Wine and the AAO

Discussion in 'Laptop Hardware' started by gregj777, Sep 22, 2008.

  1. gregj777


    Sep 6, 2008
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    No, I'm not talking about Wine, the application that allows you to run Windows programs on a Linux machine (which ran really well on my old EEE PC). I'm talking Savignon Blanc, half a glass poured directly onto the keyboard of the AAO.

    It happened to me last night. I had been using the AAO in the living room and had some wine while watching a movie. I keep the lights out while watching tv and reached for the glass and knocked it over onto the keyboard. It was plugged into the AC so I immediately unplugged it, turned it upside down, and took a wet rag and wiped it down. I held the power key down and forced a shut down and then left it laying upside down all night.

    When I turned it on this morning it booted up fine and all seemed well, until I tried to listen to Sirius online while eating lunch. NO SPEAKERS. I figured they were fried. Yikes. Well it could have been worse. But I was hoping if I left the machine on long enough the heat it generates may "dry out" anything still impacted by the spill.

    I think it worked. Tonight when I took it out of sleep mode I got a USB error warning, something about a USB port wasn't recognized. But I didn't have anything plugged into the USB ports. So I'm thinking the speakers may be via USB internally? Anyway, guess what- I clicked the error box and voila, speakera are working again just like new.

    I haven't tried the external USB ports, and I have not tried the camera yet, but if those work, it appears this disaster was miraculously non-impactful to the computer at all. Which I hope says a lot about it's long term reliability and the overall integrity of the keyboard and other hardware.
    gregj777, Sep 22, 2008
  2. gregj777


    Sep 5, 2008
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    Hehe, nice to know that the AA1 could be that resilient. Though overnight might be a little to short though for the wine to dry one. I would have waited a week. And probably took a little look first in the inside, whether the board was soaked or not. Anyway, nice story... :lol:
    marauder, Sep 22, 2008
  3. gregj777


    Sep 6, 2008
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    Well, I'm impatient lol. It's still running, and I checked the camera and the USB ports and all are well. I suppose something could still mess up but I'm thinking the critical hours are over- knock on wood.
    gregj777, Sep 22, 2008
  4. gregj777


    Aug 8, 2008
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    Richmond, VA
    i don't know what it is but alcohol and laptops but they seem to like getting drunk. a bear spilled on my friends macbook and sobered up perfectly. on the other hand, some defects occured when liquor was spilled on my friends windows laptop.

    so i guess maybe they are all not invincible, as in your case.
    palingenesis, Sep 22, 2008
  5. gregj777


    Sep 6, 2008
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    lol,,, no it wasn't intentional and it's not something I would try on my Macbook Pro. Still happy to report though the AAO is still operating perfectly.
    gregj777, Sep 30, 2008
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