Windows Server 2003 R2 Enterprise Edition [works on AAO]

Discussion in 'Windows' started by Guest, Aug 27, 2008.

  1. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Installed and fully updated MS server 2003 r2 right now. Also tried to tweak the registry, restore etc. Fan control works but can't see the temps when open aplication. This is no problem because when you move the mousepointer over the icon in the taskbar the info is shown. The drivers for XP/Vista work, except the vga driver.

    - Quite responsive and good speed.
    - Full server install.
    - Boot up (power button <-> login screen) = 40 sec. (disabled the CTRL+ALT+DEL screen at boot up)
    - Shut down (Button pop-up <-> power off) = 21 sec. (disabled the event pop-up box at shut down)

    - No vga driver from Intel for MS server 2K3 available. The resolution is fixed on 800x600.
    - Install base 4GB (with usiing NLite a smaller install base should be possible without loosing essential functions of a server).

    Didn't tested and used this install enough to come to a conclusion. But so far I don't think this will be a good desktop basis and as server Linux should be better. So I will not continue to work on W2K3 on the AAO for now. Will make a Ghost Image for continuing this install maybe later. I will start on MicroXP.

    Installed from USB Pen. Extracted the ISO to USB (45 min) -> Started the installed TinyXP -> Opened USB Pen -> started Setup.exe.
    Installation took 3 hours and the full windows update (exl. IE7) an additional 45 min. Making the ghost image takes 22 min.

    Somebody had a different experience?

    greetz Ron
    Guest, Aug 27, 2008
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