Windows 7 Advise...

Discussion in 'Acer Aspire One' started by Eosblue, Oct 21, 2009.

  1. Eosblue


    Dec 17, 2008
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    I'm sitting here with my 751H stock computer (upgraded to 2GB) with Windows XP and it's running fine. I just received an email that my Windows 7 Home Premium disk is on the way and I'm thinking of switching my Acer to Win 7.

    I'm wondering what the best method would be? Is there a dual boot option for the full Win 7 edition? I realize there was that option for Win 7 RC edition and I'm thinking that might be the best approach to installing Win 7. I've been around the "computer track" several times (building, etc), but I don't want to get into tracking down a bunch of drivers, etc to make Win 7 work on my Acer. If I was able to go the dual boot route AND Win 7 worked fine for what I want (mainly surfing the internet and light Excel lifting), I would then can XP.

    Will the Win 7 installation find all the drivers I need for operation with my Acer? Do I need to upgrade the BIOS in order to install Win 7?

    If there is going to be problems with installing Win 7 on my Acer, I'll just stick with XP.
    Eosblue, Oct 21, 2009
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