Windows Internet Explorer

Discussion in 'Windows' started by ProminentRaven, Nov 30, 2009.

  1. ProminentRaven


    Jun 22, 2009
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    I have a Acer Aspire One, D-150-1165. I now get "Windows Internet Explorer Not Responding"a lot on original start up. Some times it takes 30 minutes before it boots up. This usually occures in the evening but can occure any time on first start up that day. What is causing this? How can I get the Explorer to respond quicker?
    TIA Raven
    ProminentRaven, Nov 30, 2009
  2. ProminentRaven


    Dec 10, 2009
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    If you haven't already, try cleaning out old programs and checking for virus/adware/net nastys.

    If you dont have them
    - Avast for virus protection
    - Superantispyware for spyware protections
    - Malwarebytes' Antimalware for scaning and removing hard to find nasties. I normally unistall that one after uuse though as tryiung to reduce bloat not add more programs.

    Look through the start up to see whats happening and if there's unneeded crap - click start then run then type 'msconfig' without quotes. That brings up a program that shows you what is set to start up (click the start up tab). You can select and unselect what starts up on your computer there. Treat with some caution, its easy to put stuff back into start up, but easier not too. Google dffferent and strange sounding ones before removing them (eg ALCMTR is for Realtek AC97 audio hardware).
    If most of your errors are when you start up, clearing out start up clutter might help.

    Speaking of crap, download crap cleaner (ccleaner at which can rid you of old temp files, and has a REG cleaner.

    What version of IE do you have? You might want to see if a newer version has less 'not responding' errors. Up ti IE 8 now, ... layLang=en or try Firefox ( ) which will most likley run better.

    Make sure you have defragged (right click on C drive in explorer go to properties then tools, then Defragment now).

    Sometimes MS Bootvis can help boot up times (warning this is now unsupported software from MS) but optimising the layout of the boot files.
    tanstaafl, Dec 13, 2009
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