Hello everyone. i was wondering if its possible to insert a SD card into the Acer one and install Windows XP on it? What i have understand is that the aao comes with 2 diffrent kind of SSD. the slower "SSDPAM0008G1EA" and the faster "P-SSD 1800". i installed xp on my aao and i happend to get the faster "P-SSD 1800" SSD with a write speed of 12 mb/sec. even though my system almost works as good as a regular XP laptop (with the same specc) it occiasionaly freezes for a second. this is quite annoying, and since the SD Cards has a write speed of 20mb/sec maybe this would improve my performance if i installed XP on it? Thanks for the replies guys, this question maybe has popped up before but i havent found anything :)