Windows not starting right

Discussion in 'Laptop Hardware' started by the reverend, Mar 14, 2009.

  1. the reverend

    the reverend

    Mar 13, 2009
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    Foster, KY
    I have a slight problem that happens about every 3rd to 5th boot up.
    Windows will not fully load, it acts like it is looking for a driver since only a few of the icons are showing in the task bar.
    What ever it gets stuck on, it loads before the sound drivers and after the video driver. Though I did have it hang once before the video driver icon was in the task bar.
    Rebooting with the power switch, sometimes 2 or 4 times gets it to load up.

    I think its a driver issue but XP has no step by step loading in safe mode like 9X and ME.

    Any one have this issue or know what it is?

    the reverend, Mar 14, 2009
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