Windows Installed as D:\Windows not C:\

Discussion in 'Windows' started by Frappawotsit, Jan 14, 2009.

  1. Frappawotsit


    Jan 6, 2009
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    I followed the process on the following link: detailing how to use a USB key to install Windows. The install went perfectly and I now have Win XP Home on my AA1.

    The problem is, during the install, it decided to name the (only) partition D: instead of C: the result being that windows is now installed on D: Also, whenever i put my flash drive in the AA1 now, it shows up on my computer as C: (because it's the first available letter)

    It runs fine (without the usb flash drive in), but i have a couple of applications that won't allow me to change the install path to D:\program files etc etc, and insist on being installed into C:\.... which obviously i can't do.

    Does anyone know why this has happened? As far as i'm aware, from google searches, i'll have to try re-installing the OS. I don't mind doing this, but hope to get some response that may help me avoid the same problem when i re-install.

    Anyone have any ideas?
    Frappawotsit, Jan 14, 2009
  2. Frappawotsit


    Dec 17, 2008
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    The same thing happened to me when I first installed Vista on my desktop PC. It switched the partition letters so Vista was on D: and my Recovery sector was now C:. Then the dang thing wouldn't boot up properly or allow me to recover from the C: Recovery partition. I had to reinstall the OS from scratch and it worked itself out the second time around.

    Not much help. But know that someone out there feels your pain. lol
    maxpower2003, Jan 16, 2009
  3. Frappawotsit


    Jan 3, 2009
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    j0sefK, Jan 17, 2009
  4. Frappawotsit


    Jan 6, 2009
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    Thanks guys, yeah i found as much from the internet, there is no reliable way of getting back to C: other than to re-install the OS.

    What a royal pain in the arse! Anyway, it worked fine 2nd time around, and i'm now running nice and smoothly on XP.

    Which i might add, seems to be running every bit as quickly as the Linux install was... a pleasant surprise.

    thanks anyway for your replies.
    Frappawotsit, Jan 23, 2009
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