 2006, it was known but on such a small level that people didn't worry about it. Now in 2016, there are noobs trying to pretend thaet Microsoft isn't doing what they're doing. Just great. I said something useful here, if your ego and disregard for others can extrapolate it. I'm just saying cool it on attacking others baselessly, especially when you're wrong. Oats and others don't deserve your rude commentary or your ignorance to be labeled as fact.

    The widespread use and deception upon the consumer IS unique to Microsoft, because no one else was doing that to their users when people were using CP/M, DOS, and MINIX, and if you were using OS/2, BeOS, or any other alternative operating system, it wasn't happening to you then, either. If you've been using linux for years, it might be a good time to understand why people don't use Microsoft since 1998 or before, rather than being a fanboy. I've said plenty useful here, but I don't think you're able to understand it which is fine if that's where your cognition level is at, but just try to refrain from attacking the others you encounter who are on the right track no matter where you want to be on a subject. Thank you.
    IBMPC8088, Feb 2, 2016
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